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4.2.1 Expression of preferences using “I would like to”



La imagen muestra hombres sonriente con un boligrafo firmando en la mano de una fans

A signature from a famous person.

La firma de una persona famosa.


I would love to have an autograph from Rosalía.

Me encantaría tener un autógrafo de Rosalía.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una chica sobre una cama con una guitarra, unos folios y rotuladores

A person who writes music sometimes as a profession.

Una persona que compone música a veces como profesión.


The composer presented a new version of the song.

El compositor presentó una nueva versión de la canción.

Spanish word:






A presentation of a show in front of an audience.

La presentación de un espectáculo delante de un público.


We practise many times to make a good performance.

Nosotros practicamos muchas veces para hacer una buena actuación.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra dos baquetas sobre un tambor de una bateria


A small and long piece of wood to play an instrument.

Una pieza pequeña y alargada de madera para tocar un instrumento.


The drummer usually uses two sticks to play the drums.

El batería normalmente usa dos palos para tocar la batería.

Spanish word:

Palo, baqueta


Rétor dice...

In this section, you will learn how to express your preferences.

This part is really important for your final task.



I would like to

Would is a modal verb.

We use would like to to express a wish or desire:

I would like to be a rock singer.

Would like is always followed by an infinitive with to:

You would like to play music.
They wouldn’t like to buy tickets online.
Would you like to go to concerts?

It has no third-person -s with he / she / it

She would like to see a live concert.
He would like to dance in a band.

Affirmative form

Personal pronoun + would like to + base form of the verb

He would like to be a street musician.
She would like to sing a flamenco song.

Negative form

Personal pronoun + wouldn’t like to + base form of the verb

He wouldn’t like to be a composer.

Personal pronoun + would not like to + base form of the verb

He would not like to be a singer.

Interrogative form: Yes/No questions

Would + Personal pronoun + base form of the verb?

Would you like to have a band?

Yes, I would.
No, I wouldn’t.

Interrogative form: Wh- Questions

Wh- Question + would + Personal pronoun + base form of the verb?

What would they like to see in the future?

They would like to see a live concert.

Where would they like to play?

They would like to play in the mountains.


Affirmative form

Personal pronoun + would like to + base form of the verb

He would like to be a street musician.
She would like to sing a flamenco song.

Negative form

Personal pronoun + wouldn’t like to + base form of the verb

He wouldn’t like to be a composer.

Personal pronoun + would not like to + base form of the verb

He would not like to be a singer.

Interrogative form

Would + Personal pronoun + base form of the verb?

Would you like to have a band?

Short answers

Yes, I would.
No, I wouldn’t / No, I would not.

La imagen muestra una chica sobre una cama con una guitarra, unos folios y rotuladoresDefinition:

A person who writes music sometimes as a profession.

Una persona que compone música a veces como profesión.


The composer presented a new version of the song.

El compositor presentó una nueva versión de la canción.

Spanish word:


1. Express yourself

Through these activities you will practise how to express preferences.

Opcion A: What would you like to do?

Option B: Music everywhere!

Order the words to make sentences

1 de 8

2 de 8

3 de 8

4 de 8

5 de 8

6 de 8

7 de 8

8 de 8

Option C: My preferences!

Listen and complete the sentences.

  1. My favorite singer like to perform in Andalucía next summer.

  2. My band like to practice on Saturdays.

  3. Where they like to buy the tickets for the concert?

  4. We like to sing and dance at the same time.

  5. I sing in a band and my sister would like to sing in a chorus.

  6. They to have an autograph.

  7. My aunt like to see a live concert.

  8. Would you join our group?

La imagen muestra hombres sonriente con un boligrafo firmando en la mano de una fansDefinition:

A signature from a famous person.

La firma de una persona famosa.


I would love to have an autograph from Rosalía.

Me encantaría tener un autógrafo de Rosalía.

Spanish word:


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Option D: Let’s play some music!

Describe how your perfect music band would be.
When you finish, you can show it to your teacher.

La imagen muestra varias manos que sujetan diferentes instrumentos musicales y un portátil