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2. Breaking news



La imagen muestra un dado rojo con los números formados por puntos blancos.

A small cubical object which usually has numbers on its side.

Pequeño objeto cúbico que suele mostrar números en sus caras.


If you roll the dice and get a six you'll win the game.

Si lanzas el dado y sacas un seis habrás ganado el juego.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un señor suspendido en el aire al saltar entre dos rocas.

To cover a big distance by moving forward with both legs on air.

Cubrir una larga distancia hacia adelante con ambas piernas en el aire.


The cat leaped off the ground and got on top of the shelf.

El gato saltó del suelo y se subió a la estantería.

Spanish word:

Salto hacia adelante



La imagen muestra la rueda trasera de un coche girando a gran velocidad.

To push something forward so as to make it flip over a number of times.

Impulsar algo de manera que gire sobre sí mismo en varias ocasiones.


The cheese rolled down the hill while a group of people tried to catch it.

El queso rodaba colina abajo mientras un grupo de personas trataba de alcanzarlo.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un perro que acerca el hocico a la hierba.

To use one's sense of smell to detect something.

Usar el sentido del olfato para localizar algo.


The airport police dog got a cookie after a long day sniffing suitcases.

El perro policía del aeropuerto consiguió una galleta tras un largo día olisqueando maletas.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un titular y un subtítulo de un periódico antiguo.

Short piece of text placed under a headline.

Breve texto que se coloca bajo el titular.


The subheadline clarified the weird headline.

El subtítulo aclaró el extraño titular.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice...

Is there a difference between a piece of news and an opinion? If so, can you distinguish them? 

Discuss and pay attention to the details because they will help you with the final challenge.

Lectura facilitada


You do research on the difference between news and opinions.

Investigas la diferencia entre noticia y opinión.

You pay attention to details.

Prestas atención a los detalles.

The information helps you with your final challenge.

La información te ayuda para el reto final.

1. News, news and news

You are a reporter. For this activity, your team will need one dice. Roll it twice.

First, to choose from A to F on the first column and then, to choose from 1 to 6 on the first row. 

Find the image that matches both numbers and sketch out your piece of news to tell it to the other teams of the class. 

Will they guess the picture you were talking about? 

Who was the best team creating the news?

Captura Portada Breaking news

Click here to download Breaking news

La imagen muestra un dado rojo con los números formados por puntos blancos. Definition:

A small cubical object which usually has numbers on its side.

Pequeño objeto cúbico que suele mostrar números en sus caras.


If you roll the dice and get a six you'll win the game.

Si lanzas el dado y sacas un seis habrás ganado el juego.

La imagen muestra la rueda trasera de un coche girando a gran velocidad. Definition:

To push something forward so as to make it flip over a number of times.

Impulsar algo de manera que gire sobre sí mismo en varias ocasiones.


The cheese rolled down the hill while a group of people tried to catch it.

El queso rodaba colina abajo mientras un grupo de personas trataba de alcanzarlo.

Lectura facilitada


La imagen muestra a una reportera con un micrófono en la mano hablando a una cámara de televisión. You are a reporter.

Eres reportero.

La imagen muestra un tablero con etiquetas o pictogramas dentro. You use the board.

 Usas el tablero.

La imagen muestra una mano lanzando un dado que está dentro de un cubilete. You roll the dice.

 Tiras el dado.

La imagen muestra un tablero de comunicación con pictogramas y un dedo señalando uno de ellos. You choose one letter.

 Eliges una letra.

La imagen muestra una mano lanzando un dado que está dentro de un cubilete. You roll the dice.

 Tiras el dado.

La imagen muestra un tablero de comunicación con pictogramas y un dedo señalando uno de ellos. You choose a number.

 Eliges un número.

La imagen muestra la página de un periódico donde aparece una foto de una casa en llamas. You tell your piece of news.

 Cuentas tu noticia.

Motus dice... Did you talk to yourself to solve the activity?

It is very common that when we are working, we talk quietly to ourselves. It is a way to understand what we are doing and to find solutions to tasks or activities. 

Do it often because it will help you: 

  • Remember the steps to do the activity. 
  • Ask yourself questions to understand the information.
  • Encourage you to finish the activity and stay focused.
  • Know how you feel about the activity. 

Talk to yourself. You will learn better!

2. The News Site

News in the past, in the present and in the future. The following activities will be very useful to carry out the final challenge.

Option A. Was, is or will it be true?

Do the following headlines and subheadlines talk about the present, the past or the future?

La imagen muestra un titular y un subtítulo de un periódico antiguo. Definition:

Short piece of text placed under a headline.

Breve texto que se coloca bajo el titular.


The subheadline clarified the weird headline.

El subtítulo aclaró el extraño titular.

Option B. Sports News

Choose if the following verbs refer to the present, past and future. 

Alcaraz cracked the top 10 last month, becoming the youngest player to do so since Nadal in 2005. He also became the second-youngest player to win two Masters 1000 titles, with Miami and Madrid titles. Nadal was 18 when he achieved the feat in 2005.

“He is what he is. He is fantastic,” Nadal said of Alcaraz, days after losing to him in the Madrid quarterfinal. “Probably in 2005, I will not say about myself that I was fantastic, but I think I was quite good, too.” 

But no matter what happens in Paris over the next two weeks, you won’t hear Nadal lament the changing of the guard or the generational change. Instead, the 35-year-old with the most major singles championships of any male tennis player has already acknowledged that his time at the top is running out and that Alcaraz could soon assume the throne.

Option C. A daring stunt

Fill in the gap with the verb in the correct tense.

you  the latest about Red Bull’s daring stunt?

On April 24, 2022, cousins Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington  to swap planes mid-air. Energy drink company Red Bull this daring stunt. However, the in-flight “plane swap”  to be like no other witnessed, the event  as planned, luckily the stuntmen  uninjured.

Aikins and Farrington  in their single-seat planes. Upon reaching 14,000 feet, the experimented skydivers were jumping and trying to take control of each other’s planes. The men  catch falling planes before they  4,000 feet, to restart engines and land safely.

Farrington’s plane  in the Arizona desert. 

The United States Federal Aviation Administration is now  the failed plane swap. It  that FAA officials  the organizers request to allow planes to fly unmanned and asked them to include a second pilot. As this  clearly not the case, the ones involved  punishment.

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Option D. Breaking news

You are a reporter now. Use the video below to record a piece of news based on it. Remember you have to talk about the past, the present and the future.


3. Answering patterns

To reach a goal, you need to be strategic. That is to say, to have methods, techniques, "tricks" to get where you want to be sooner or more easily. Now I'm going to teach you a strategy, take advantage of it to reach your goal!

In this activity it is important to remember if we have taken part in similar games, click here for help:

Did I do something similar? | Teaching guide, Learning to Learn Competence (Secondary) (

I am sure you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para llegar a una meta, es conveniente que seas un buen o buena estratega. Es decir, tener métodos, técnicas, “trucos” para llegar antes o de forma más fácil donde tú quieres. Ahora te voy a enseñar una estrategia, ¡Aprovéchala para alcanzar tu reto!

 En esta actividad es importante recordar si hemos participado en juegos similares para ayudarte pulsa aquí:

¿Hice ya algo similar? | Guía didáctica de la competencia aprender a aprender (Secundaria) (

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!