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4.3 I would like to sing a song!

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You are almost ready. You know how to express preferences.
Are you ready to write the lyrics of your song?
Let me show you.
This will help you create your video.

Easy to read


La imagen muestra un muñeco y un reloj You are almost ready.

Tú estás casi preparado.

La imagen muestra gustar You can express your preferences.

Tú expresas lo que te gusta.

la imagen muestra componer Are you ready to write the lyrics of your song?

¿Escribimos la letra de tu canción?.

La imagen muestra a una persona enseñando a grupo de música I can show you.

-  Yo te enseño.

1. How to create the lyrics of your song


Se muestra una infografía con la explicación de los seis pasos a seguir para crear las letras de una canción


How to create the lyrics of your song in 6 steps

1. Create a good title.

First, create a good title for your song using one to six words.

2. Develop the story of the song from the title.

Write down the story that your title suggests.

3. Find the melody for your song.

Try to feel the natural rhythm of its words and turn them into a melody.

4. Complete the structure of your song.

The standard structure of a song goes as follows:

  • Intro
  • Verse
  • Chorus
  • Verse
  • Chorus
  • Bridge
  • Chorus
  • Outro.

The intro and outro are only music, the verses, chorus and bridge are music and lyrics.

5. Rehearse the lyrics with the melody.

It is important to record a rough draft and rehearse the lyrics with the melody.

6. Record your song.

The last and the most exciting part –record your song.
You can use music free software and practice before recording.

2. Create the lyrics of a song

How to write the lyrics of a song

With the members of your band follow the steps included in the former infographics.
Don't forget to include two verses and a catchy chorus plus the bridge if necessary.
Your song should be about a desire, wish or something you like doing in your free time.
Include some expressions which refer to desires, wishes or likes.

Click here to read the subtitles


    This part is a musical introduction to the song.
  • VERSE 1
  • CHORUS 1
  • VERSE 2
  • CHORUS 2
  • CHORUS 3
    This is the musical end of the song.


    In this document you can write the lyrics of your song.

    How to create the lyrics of your song

    Click here to access the document (How to create the lyrics of your song)

    Easy to read


    La imagen muestra varias personas en una mesa escribiendo You write the lyrics of the song.

    Vosotros creáis la letra de la canción.

    La imagen muestra una hoja con pasos All the members of the band follow the instructions.

    Toda la banda sigue los pasos aprendidos.

    La imagen muestra una estrofa The lyrics of the song contain verses, chorus and bridge.

    La letra de la canción tiene estrofas, estribillo y puente.

    La imagen muestra una carta con corazón The lyrics expresse your likes and desires in your free time.

    - La letra expresa deseos, gustos y preferencias en tu tiempo libre.

    la imagen muestra una cara de muñeco con un bocadillo de recordar algo You can remember the previous activities.

    - Vosotros recordáis las actividades anteriores.

    You are going to be a great music composer!

    You and your classmates can listen to some of your favourite songs and discover the parts of a song.

    Don’t forget any part.

    It is easy and quick.

    Music maestro, please!

    Sing along with us!

    In order to create the lyrics of your band song, you must get familiar with the main characteristics of the parts of a song. Are you ready to practice?

    Option A: Build up your song!

    Option B: Music is the language of our soul

    Listen to the song. Match the parts of the song with the lyrics.

    Be the one when no one wants to care
    when you run from me
    I will be behind you and with you and everywhere…

    I will always be here for you
    Standing fast
    I will be your guide
    In the pouring rain
    Comfort you in times of pain.
    I will always be here for you
    Standing fast
    To help you through
    I will be your guide in the pouring rain
    Comfort you in times of pain
    And through it all if you ever fall
    And you need someone to catch you
    I will, I will, I will

    I’ll be your voice when you cannot speak
    I’ll be your strength when you are weak
    take my hand and follow me
    there is nothing we can’t do ‘cause we are family.

    Backup Singer: And through it all if you fall
    Main Singer: Through it all
    Backup Singer: I will be the one to catch you
    Main Singer: I’ll always be there
    Backup Singer: Everywhere, I don’t care, you know that I’ll always be there
    Backup Singer: Through it all I’ll always be there
    Backup Singer You know that I’ll always be there
    Backup Singer Through it all if you fall, I will be the one to catch you
    Main Singer: The one to catch you
    Backup Singer: Everywhere, I don’t care, you know that I’ll always be there

    I will always be here for you
    standing fast to help you through
    I will be your guide in the pouring rain, comfort you in times of pain
    and through it all, if you ever fall and you need someone to catch you
    I will, I will

    You have always lived inside my heart
    when you came into the world, knew you’d be a part of me
    this bond we share so strong and true,
    I hope that you know how much I love you

    I will always be here for you
    standing fast to help you through
    I will be your guide in the pouring rain, comfort you in times of pain
    and through it all, if you ever fall and you need someone to catch you
    I will, I will

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    Option C: Music is for everyone!

    Listen to the song.

    Once you finish, analyze the different parts of the song and match them to the song names we studied so far.

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

    This part of the song is the .

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    Option D: Songwriters needed!

    Create the chorus of a song with these inspirational images.

    When you finish you can show it to your teacher.


    .La imagen muestra una foto de unos amigos pasándolo bien durante el atardecer en una playa.


    La imagen muestra una foto con una pareja joven en la que el hombre besa a la mujer