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3. The mirror



La imagen muestra un dedo queriendo decir ok

When you make a task without making a mistake or act with care and precision.

Cuando realizas una actividad de manera correcta o actúas con cuidado y precisión.


The witness gave an accurate account of the case.

El testigo dio un relato preciso del caso.

Spanish word:

Preciso, exacto



La imagen muestra la corrección de una prueba

The action of evaluating someone or something.

La acción de evaluar a alguien o algo.


Traditionally assessment had been carried out by the teacher.

Tradicionalmente, la evaluación la realizaba el profesor.

Spanish word:



Mirror (noun)

La imagen muestra un espejo de mano

A surface, normally a glass,  that reflects a clear image.

Una superficie, normalmente un vidrio, que refleja una imagen clara.


He looked at himself in the mirror.

Se miró en el espejo.

Spanish word:



Mirror (verb)

La imagen muestra una mujer reflejada en un espejo

To be very similar to something.

Ser muy parecido a algo.


Your actions mirror your thoughts and emotions.

Tus acciones reflejan tus pensamientos y emociones.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una persona mirando hacia delante

To look at details with attention.

Mirar con atención los detalles.


Artists like to observe the world around them to get ideas for their work.

A los artistas les gusta observar el mundo que los rodea para obtener ideas para su obra.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

In the previous section, we worked with emotions. Emotions are the first element of your report called “Your Profile as an Interlocutor”. In this report you will describe in detail your personal style of communication.

So… emotions come first. And what comes second? This activity called “The Mirror” will allow you to explore the different elements that are present in conversations and you will need to decide which four you would like to work on. 

La imagen muestra un espejo de mano

A surface, normally a glass, that reflects a clear image.

Una superficie, normalmente un vidrio, que refleja una imagen clara.


He looked at himself in the mirror.

Se miró en el espejo.

1. The Mirror

La imagen muestra un mono que se mira a un espejo.

Download the worksheet

Mirrors help us see things that the others can see but we can´t. For example, everybody can see your nose all the time but you can only see it if you look at yourself in a mirror. This activity will give you the opportunity to pay attention to things that we usually don´t see or observe. Click on the tab “First Part” and get ready to look and have a laugh.

First part: What can you see?

La imagen muestra a un grupo de estudiantes sentados en círculo en clase. Tres de ellos permanecen de pié para comenzar la actividad.

  1. GAME
    1. You will take part in a mirroring game. In this game, two pairs of students will perform in front of the class and the rest of you will gather in small groups of observers.
    2. The game starts with two pairs of students in front of the class, facing each other, as if they were looking into a mirror. One in the pair, the mirrored pair, will have a conversation for one minute, and the other, the mirroring pair, will imitate all the elements present in their conversation. The mirroring pair should try to give the most accurate reproduction of the one-minute conversation.
    3. While both pairs perform, the different groups of observers will be watching carefully. They will use the worksheet “The Mirror” to write down the things the mirroring pair imitated well, the things the mirroring pair didn´t imitate so well and the things the mirroring pair forgot to imitate.
    4. Repeat the same process with a set of two new mirrored and mirroring pairs.

Now it´s time to share your notes with the rest of your group. Decide on three things that the mirroring pair imitated well, two things that the mirroring pair didn´t imitate so well and one thing the mirroring pair forgot to imitate.

Try to give these things a name, a name that describes them.

Use the worksheet “The Mirror” to write down your conclusions. When you´re finished, you will share your results with the rest of the groups.

Second part: Make a decision

La imagen muestra a cuatro estudiantes sentados alrededor de una mesa y realizando una actividad grupal.

You will work together with other classmates in a new group. In the previous group, you discussed the different elements that were imitated in the conversations. You also gave them names. Now you need to have a discussion in your group in order to make a decision: Which four elements can help you become a better interlocutor? You would include these four elements in your Profile as an Interlocutor, as well as your emotions.

When you´re finished, share your results with the rest of the class.

La imagen muestra un dedo señalando ok

When you make a task without making a mistake or act with care and precision.

Cuando realizas una actividad de manera correcta o actúas con cuidado y precisión.


The witness gave an accurate account of the case.

El testigo dio un relato preciso del caso.

La imagen muestra un monigote mirando

To look at details with attention.

Mirar con atención los detalles.


Artists like to observe the world around them to get ideas for their work.

A los artistas les gusta observar el mundo que los rodea para obtener ideas para su obra.

Lectura facilitada


La imagen muestra un espejo de mano.We can only see our own image in a mirror.

Sólo vemos nuestra propia imagen a través de un espejo.

First part.

Primera parte.



 La imagen muestra dos personas actuando sobre un escenario.You participate in the game as an actor or actress.

Participas en el juego como actor o actriz.

La imagen muestra cuatro siluetas de personas sentadas enfrentadas dos a dos.a. In pairs, face to face.

a. Poneos unos frente a otros por parejas.

La imagen muestra dos siluetas humanas, una de ellas de frente y en color gris en segundo plano y la otra de espaldas en negro en la misma postura que la anterior.b. Imitate your partner.

b. Imitad a la otra pareja.

La imagen muestra la silueta de una persona dirigiendo la mirada.You participate in the game as an observer.

Participas en el juego como observador u observadora.

La imagen muestra una mano escribiendo sobre un papel en blanco.Fill in the worksheet “The Mirror”

Completa la ficha “El Espejo”.

 La imagen muestra tres casillas con dos marcas de OK coloreadas y la tercera de ellas sin colorear, con una flecha encima que indica el paso de la 2ª a la 3ª.Repeat the game with another two pairs of classmates.

Repite el juego con otras dos parejas de compis.

Group discussion.

Discusión en grupo.

La imagen muestra un grupo de cuatro compañeros hablando.Share your notes with your classmates.

Comparte con tus compis tus anotaciones.

La imagen muestra una mano escribiendo sobre un papel en blanco.Fill in the group discussion table.

Completa la tabla de discusión en grupo.

La imagen muestra una plantilla en la que aparece una mano escribiendo con un lápiz.Give a name to the elements in the table.

Ponle nombre a los elementos de la tabla.

Second part.

Segunda parte.

La imagen muestra una persona eligiendo entre dos opciones dadas.In groups, make a decision.

En grupo tomad una decisión.

La imagen muestra una mano con cuatro dedos levantados indicando el número cuatro.Which four elements would you choose to become better interlocutors?

¿Qué 4 elementos os ayudarían a ser mejores interlocutores?

Lumen dice ... How can you give things a name ?

Names help to identify things. Name the things you have imitated during the activity. Remember to use one or two words before the name.

For example: raised brows, wide open mouth, negative emotions, etc.

Lumen dice...

Los nombres ayudan a identificar las cosas.

Pon nombre a los aspectos que has imitado durante la actividad.

Recuerda usar una o dos palabras antes del nombre.

Por ejemplo: raised brows, wide open mouth, negative emotions, etc.

2. Assessment

It's time to assess your participation in this section. Use the Assessment Target to do that.


Assessment target

How did your exploration go?

If you have done all these things, it means it went quite well.

  • You have considered the different elements that are present in a conversation. These elements can be verbal (e.g. the interlocutor uses questions) and non-verbal (e.g. the interlocutor keeps eye contact).
  • Taking into account these elements, you have decided which ones are more helpful to become a successful interlocutor.
La imagen muestra la corrección de una prueba

The action of evaluating someone or something.

La acción de evaluar a alguien o algo.


Traditionally assessment had been carried out by the teacher.

Tradicionalmente, la evaluación la realizaba el profesor.