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4.2. Expressing opinions



La imagen muestra una carretera partida en dos por una larga y profunda grieta.

Sudden and violent shaking of the earth's crust.

Movimiento repentino y violento de la corteza terrestre.


Luckily, water supply was not affected by the earthquake.

Por suerte, el abastecimiento de agua no fue afectado por el terremoto.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un señor con traje y corbata que se dirige a un grupo de escolares.

Person in charge of a school.

Persona responsable de un centro educativo.


The headteacher told off Judy and Pam after their loud discussion.

La directora regañó a Judy y Pam por discutir en voz alta.

Spanish word:

Director o directora de centro escolar.



La imagen muestra un señor que habla al micrófono mientras otros tres miembros de un programa de radio le escuchan.

Person who gives her/his opinion of news in the media.

Persona que da su opinión sobre las noticias en los medios de comunicación.


My grandfather loves to discuss with radio panellists while he has breakfast.

A mi abuelo le encanta discutir con los tertulianos de la radio mientras desayuna.

Spanish word:

Tertuliano o tertuliana.



La imagen muestra unas tijeras a punto de cortar una cinta de colores.

To make something shorter.

Hacer algo más corto.


Shorten your speech or you will bore the audience.

Corta tu discurso o aburrirás al púbico.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una señora que habla a los micrófonos de un atril que tiene un sello oficial.

A declaration or observation about something.

Una declaración u observación sobre algo.


The prime minister's statement suprised everybody.

La declaración de la primera ministra sorprendió a todo el mundo.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice...

Now that you know what a piece of news is and you can tell which is real and which may be fake, you will tackle opinions. 

Opinions are ever present in the media, so it’s important to know how to express them. 

Important as they are, opinions should not be confused with the news, as they serve very different purposes. 

In the next set of exercises you will get to know what an opinion is and how it is different from the news. 

And what’s best, this will help you develop your final task.

Lectura facilitada


You can tell real news from fake news.

Distingues noticias reales y falsas.

You give your opinion.


You distinguish between news and opinions.

Distingues entre noticias y opiniones.

It will help you with the final task.

Te ayudará en la tarea final.

1. What you need to know


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As you know, news tells you facts. Actual events that happened, are happening or will happen. 

There should be nothing ambiguous about the news because they tell things as they are

Let’s take a look at this headline.

          Rigoletta Monteverdi elected as new president.

That is what happened. It is told as a fact.


People may also express their opinion and ideas rather than pure facts.

Take a look at these opinions:

          I believe Rigoletta Monteverdi will be a wonderful president

          I don’t think Rigoletta Monteverdi will be a good president 

The only news is “Rigoletta Monterverdi has been elected president”.

Sarah and Michaela are expressing two different opinions here.


  • News are facts. Facts are the same for everybody. 
  • Opinions are not facts. Opinions are not the same for everybody.

You will find both news and opinions in the media. 

Check these useful expressions. When people express opinions they use verbs such as believe, like or think:

  • I think the new educational law is very good.
  • I believe the new educational law is very good. 
  • I like the new educational law, it is very good. 

Some of those verbs can be used in the negative form to express an opinion:

  • I don’t think the new educational law is very good.
  • I don’t like the new educational law, it’s not very good.
  • I don’t believe the new educational law is very good.

People can also express that they don’t like something. Use hate or dislike.

  • I hate the new educational law.
  • I dislike the new educational law.

Another way to express opinions is by using expressions such as as I see it, from my point of view or in my opinion:

  • In my opinion, the new educational law is very good.
  • As I see it, the new educational law is very good.

You are also expressing an opinion when you say you share or don’t share somebody’s point of view. Use the verbs agree or disagree:

  • I agree with the President when she says that it’s a good time to do that.
  • I disagree with the President when she says that it’s a good time to do that.

Opinions can be made stronger by using adverbs such as definitely, firmly, truly, strongly or really.

  • I firmly believe that the future will be better than the past.
  • They really dislike what the president said.
  • I strongly disagree with you.

When an opinion is given, it’s always a good idea to explain it. Use because and since.

  • I strongly disagree with banning mobile phones at school because they are a great learning tool.
  • I think it’s a good idea to ban mobiles at school since they are very distracting.

People have different roles in the media. Usually, hosts and reporters tell the news. Panellists give their opinions

Now you know how to express your opinion.

