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5. Jazz it up!



La imagen muestra una mujer grabada con un móvil mientras se come un trozo de pizza.


Act in a way to make it appear that it is what it is not.

Actúa de una manera que parezca que algo es lo que no es.


Pretend to be singing when we are recording the video.

Finge estar cantando cuando estemos grabando el vídeo.

Spanish word:

Fingir, simular



La imagen muestra un chico cantando.


To practice with your voice or with a musical instrument or prepare a play before performing in front of the audience.

Practicar con tu voz, con un instrumento musical o preparar una obra de teatro antes de actuar delante del público.


You should rehearse before the audition.

Deberías ensayar antes de la actuación.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice....

Now you are ready to create your song and record your video.
Follow the steps and enjoy your class musical creation.
Use your imagination and all you know about music.
Don’t worry, you can do it!
It will be a lot of fun.

Easy to read


You are ready to create your song.

Tú estás preparado para crear tu canción.

La imagen muestra a una persona grabando a un grupo de música You are ready to record your musical video.

Tú estás preparado para grabar el vídeo.

La imagen muestra una hoja con pasos Follow the following steps.

Sigue estos pasos.

La imagen muestra la silueta de una persona en un entorno musical bailando Enjoy the music lesson.

Disfruta de la clase musical.

La imagen muestra la silueta de una cabeza con un cerebro imagando Use your imagination.

Use your imagination.

La imagen muestra una sobra de cabeza de la que sale una red de pensamiento Use the information you know.

Usa tus conocimientos.

La imagen muestra la silueta de personas saltando It is fun!

Te divertirás.

1. Create your video

Let’s get to work on the video!

Hombre La imagen muestra un hombre tomando video de mujer tocando el violín


Work in small groups.

Style of music

Decide the style of your music. You can choose any of the clips of audio attached.

Animal instinct
Descarga el audio

Born again
Descarga el audio

Electric fields
Descarga el audio

Accede a la web


Decide the instruments for your band and who is going to play it. You don't need real instruments. In the video, just pretend you are playing them.

La imagen muestra a un hombre  haciendo como que toca  una guitarra imaginaria


Create your song. Express your preferences and remember the structure:

  1. INTRO
  2. VERSE 1
  3. CHORUS 1
  5. VERSE 2
  6. CHORUS 2
  7. OUTRO


Before recording the video you need to practice. Don’t worry about mistakes. They are part of the process.


Use your mobiles to record your video with your music band.

Enjoy it !

Edit it

After the recording, make the necessary changes with an editing software.

Share it

Share it with your class, your social networks or school web page.

Use this checklist to help you with the process.

How to make a music video · Checklist

Click here to access the document (How to make a music video · Checklist)

La imagen muestra un chico cantando.Definition:

To practice with your voice or with a musical instrument or prepare a play before performing in front of the audience.

Practicar con tu voz, con un instrumento musical o preparar una obra de teatro antes de actuar delante del público.


You should rehearse before the audition.

Deberías ensayar antes de la actuación.

Spanish word:


La imagen muestra una mujer grabada con un móvil mientras se come un trozo de pizza.Definition:

Act in a way to make it appear that it is what it is not.

Actúa de una manera que parezca que algo es lo que no es.


Pretend to be singing when we are recording the video.

Finge estar cantando cuando estemos grabando el vídeo.

Spanish word:

Fingir, simular

Do you need help?

2. What have I learnt?

In this last step, I am going to ask you to think about what has been the most important thing you have learnt in order to achieve the challenge.

What you discover by thinking, will help you when you have to meet similar challenges in the future.

Stop for a moment and complete STEP 4 of your Learning Diary (What have I learned?)!


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

En este último paso te voy a proponer que pienses en qué ha sido lo más importante de todo lo que has aprendido para conseguir el reto que te proponíamos.

Lo que descubras pensando en ello te servirá para cuando tengas que alcanzar retos parecidos en un futuro.

¡Para un momento y completa el PASO 4 de tu Diario de aprendizaje (¿Qué he aprendido?)!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

3. Revision

To reach a goal, you need to be strategic. That is to say, to have methods, techniques, "tricks" to get to where you want to be sooner or easier.

Now I'm going to teach you a strategy, take advantage of it to reach your challenge!

This strategy is called “Revision” and within revision you will check your answers.

It has to do with reflecting and analyzing all the process you went through until you got to the final challenge.

I am sure you'll do great!