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4.1. The flipbook

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Are you ready?

The first step is create our flipbook template.

So let’s watch the following videos and learn to create our flipbook.

1. What is a flipbook?

A flipbook is an interactive booklet that helps students write, organize and retain information. It can be used in any subject and about any topic.

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First image of the video. It can be read: what is a flipbook and it can be seen a model of flipbook. What is a flipbook?

¿Qué es un flipbook?

Video image. It can be read: It 's a booklet with important information. A flipbook is a booklet.

Un flipbook es un cuadernillo con pestañas.

Last image of the video. It can be read: our flipbook. There is a summary of the bullet points. Students use a flipbook to organize information.

Los estudiantes utilizan el flipbook para organizar la información.

Video image. It can be read: tabs with titles. Characteristic 1. Tabs with titles.

Característica nº 1. Pestañas con títulos.

Image of the video. It can be read: You can’t see the content until you flip the page. Characteristic 2. Flip the page to see the flipbook content.

Característica nº 2. Levanta la página para ver los contenidos del flipbook.

Image of the video. It can be read: Flipbook is well-organised and visual. Characteristic 3. Flipbook is well-organised.

Característica nº 4. El Flipbook is visual.

Do you need extra help with the video?

Audio explanation

Have a look at the video to learn how to make a flipbook step by step. Then, start creating your own flipbook, but do not write anything yet.

2. Making a flipbook

Have you learnt how to make a flipbook? After watching the videos, choose one of the following options to check your understanding of the explanations.

Option A: Remember the steps

Watch the videos and choose true or false.

Option B: Understanding the process

After watching the videos, write in your notebook a list of the material you need to make a flipbook.  Then, write a visual mind map with the steps to make your flipbook. You can use the following template.

Option C: Checking the order

Watch the videos and put the following steps in order.

  • Take four sheets of paper.
  • Put one sheet on top of the other.
  • Leave a space of about one finger.
  • Fold the sheets.
  • Use a stapler.
  • Write the titles in each tab.
  • Write the content in each tab.

Let’s the check...

Well done! You can start creating your flipbook

Don’t worry. Watch the videos and try again.

Option D: Finding new ways of presentation

We are creating a foldable flipbook in the classroom but it is possible to create a digital flipbook.

Let’s see your Internet searching skills. Search the Internet to find ways of creating a digital flipbook.

You can use Openoffice Impress and create tabs to make your digital flipbook.