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4. A few questions

Rétor dice

Now that you have imagined what it might be like to live in the past, let’s learn how to interview the elderly. The following contents will definitely help you to do that.

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You’ve already thought about how people lived in the past.

Ya has reflexionado cómo vivían en el pasado.

Now, learn to interview elders.

Ahora aprende a entrevistar a personas mayores.

The next contents will help you with the final interview. 

Los siguientes contenidos te ayudarán con la entrevista final.

1. What you need to know

1.  How to prepare an interview

You’ll learn the basis and features of an interview.

2. Sayings

You’ll learn some popular knowledge of oral tradition.

3. How to use reported speech

You will learn to convert direct speech (what you’re told) into reported speech (telling others what you were told).


Lumen dice ... My mission is helping you now

It’s important that you realize the three things you have to know: 1) to make an interview, 2) to use the reported speech, and 3) to learn popular sayings. 

Don’t worry, it’s not difficult and we’ll help you to organize and solve your doubts. It won’t take long or a lot of effort. 

Dare to face it!

Lumen dice...

Es importante que tengas claro las tres cosas que tienes que saber: 1) preparar una entrevista, 2) usar el estilo indirecto, y 3) aprender dichos populares. 

No te preocupes, no son cosas difíciles y te iremos ayudando por el camino a organizarte y resolver tus dudas. No te llevará mucho tiempo ni tampoco mucho esfuerzo.

¡Atrévete con todo ello!