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4.3. How to connect ideas



La imagen muestra unas manos esposadas sujetando rollos de dinero.

To take something that is not yours.

Quitar algo que no es tuyo.


He was charged with burglary.

Él fue acusado de robo. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra a un jugador atrapando una pelota de rugby.

To take something or somebody that is escaping or moving.

Agarrar algo o a alguien que se escapa o se mueve.


The mouse was caught by the cat.

El ratón fue atrapado por el gato. 

Spanish word:

Atrapado, cogido



La imagen muestra un teléfono móvil destrozado.

Something that is broken into pieces.

Algo que está hecho a pedazos.


The TV was smashed when we came in.

La televisión estaba destrozada cuando nosotros entramos.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un teléfono móvil destrozado.

The action of taking something that is not yours.

Acción de llevarse algo que no es tuyo.


Somebody has stolen my wallet.

Alguien ha robado mi cartera. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra unas manos subrayando un periódico con un rotulador de color rosa.

  To highlight something with a colour to give it importance.

  Resaltar algo de un color para darle importancia. 


  I underlined with a yellow highlighter pen the important words.

 Yo subrayé las palabras importantes con rotulador amarillo fluorescente.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice.

You have learnt the parts of an investigation file.

The following activity will help you learn some useful connectors to write a better report.

Keep going! 

1. Introduction to linkers

Pay attention to this image.

In it, you will learn connectors to express cause and effect relationships.

You will learn seven connectors, which we have accompanied by seven examples for you to learn how to use them.

This way, the expression of your report will be even better!

Connecting ideas

Lectura facilitada


Pay attention to this image.

Presta atención a esta imagen.

In this image, there are connectors.

  En esta imagen hay conectores. 

These connectors belong to two types: cause and effect.

Estos conectores son de dos tipos: causa y efecto.

Each connector has an example.

Cada conector tiene un ejemplo.

The example will show you how to use each connector.

El ejemplo te enseñará a usar cada conector.

You will use the connectors in the police report.

  Usarás los conectores en el informe policial. 

2. How to use connectors

These exercises will help you to get the hang of connectors.

Option A: Remember the connectors

Have a look at the image above.

Copy the examples in your notebook and underline the connectors. 

La imagen muestra unas manos subrayando un periódico con un rotulador de color rosa. Definition:

  To highlight something with a colour to give it importance.

  Resaltar algo de un color para darle importancia. 


  I underlined with a yellow highlighter pen the important words.

Yo subrayé las palabras importantes con rotulador amarillo fosforito.

Option B: Use the connectors

Taking the infographic into account, write in your notebook, at least, one example using each of the connectors.

Option C: Identify the connectors

Watch the video in The Mystery Scene.

Find the connectors and write them down in your notebook. 

Option D: Place the connectors

Write the missing connectors in the correct sentence. 

In some sentences, more than one answer is possible.

Motus dice How confident were you while doing this task?

When we have to do an activity, we may have doubts about our ability to do it. 

In order to overcome these fears, follow these tips: 

1. There are things you do very well. Use them to do the activity. 

2. There are things that are a little difficult for you to do.

  • Try and believe in yourself.
  • You will be surprised at what you can achieve.

3. Some things are very difficult.

  • Look at an example, ask your classmate or ask your teacher for help.