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4. Join my team



 La imagen muestra una bombilla sobre una pizarra , en la que aparecen dibujados con tiza blanca seis círculos que parecen salir de la bombilla.

Advance in a project or task.

Avanzar en un proyecto o tarea.


We have to develop our school project.

Tenemos que desarrollar nuestro proyecto.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

Now that you have some programs to develop during the school year, it’s time to look for volunteers that join your team. You will need to learn the following contents to write the ad of the final challenge.

 La imagen muestra una bombilla sobre una pizarra , en la que aparecen dibujados con tiza blanca seis círculos que parecen salir de la bombilla. Definition:

Advance in a project or task.

Avanzar en un proyecto o tarea.


We have to develop our school project.

Tenemos que desarrollar nuestro proyecto.

Easier to read


La imagen muestra una pantalla de ordenador con un texto abierto en el que aparecen resaltadas dos palabras.You already chose your programs.

Ya tenéis elegidos los programas.

La imagen muestra un chico con la mano y el brazo levantados como ofreciéndose para algo.Now, it’s time to look for volunteers for those programs.

Ahora toca buscar voluntarios para estos programas.

Learning the following contents can help you.

Aprender los siguientes contenidos te podrá ayudar.

1. What you need to know

1. Simple modal verbs: can, must, have to.

Verbs to express possibilities and obligations.

2. Adjectives of personality and adjectives with prepositions.

To talk about your abilities.

3. How to write a job announcement: structure and vocabulary. 

To catch others' attention to join a team.

2. Not to forget

There are strategies to memorize the information in an efficient way. These are the best tips:

  • Connect and associate the new information.
  • Memorizing techniques.
  • And the best organization of your time to memorize.

Do you need extra help?

To do this, click on the following link and you will see all you need to learn: "Not to forget".

Kardia dice... What's new now is old later

La imagen muestra una hoja de papel blanco con un corazón pintado, al lado hay un lápiz de color rojo y una caja de colores.

These new learnings will help you much with this nice challenge. Learning modal verbs will let you express important things from now on. 

For instance, think of when you want to say that you can do something or have to do something for others. Think of how many good things you can say about you and others. Dare to speak positively!