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2. My dream school



La imagen muestra dos personas compartiendo una pelota roja, que sostiene una de ellas en sus manos, y dos flechas rojas, una encima y otra debajo indicando ida y vuelta.

To take something and return it.

Coger algo de alguien y devolverlo.


Can I borrow your textbook?

¿Puedo tomar prestado tu libro de texto?

Spanish word:

Pedir prestado.



La imagen muestra una persona con el pulgar hacia arriba, una botella de agua junto a una manzana, una persona apoyada en una almohada y otra persona corriendo.

Good for mind and body.

Bueno para mente y cuerpo.


A healthy diet is better than junk food.

Una dieta saludable es mejor que la comida basura. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un trozo de tierra con cultivos, verduras y frutas sembradas junto a una casa.

Plot to plant vegetables.

Terreno para plantar verduras.


The biology teacher began a school orchard.

El profesor de biología ha empezado un huerto urbano. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un grupo de verduras y frutas y al de él una botella con un producto tóxico y unos tubos de ensayos tachados con una cruz roja.

Not treated on chemicals.

Sin sustancias químicas.


Organic fruit is cheap and good.

La fruta orgánica es barata y buena. 

Spanish word:




 La imagen muestra una persona mostrando un doblez de un trozo de papel a un grupo de alumnos.

To play music, sing or act.

Tocar música, cantar o actuar.


My friends perform in a rock band.

Mis amigos tocan en una banda de rock. 

Spanish word:




 La imagen muestra tres personas realizando distintas tareas.




We need all our skills for this project.

Necesitamos todas nuestras destrezas para este proyecto. 

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

It’s time to describe your dream school. Let’s start! Learning about school activities and the parts of your Secondary School will help with your final task.

Easier to read


La imagen muestra el edificio de un instituto al fondo y el patio y las pistas de deporte delante de él.Describe your ideal high school.

Describe cómo sería tu instituto ideal.

La imagen muestra una mano con el dedo pulgar hacia arriba.Let’s go for it!

¡Vamos a ello!

To know the activities that can improve your school will help you with the final task.

Conocer actividades que mejorarán tu instituto te ayudará con la tarea final.

1. Welcome to my dream school!

Have a look at the photos and think about your school. Now you have the opportunity to design your dream high school. In groups, complete the plot of a school. Remember to write the name of each place. You can also add stickers, drawings, or different elements that can make your design more original.

Which classrooms, different spaces and elements has your dream school got?

Accede al recurso School Plan

Click here to download the document School Plan

La imagen muestra un horario escolar.

Alternative activity

Record a short description of the ideal school that you and your group designed.

Clavis dice ... How can I improve my high school?

Maybe you think you can’t do anything by yourself to improve things in your high school.

Think and assess your own abilities, resources and experiences. There are quite a lot, sure!

For sure, you have many opportunities and possibilities to “put your two cents” to change concrete situations of concrete people in your high school. I’ll help you with that. Let’s try together!

2. Come and see my dream school

Choose the activity you prefer. You will remember vocabulary about school places and the things you do there.

Option A. Places at school

Can you remember the different parts of a high school? Find the name of a place at school and match it with the correct picture.

Option B. School activities

Where do you usually spend your time at school? Match the activities with the correct place:

Option C. Different school activities


We can do other activities at school, apart from learning different subjects and skills. Choose the correct place where you can do these activities to improve your school:

1. We will organize a group of actors to perform a play at the end of the year.

 La imagen muestra tres personas realizando distintas tareas. Definition:




We need all our skills for this project.

Necesitamos todas nuestras destrezas para este proyecto. 

 La imagen muestra una persona mostrando un doblez de un trozo de papel a un grupo de alumnos. Definition:

To play music, sing or act.

Tocar música, cantar o actuar.


My friends perform in a rock band.

Mis amigos tocan en una banda de rock. 


a. School canteen

b. Gym

c. Library

d. Theatre



2. We need volunteers to collect litter after the breaks.


a. School canteen

b. Sports courts

c. Library

d. Classrooms



3. We will hang posters to explain the benefits of a healthy diet.

La imagen muestra una persona con el pulgar hacia arriba, una botella de agua junto a una manzana, una persona apoyada en una almohada y otra persona corriendo. Definition:

Good for mind and body.

Bueno para mente y cuerpo.


A healthy diet is better than junk food.

Una dieta saludable es mejor que la comida basura. 


a. School canteen

b. School orchard

La imagen muestra un trozo de tierra con cultivos, verduras y frutas sembradas junto a una casa. Definition:

Plot to plant vegetables.

Terreno para plantar verduras.


The biology teacher began a school orchard.

El profesor de biología ha empezado un huerto urbano. 

c. Library

d. Theatre



4. We want to learn how to grow organic fruit.

La imagen muestra un grupo de verduras y frutas y al de él una botella con un producto tóxico y unos tubos de ensayos tachados con una cruz roja. Definition:

Not treated on chemicals.

Sin sustancias químicas.


Organic fruit is cheap and good.

La fruta orgánica es barata y buena. 


a. School canteen

b. Gym

c. School orchard

d. Theatre



5. We meet here in our book club every Thursday.


a. IT classroom

b. Gym

c. Library

d. Theatre



6. A lot of students like to draw comics. We can organize a comic club.


a. School canteen

b. School lab

c. Library

d. Art classroom


Option D. I volunteer!

Listen to these people's voice messages. Then write a sentence offering your help for each situation. Finally, record your sentences as voice messages. Remember to use different words in your messages. When you finish recording your sentences, show them to your teacher.

Motus dice ... How is your ideal high shool

La imagen muestra dos manos sosteniendo cada una de ellas una pieza de un puzle que encajan la una con la otra perfectamente.

In these activities you thought of your ideal high school. But you can have different points of view.

When we work with a team we learn as a team. Other classmates give reasons, others express very well, some others are creative, etc. We have different abilities to solve tasks. But together, we can. We are like a puzzle, every piece is essential.

It’s important to follow these advices:

  • Share with the rest what you know.
  • Collaborate with the tasks for the team to work out.
  • Value the “superpowers” of each one.
  • Respect what every one offers to the team.