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2. Play it by ear!



La imagen muestra un mano con el pulgar hacia arriba con una carita sonriente

Something that is ok with somebody.

Convenir, quedar bien


This guitar suits the heavy metal band.

Esta guitarra le sienta bien al grupo de heavy metal.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra las letras a-b-c de colores en micúscula

Small, not capitalized letter.

Pequeña, letra no en mayúscula.


This songwriter always writes her lyrics using lowercase letters.

Esta compositora siempre escribe las letras de sus canciones en minúscula.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice....

Let 's talk about music.
How many of these instruments can you name?
How many can you play?
Which one would you like to play?
Learning about instruments will help you with your final task.

Easy to read


La imagen muestra dos caras hablando  Let’s talk about music.

Ahora nosotros hablamos de música.

La imagen muestra instrumentos musicales Can you recognize these musical instruments?

¿Tú conoces estos instrumentos musicales?

La imagen muestra un chico tocando la batería Can you play any musical instrument?

¿Tú sabes tocar algún instrumento musical?

La imagen muestra una cara y por encima una cuenta de sumar y una mano escribiendo letras Would you like to learn how to play a musical instrument?

¿Tú quieres aprender a tocar un instrumento musical?

Musical instruments can help you with the final project.

Los instrumentos musicales te ayudan con la tarea final.

2. Our world

Now that you know the most common instruments, it's time to talk about location. Here you can revise some countries and nationalities.
You will need them to complete the next activity.

La imagen muestra una serie de banderas, países y nacionalidades

3. Where are these dancers from?

Can you dance typical music from your country and recognise dancers from other countries?
Let's see it!

After you finish, search the web and find the most relevant instruments of each of these countries and show it to your class in the attached document.

Find the most relevant instruments

Click here to access the document (Find the most relevant instruments)

4. Top musicians

Check what you know about musical instruments.

Choose the option that best suits you.

La imagen muestra un mano con el pulgar hacia arriba con una carita sonriente Definition:

Something that is ok with somebody

Convenir, quedar bien


This guitar suits the heavy metal band.

Esta guitarra le sienta bien al grupo de heavy metal.

Spanish word:


Option A: Spot the musical instruments

Option B: Music master

Match each sound with its instrument.

This instrument is a .

This instrument is a .

This instrument is a .

This instrument is a .

This instrument is a .

This instrument is a .

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Option C: Find your orchestra!

Listen to the definitions and write the correct instrument.

Write only lowercase letters.

Option D: Be an instrument maker!

Create and describe a new musical instrument.

Rescue some items from the recycling box.

La imagen muestra un hombre tocando un instrumento de creación propia y reciclado

Do you like music?.... Music is around me

You may not listen to music everyday but without noticing music is always by our side, in our mobiles, in ads on TV, in the car, in the bus, etc.

In this adventure you will discover how exciting and entertaining music can be.