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6. Helping each other


School bulletin board

La imagen muestra un tablón de corcho con varias hojas pinchadas en él con chinchetas.

Piece of wood for announcements at school.

Tablón de anuncios escolar.


We have to place our announcements at the school information board to make them visible. 

Tenemos que poner nuestros anuncios en el tablón escolar para que sean visibles.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

Creating a volunteer position announcement is so useful! You created an announcement to select the best candidate for different positions. From now on, you will be able to think about the skills you need to help with your school necessities.

You can share these announcements with your school using the website and the school bulletin boards. The school will appreciate having a group of students ready to help with the different school Programs. 

La imagen muestra un tablón de corcho con varias hojas pinchadas en él con chinchetas. Definition:

Piece of wood for announcements at school.

Tablón de anuncios escolar.


We have to place our announcements at the school information board to make them visible. 

Tenemos que poner nuestros anuncios en el tablón escolar para que sean visibles.

Easier to read


Your ad to look for volunteers is very useful.

Tu anuncio para buscar voluntarios es muy útil.

You created an ad to select the best candidates.

Creaste un anuncio para seleccionar a los mejores.

La imagen muestra la cabeza de un chico con un bocadillo de pensamiento encima de la cabeza sin ningún contenido en su interior.Now, think of the skills they need.

Ahora, piensa en las habilidades que se necesitan.

La imagen muestra un tablón de corcho con varias notas pinchadas en él. Share your ad in the school web or in the notice boards.

Comparte tu anuncio en la web del instituto o en los tableros de información.

La imagen muestra cuatro jóvenes abrazados muy sonrientes con la misma camiseta en la que se lee la palabra “volunteer”.Having volunteers to help others is good for your school.

Tener voluntarios para ayudar a otros es bueno para el instituto.

1. What you have learnt


La imagen muestra un gran tablón de corcho con cuatro papeles sujetos con chinchetas con el resumen del trabajo hecho hasta ahora.


Looking for helpers

In this resource you’ve learnt: 

  • to use simple verbs can, must and have to, to express possibilities and obligations;
  • vocabulary to talk about your abilities and skills, with adjectives of personality and adjectives with prepositions;
  • to write a job announcement with the correct structure and vocabulary to appeal to others to join a team. 

Kardia dice... Don’t stay here, “Keep on swimming”!

La imagen muestra un pez payaso nadando en el fondo del mar entre arrecifes.

We are almost at the end. It‘s wonderful to help others. Each of us brings what he/she can do, everybody counts.

We improved difficult situations. We made a better school. But don’t stop here, at your school! Like in the film “Finding Nemo”: Keep on swimming, keep on swimming!

Now you can start a volunteer project in any part of society. Let’s make a better society together!

2. To conclude

To conclude, let's remember the strategy that you have learned during this challenge.

We taught you this strategy and you worked on it in section 4.1 Helping to make a change. Go back to that section and review for a moment what it consisted of and how it helped you achieve the challenge we proposed.

Now open the Learning Diary and complete the last page.

In this section you will keep valuable information about the strategy, in which activities you have applied it, whether it has been useful and what has been the most difficult for you.

Keep up the good work, you're doing great!

For your effort, you have earned your first badge here, which you will be credited with as Mega Strategist. Congratulations!


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on your pc, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

3. Rubric

Looking for helpers
1. In your announcement, the volunteer positions are clearly described. Possible candidates can clearly see all the positions offered. (12.5)Your announcement presents the volunteer positions in a correct way. (9.4)You don’t describe correctly all the positions offered. (6.25)You have to clarify the different positions for volunteers at your school. (3.1)
2.You use personality adjectives, including adjectives with prepositions, to describe the characteristics required for the positions.Your announcement perfectly describes the personal characteristics that the volunteers must have for the positions. (12.5)You express correctly the abilities and characteristics of the volunteers for your projects. (9.4)Your announcement doesn’t describe some of the characteristics that volunteers must have. (6.25)You need to go back and revise the personality adjectives and their prepositions that you need for your announcement. (3.1)
3. You use can, must and have to properly in the description of the requirements for the position.The use of modal verbs and have to is perfect to express the requirements of the volunteer project. (12.5)Your announcement has the correct modal verbs in the description of the requirements of the positions. (9.4)You can include some more modal verbs to express the needs of the positions better. (6.25)Some of the uses of your modal verbs are not correct. Go back and revise the presentation. (3.1)
4. The vocabulary and structure of your announcement are appealing to others.Your announcement will catch the students’ attention very easily. (12.5)Your announcement is more or less attractive to others. (9.4)You can use more vocabulary and a better structure in your announcement. (6.25)The structure of your announcement is not clear and you have to include more vocabulary. (1.25)
5. You express clearly the place and dates for the meetings.All candidates can know where and when you will meet. (12.5)The place and dates for the meetings are included but candidates can see that information more easily with a better design of the announcement. (9.4)Some volunteers will need further information to attend the meetings. (6.25)The place or the date for the meetings are missing in your announcement. (3.1)
6. You include full contact information for those interested.From the first moment, volunteers will find all the information they need to contact you. (12.5)You include all the contact information, but some details can be expressed more clearly. (9.4)In your announcement some contact information is missing. (6.25)There isn’t contact information for volunteers to get in touch. (3.1)
7. You establish a limit of time to subscribe for the demanded position. The limit of time for subscription of volunteers is perfectly expressed in your announcement. (12.5)Your announcement contains the time limit for the subscription but candidates cannot find it easily. (9.4)Some details of the time limit for the subscription aren’t expressed in your announcement. (6.25)Volunteers will not see how long they have to subscribe for the positions offered. (3.1)
8. You spread your announcement using all the possible ways: internet, noticeboards, and others.Everybody at school will know about the volunteer projects. (12.5)You used most of the resources to spread your announcement. (9.4)Many students will not hear about your volunteer projects because you didn’t use all the possible ways to spread your message. (6.25)You need a better plan to spread your announcement and get to all the students. (3.1)
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