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4.1 We all can



La imagen muestra un cuadrante con un pájaro, una margarita, una montaña y un lago.




We need to protect the environment to preserve life.

Necesitamos proteger el medio ambiente para preservar la vida.

Spanish word:

Medio ambiente.



La imagen muestra un enorme frigorífico con muchos y distintos productos alimenticios en su interior.




All the goods for Africa are in the hall.

Todas las mercancías para África están en la sala. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un mueble de madera con cuatro baldas o tablas horizontales para colocar cosas.

Furniture to put books and other things.

Muebles para poner libros y otras cosas.


Those shelves are too thin for this amount of books.

Esas estanterías son muy delgadas para esta cantidad de libros.

Spanish word:



Tidy up

La imagen muestra Unos chicos ordenando un dormitorio que está muy desordenado.

To make a place look tidy and comfortable.

Hacer que un lugar tenga orden y confort.


They tidy up the bedroom.

Ellos ordenan el dormitorio.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

To express ability, possibility, obligation or prohibition, you’ll need to practise some basic modal verbs. You CAN do it, you MUST practice, you HAVE TO check the activities. This is important for your final challenge!

Easier to read


Use “modal verbs” to express ability, possibility and prohibition.

Usa “verbos modales” para expresar habilidad, posibilidad u obligación y prohibición.

 La imagen muestra dos personas con el brazo enseñanza músculo, la de atrás en color grisáceo no tiene y, la de delante, en color negro, sí tiene.“You CAN do it”.

PUEDES hacerlo.

La imagen muestra dos señales de tráfico, una de obligación y otra de prohibición.“You MUST practice”.

DEBES practicar.

 La imagen muestra una persona señalándote directamente con el dedo índice de la mano derecha.“You HAVE TO check it”.

TIENES QUE revisarlo.

These verbs will be very important for the final task.

Estos verbos serán muy importantes para la tarea final.

1. What you need to know



La imagen muestra un esquema de los verbos modales en inglés: “can”, “must” y “have to”.



CAN: to express ability or possibility

Can has no conjugation, neither the verb that comes after.
“I can play piano”. “She can play football”.

In the negative form, you can write can’t or cannot.
“We can’t run fast”. “He cannot cook well”.

In questions, the subject comes between can and the other verb.
“Can I go to the toilet?”

MUST: to express strong or personal obligation

Must has no conjugation, neither the verb that comes after.
“You must finish your homework”. “I must tidy up my room”.

The negative form means PROHIBITION.
“She mustn’t be late to school”. “You mustn’t step on the grass”.

HAVE TO: obligation by rules or external sources

“Have to” needs conjugation with HE, SHE and IT: HAS TO.
“I have to attend school daily”. “She has to take her passport”.

The negative form implies there isn’t need to do something.
“We don’t have to do that now”. “She doesn’t have to buy a gift”.

For negative or interrogative sentences, you need DO or DOES.
“Do we have to buy the food?”. “Does he have to come alone?”


La imagen muestra Unos chicos ordenando un dormitorio que está muy desordenado. Definition:

To make a place look tidy and comfortable.

Hacer que un lugar tenga orden y confort.


They tidy up the bedroom.

Ellos ordenan el dormitorio.

2. We all can

These activities will help you with the use of can, must and have to. Go for it!

Option A. Do your best


Match the right sentence with the pictures below.


La imagen muestra a unos jugadores de fútbol jugando en el campo.


a. Someone must clean the dishes.

b. You must tidy up the room.

c. They can play soccer.

d. We have to protect the environment

La imagen muestra un cuadrante con un pájaro, una margarita, una montaña y un lago. Definition:




We need to protect the environment to preserve life.

Necesitamos proteger el medio ambiente para preservar la vida.

e. I have to do my homework. 

f. You mustn’t fish in this area.




La imagen muestra un dormitorio desordenado.


a. You mustn’t fish in this area.

b. I have to do my homework. 

c. We have to protect the environment. 

d. They can play soccer. 

e. You must tidy up the room.

f. Someone must clean the dishes.




La imagen muestra un cartel de prohibido pescar.


a. I have to do my homework.

b. You must tidy up the room.

c. You mustn’t fish in this area.

d. Someone must clean the dishes.

e. We have to protect the environment. 

f. They can play soccer. 




La imagen muestra un niño haciendo los deberes.


a. They can play soccer. 

b. We have to protect the environment. 

c. I have to do my homework. 

d. You mustn’t fish in this area.

e. You must tidy up the room.

f. Someone must clean the dishes.




La imagen muestra un hombre tumbado con un cartel que pone “protejamos el medio ambiente”.


a. You mustn’t fish in this area.

b. We have to protect the environment. 

c. You must tidy up the room.

d. I have to do my homework. 

e. They can play soccer. 

f. Someone must clean the dishes.




La imagen muestra un fregadero lleno de platos sucios.


a. Someone must clean the dishes.

b. They can play soccer.

c. I have to do my homework. 

d. You mustn’t fish in this area.

e. We have to protect the environment. 

f. You must tidy up the room.


Option B. The right choice

La imagen muestra tres tablillas, con una cara sonriente, una flecha y un sol.

According to the situation, what verb do you have to choose?

1. I play guitar and flute as well.

2. She finish her homework this weekend.

3. We kick the ball in basketball.

4. To help at school, we have spare time.

5. He draw well but his lettering is nice.

6. He bring a gift to the party.

7. They help with the school garden.

8. You be on time to ride the bus.

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Option C. Wrong word

La imagen muestra a una persona pensativa.

Option D. Do what you have to do

La imagen muestra un perchero con ropa

Listen and complete the text with the right verb. 

Next week there is a benefic market at school, we participate. We take some things we don’t use anymore and donate them, but they be in good condition. We also help with the sale, but we be late. Shelly put the goods on the shelves, Adam clean alone, and Susan eat the cookies to sell. We do a good job.

La imagen muestra un mueble de madera con cuatro baldas o tablas horizontales para colocar cosas. Definition:

Furniture to put books and other things.

Muebles para poner libros y otras cosas.


Those shelves are too thin for this amount of books.

Esas estanterías son muy delgadas para esta cantidad de libros.

La imagen muestra un enorme frigorífico con muchos y distintos productos alimenticios en su interior. Definition:




All the goods for Africa are in the hall.

Todas las mercancías para África están en la sala. 

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Clavis dice ... This is a very important moment

Let’s stop for a moment. Identify the strategies and knowledge used in these tasks, think of the difficulties you found. 

To stop and think is fine once in a while, it helps us to be aware of what we’ve done. And it helps to get strength for what is left. 

Cheer up! This challenge to make your high school a better place is great.