Share your thoughts in a radio programme!

Lectura facilitada


La imagen muestra la página de un peridodico con una foto de una casa en llamas. News are facts.
Facts are the same for everybody.

Las noticias son hechos.

Los hechos son los mismos para todos.

La imagen muestra a cuatro personas sujetando un bocadillo de diferente forma y color. Different people have different opinions.
In order to express opinions:

Las opiniones cambian según la persona.

Para opinar:

La imagen muestra tres dibujos que representan la acción de comer, lavarse y caminar. You use the verbs “believe”, “like” or “”think”.
You use these verbs in the affirmative.
You use these verbs in the negative.

- Usas los verbos “creer”, “gustar” o “pensar” para opinar.

- Usas estos verbos en afirmativo.

- Usas estos verbos en negativo.

La imagen muestra una persona de perfil donde salen dos bocadillos uno con el cierre de una interrogación y otro con el cierre de una exclamación.  You use expressions such as:
- As I see it.
- From my point of view.
- In my opinion.
- I agree.
- I disagree.

 - Usas expresiones como:

  • Tal y como yo lo veo.
  • Desde mi punto de vista.
  • En mi opinión.
  • Estoy de acuerdo.
  • No estoy de acuerdo.

la imagen muestra un paisaje de montañas, arbustos, árboles, coche y una persona, donde describe con letra los adverbios que suceden en dicha imagen: cerca, lejos, poco, mucho, entre otros. You use adverbs such as:
- Definitely.
- Firmly.
- Truly.
- Strongly.
- Really.

 -Usas adverbios como:

  • Definitivamente.
  • Firmemente.
  • Verdaderamente.
  • Fuertemente.
  • Realmente.

La imagen muestra a un grupo de seis personas sentadas hablando entre sí de forma relajada. You express your opinion.

 Explicas tu opinión.

la imagen muestra a un locutor de radio. There are different roles in the media:
- Hosts and reporters tell the news.
- Panellists give their opinions

Hay distintos roles en los medios:

  • Los presentadores y reporteros cuentas noticias.
  • Los tertulianos dan su opinión.

2. Tell me what you think

Your opinion matters, let the world know about it.

Option A. Piece of news or opinion?

Which of these statements is a piece of the news and which expresses an opinion? Choose the correct option.

La imagen muestra una señora que habla a los micrófonos de un atril que tiene un sello oficial. Definition:

A declaration or observation about something.

Una declaración u observación sobre algo.


The prime minister's statement suprised everybody.

La declaración de la primera ministra sorprendió a todo el mundo.

Option B. Who is talking?

Listen to these audios by media people. Choose whether they are said by an objective host or by panellists who give their opinions:

La imagen muestra un señor que habla al micrófono mientras otros tres miembros de un programa de radio le escuchan. Definition:

Person who gives her/his opinion of news in the media.

Persona que da su opinión sobre las noticias en los medios de comunicación.


My grandfather loves to discuss with radio panellists while he has breakfast.

A mi abuelo le encanta discutir con los tertulianos de la radio mientras desayuna.

Option C. What’s your opinion?

Read these pieces of news and record your opinion about them. You must choose a different verb to express your opinion every time.


Parks will be closed at 3 pm every day starting next week.


Energy drinks will only be sold to 18+ citizens.


School hours are shortened to 4 a day.


The new mayor has decided to build a highway crossing town to speed up traffic.


New law allows teachers to carry guns in the USA.

Option D. Your own radio show

Think about three news pieces you have recently heard. Then, write a dialogue between a host, who will read the news, and two panellists, who will express their opinions about them. You may follow the checklist in case you need it.

Captura checklist

You can download this checklist and complete it if necessary.

Remember to save it when you finish. You can also print it and complete it on paper.

Lumen dice... Do you need any help?

  1. Give your respectful opinion.
  2. Check their body language to guess if the people you’re talking to agree with you.
  3. People may have opinions different to yours.
  4. Listen to different points of view.
  5. Respect other people’s opinions.

¿Necesitas ayuda?

  1. Da tu opinión con respeto.
  2. Mira el lenguaje corporal de tu interlocutor para saber si está de acuerdo contigo o no.
  3. Cada persona puede tener una opinión diferente a la tuya.
  4. Escucha diferentes puntos de vista.
  5. Respetas la opinión de las otras personas.