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2. My timetable



Dos adolescentes están corriendo descalzos por la orilla de una playa.


Leisure is the time when you relax and spend time on activities that you like.

Tiempo libre que tiene una persona y lo pasa haciendo actividades que le gustan.


Running, playing basketball, knitting, listening to music, etc. are examples of leisure activities.

Correr, jugar al baloncesto, hacer punto, escuchar música, etc. son ejemplos de actividades de ocio.

Spanish word:






Own means that something belongs to a particular person or thing.

Significa que algo pertenece a una persona o cosa.


This is my own notebook of stories.

Este es mi propio cuaderno de historias.

Spanish word:



Scavenger Hunt

Un chico y una chica están buscando objetos de una lista de un juego de búsqueda.


It is a game in which the players collect objects from a list.

Juego en el que los jugadores recogen objetos de una lista.


Kids love scavenger hunts.

A los niños les encantan los juegos de búsqueda.

Spanish word:

Juego de búsqueda.


Spend time

Hay un reloj mostrando la hora.


When you spend time on an activity you devote your time to doing it.

Cuando pasas tiempo haciendo una actividad dedicas tu tiempo a hacerla.


I spend time chatting with my friends.

Paso tiempo charlando con mis amigos.

Spanish word:

Pasar tiempo.



En la imagen hay una chica frente a una pizarra en la que hay dibujado un horario escolar.


A timetable is a chart with the things you have to do at different times each day of the week.

Un horario es un cuadro en el que aparecen los días de la semana con diferentes horas del día y las actividades que se tienen que hacer en cada momento.


My weekly timetable begins on Monday.

Mi horario de la semana empieza el lunes.

Spanish word:



Retor dice

Hi again! What do you think about the questions in the video?

Remember we are going to create a flipbook to answer your initial doubts!

In secondary school we have classroom objects and emotions like in primary school, which classroom objects and emotions can you remember? Let’s check it!

Lectura facilitada




Do you like the video?

¿Te gusta el vídeo?

There are questions in the video

En el vídeo hay preguntas

We answer these questions in the flipbook

Nosotros vamos a hacer un flipbook para responder las preguntas

We start with classroom objects and emotions

Nosotros vamos a empezar con los objetos de la clase y las emociones

1. Scavenger hunt

Let’s meet your partners and remember school objects according to the following steps:

Lectura facilitada


Students in a class Move around the classroom

Muévete por la clase

Worksheet image Look at this worksheet

Mira esta hoja de trabajo

Two girls speaking to each other Ask your partners

Pregunta a tus compañeros

A girl completing a form Write or draw their answers

Escribe o dibuja sus respuestas

Get ready to move around the classroom and ask your partners. You can tell the answers to your teacher or write down/draw the answers in the following worksheet. If you need help, check the sample sentences in the worksheet.

Do you need extra help?

Click here to consult our Guide for Cooperative Work to find out how to meet your partners.

Necesitas más ayuda?

Haz clic aquí para consultar nuestra guía para el trabajo en equipo. Aprenderás a trabajar para conocer a tus compañeros/as.

Motus dice Go on!

Do you remember how many things you have done to complete the task?

You had to put into practice everything you know. Constant work helps you learn.

When we make a great effort, our work is valued by family and teachers. But the most important thing is that we feel glad for the work that we did.

I encourage you to continue working. Keep learning and improving.

Retor dice

Emotions and classroom objects are important for your study!

But also having a good timetable! Do you have one? Let 's work with it!

En la imagen hay una chica frente a una pizarra en la que hay dibujado un horario escolar.

A timetable is a chart with the things you have to do at different times each day of the week.

Un horario es un cuadro en el que aparecen los días de la semana con diferentes horas del día y las actividades que se tienen que hacer en cada momento.


My weekly timetable begins on Monday.

Mi horario de la semana empieza el lunes.

Option A: Checking the timetable

Option B: Completing information from the timetable

Option C: Counting hours

Read the questions and try to answer according to the timetable. Write the answers in your notebook and then check your answers.

How many hours a week does Aitana spend on...