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3. Planning a student’s guide



Un chico y una chica están buscando objetos de una lista de un juego de búsqueda.


To consider or talk about something.

Considerar o debatir sobre algo.


We have to discuss the objectives of the lesson.

Tenemos que debatir sobre los objetivos de la clase.

Spanish word:




Una hoja de un borrador de un trabajo escrito con anotaciones.


An early version of a work (writing, design) before the final version.

Una versión inicial de un trabajo (una redacción, un dibujo) antes de la versión final.


You need to hand in the draft of your work by tomorrow.

Tenéis que entregar el borrador de vuestro trabajo para mañana.

Spanish word:




Un profesor explicando las reglas a su clase.


A principle of how to behave in a place or situation.

Un principio de cómo comportarse en un lugar o situación.


An important school rule is to respect others.

Una regla escolar importante es respetar a los demás.

Spanish word:

Normas o reglas.


Retor dice

Hi again! Now you probably remember subjects, emotions and classroom objects. What can we do with all that information? Do you think we can create a student’s guide to help your partners?

Imagine the Head of your school asks you for help! Which sections would you include? What section is important to know more about your classmates?

Remember this guide is important to help you with our final task, a flipbook for first-year students.

Let’s work in groups!

Lectura facilitada




Remember that your final task is creating a student guide.

Recuerda que tu tarea final es crear una guía del estudiante.

A student’s guide is a collection of useful resources for students.

Una guía del estudiante es un conjunto de recursos útiles para los estudiantes.

A student guide helps students a lot.

Estas guías ayudan mucho a los estudiantes.

Because your classmates and you need some help to be successful in the first year in High School.

Porque tus compañeros y tú necesitáis ayuda para triunfar en el instituto.

You already have information about subjects, emotions and classroom objects.

Ya has trabajado las asignaturas, las emociones y los objetos de la clase.

You only can create a very short student guide with this information.

Podrías crear una guía muy corta con esto.

So you need more information to create your student’s guide.

Así que necesitas tener más temas para crear tu guía del estudiante.

Think with your team about which section is important to include in a student’s guide.

Piensa con tu equipo sobre qué temas son importantes en una guía del estudiante.

Let’s work in groups!

¡Vamos a trabajar en equipos!

1. A student’s guide

What is?

Do you know what a student’s guide is?

A student’s guide is a collection of useful resources for students. It provides academic and administrative learner support throughout the course. We use it when we need support in our learning process. Have a look at this example:

Foreign flipbook

Foreign flipbook


Think about the information you need in a student’s guide and decide in groups which sections we need to include. 

After discussing your ideas with the class, choose 2 sections and decide the content.

Design the draft of two sections and explain them to your partners.


Have a look at this example only in case of an emergency!

Flipbook example

Flipbook puntuation marks

Flipbook example

Una hoja de un borrador de un trabajo escrito con anotaciones.

An early version of a work (writing, design) before the final version.

Una versión inicial de un trabajo (una redacción, un dibujo) antes de la versión final.


You need to hand in the draft of your work by tomorrow.

Tenéis que entregar el borrador de vuestro trabajo para mañana.

Lectura facilitada


You are creating a student guide.

Estás creando una guía de estudiante.

You need information for your guide.

Necesitas información para tu guía.

Think about the sections in your guide.

Piensa sobre los apartados de la guía.

Divide your information in sections.

Divide la información en apartados.

Decide in groups which sections you need to include.

Decide en grupo qué apartados necesitas incluir.

Now all your classmates and you discuss the ideas.

Ahora discute con tus compañeros de clase las ideas.

Choose 2 sections and decide the content.

Elige dos apartados y decide el contenido.

Design the draft of two sections and explain them to your partners.

Diseña el borrador de dos apartados y explícalos a tus compañeros y compañeras de clase.

Look at an example flipbook from a foreign school!

Mira un ejemplo de flipbook de un colegio extranjero.

Apoyo visual

2. Identify what I have to do

You already know what your challenge is and the activity that will bring you closer to the goal. But to succeed in your journey, you will need some strategies that will help you in this and other similar tasks. You will discover them in a diary that we call your Learning Diary.

This time we suggest you open it and complete STEP 1 of the Learning Journal before you start the activity you have just read about!


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it! Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Ya conoces qué reto te proponemos alcanzar y te acabamos de plantear una actividad que te acercará a la meta. Pero para tener éxito en tu camino, necesitarás algunas estrategias que te servirán para esta y otras tareas parecidas. Las irás descubriendo en un diario que llamamos tu Diario de Aprendizaje.

En esta ocasión te proponemos que lo abras y completes el PASO 1 del Diario de aprendizaje antes de empezar la actividad que acabas de leer!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

Retor dice

It’s time to think about the content of the flipbook. Let’s get started!

3. Content of the flipbook

It’s time to think about the content of the flipbook. Let’s know the different sections and content we can find in a student’s guide.

Let’s choose one option among the following activities.

Tabla con una columna y varias filas de colores, en la cabecera dice My Flipbook

Option A: Choosing information


What information can you find in the “Classroom Language” section?


What does this word mean?

English, Geography, Maths, Music.

The school website.



What information can you find in the “Personal Profile” section?


Hard-working, nice, friendly, shy.

On Monday at 11:15 is the school break.

Upstairs you can find the laboratory.



What information can you find in the “Rules” section?


Before speaking, put your hand up.

When is the next exam?

English, Geography, Maths, Music.



What information can you find in the “Materials” section?


Pencil case, crayons, rubber, sharpener.

What page are we on?

Downstairs you can find the music room.



What information can you find in the “Timetable” section?


On Tuesday at 10:15 we have P.E.

Report student absence.

The school has got a lot of students.


Option B: Matching terms

Option C: Comparing two flipbooks

Compare the two flipbooks below. In your opinion, which one has got more useful information? Why? Discuss it with your partner.

Option D: Deciding sections

Choose only five sections from the list below and write in your notebook why they are more appropriate than the others for your flipbook.

Social Media links
Dress code
General Information
Trips / excursions
Personal Profile
Classroom Language
Rainy days

Retor dice

Now let’s see if you can find the following 10 words in the wordsearch: break, rules, cafeteria, teachers, sports, timetable, classroom language, school map, snacks, countries.

Then classify the words into two columns in your notebook: flipbook sections and extra words.

Un profesor explicando las reglas a su clase.

A principle of how to behave in a place or situation.

Un principio de cómo comportarse en un lugar o situación.


An important school rule is to respect others.

Una regla escolar importante es respetar a los demás.

4. Looking for information

You can find information about flipbooks searching the Internet. Do you know how to to it?

Do you need extra help?

Click here to access the Guide for Digital Competence

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Puedes buscar información sobre los flipbooks investigando en Internet. ¿Sabes cómo hacerlo? Click aqui para acceder a la Guia de la Competencia digital.

5. Wordsearch: sections in a student's guide

6. Have I been able to do the activity?

You have already finished the activity, A student’s guide! The beginnings may have caused fear and insecurity.

If you complete STEP 2 of the Learning Diary (Will I be able to do it?), you will see that those feelings are common when you start a task and reflecting on this will help you reduce your insecurities in the next activities.


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it! Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

¡Ya has terminado la actividad, como es A student 's guide! Los comienzos te han podido crear miedos e inseguridades a la hora de realizarla.

Si completas el PASO 2 del Diario de aprendizaje (¿Seré capaz de hacerlo?) podrás ver que tus sentimientos son habituales cuando empezamos una tarea y reflexionar sobre ello te ayudará a que en las próximas actividades esa inseguridad sea cada vez menor.


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines! ¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!