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4.4. My personality



Persona levantando pesas y cita sobre la fuerza.


My greatest strength is my honesty.

Mi mayor fortaleza es mi honestidad.


My greatest strength is my honesty.

Mi mayor fortaleza es mi honestidad.

Spanish word:




Torso de hombre con chaqueta y puño cerrado en actitud de pelea.


A sign or warning of trouble or danger.

Una señal de peligro o problema.


There is threat of bad weather tomorrow.

Hay amenaza de mal tiempo mañana.

Spanish word:




Persona enferma siendo llevada en silla de ruedas por otra persona.


The state of being weak, the lack of strength.

Estar débil, falta de fuerza.


Alison’s weakness is because of her illness.

La debilidad de Alison se debe a su enfermedad.

Spanish word:



Retor dice

You can achieve your goals easily when you know your strengths and weaknesses.

So let’s do a SWOT analysis.

Persona levantando pesas y cita sobre la fuerza.

My greatest strength is my honesty.

Mi mayor fortaleza es mi honestidad.


My greatest strength is my honesty.

Mi mayor fortaleza es mi honestidad.

Persona enferma siendo llevada en silla de ruedas por otra persona.

The state of being weak, the lack of strength.

Estar débil, falta de fuerza.


Alison’s weakness is because of her illness.

La debilidad de Alison se debe a su enfermedad.

1. What is a SWOT analysis?


A SWOT analysis is a tool to help you find positive and negative things about you. Let’s learn about it with this video.

Visual thinking


What is a SWOT analysis?
It is a tool to help you find positive and negative things before establishing our goals. We can assess internal and external factors.

Strengths are what you do well. For example, you are kind, you work well, you pay attention…

Weaknesses are what you don’t do well. For example, you talk too much, you are aggressive or passive, you don’t participate…

Opportunities are the things or people that help you. For example, friends, family, teachers…

Finally, threats are the things or people that can harm you. For example, anxiety about exams, level, new school, video games...

Do you need extra help with the video?

Audio explanation

2. Strength or weakness?

Now that you have learnt how to do a SWOT analysis, choose one of the following activities to see if you can identify the different sections.

Option A: Remember the content of the analysis

Option B: Is it a strength or a weakness?

Fill in the blanks with the right words. Then you can try to identify sentences as strengths or weaknesses.

I am good at (subject). I like calculating.

I am (dedicated). I study everyday, I do homework and practice sports.

My (clan) helps me at home.

I (call in a favour) to my teacher.

I (behave) with my classmates.

I play everyday. I love Minecraft.

I have wonderful ideas. I am very (adjective).

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Option C: Individual SWOT Analysis

Complete the following worksheet thinking about yourself. Identify your strengths, threats, opportunities and weaknesses.

Option D: Writing about your school

We are going to write a text about the strengths and weaknesses of your school. You can analyse the following topics:

  • Near or far from home.
  • Number of students.
  • Teachers.
  • Environment.
  • Events.
  • Communication channels.
  • Projects.

3. Group activity: Our strengths

Now that you know your strengths and weaknesses, why not doing our class SWOT? Let´s complete the analysis together.

Clavis dice What is a SWOT?

A SWOT (DAFO in Spanish) is a great tool to help you think about your goals.