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4.1. Discovering street art



La imagen muestra a una persona de perfil sobre la que aparecen dos bocadillos de diálogos, en uno de ellos está hablando y en el otro hay cuatro expresiones de la cara con un signo de interrogación en el centro.

To cause feelings or information to be understood by someone.

Hacer que alguien entienda sentimientos o información.


The photograph conveys a feeling of happiness.

La foto transmite un sentimiento de felicidad.

Spanish word:

Expresar, transmitir


Cut out

La imagen muestra una mano con tijeras recortando un papel.

When you remove a piece by cutting.

Cuando quitas una pieza cortando.


They cut out the picture and used it in their scrapbook.

Recortaron la imagen y la usaron en su álbum de recortes.

Spanish word:

Recortar, separar



 La imagen muestra un árbol musical.

It is a type of street art characterized by using 3D objects.

Es un tipo de arte callejero caracterizado por utilizar objetos en 3D.


The artist created his installation work by using a huge musical tree.

 El artista creó su obra de instalación utilizando un enorme árbol musical.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una acera

The path for people to walk along the side of a street.

El camino para que la gente camine por el costado de una calle.


There was trash on the sidewalk.

Había basura en la acera.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una esponja

It is a soft material with small holes that absorbs liquids.

Es un material blando con pequeños agujeros que absorbe líquidos.


I used the sponge to wash the dishes. 

Utilicé la esponja para lavar los platos.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una plantilla de un mandala.

A piece of material that has a design or letterings cut out and it is used as a guide for painting.

Una pieza de material que tiene un diseño o letras recortadas y se utiliza como guía para pintar.


The artist used a stencil to paint a mandala.

La artista usó una plantilla para pintar un mandala.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una corbata llamativa.

Something that attracts attention because it is unusual. 

Algo que llama la atención porque es inusual.


He was wearing a striking tie.

Llevaba una corbata llamativa.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una persona presentando un plan organizado.

Something that is made according to an organized method.

Algo que se hace de acuerdo con un método organizado.


He presented his systematic plan.

Presentó su plan sistemático.

Spanish word:

Sistemático, metódico


Rétor dice

As you know, art is not only found in museums but everywhere in your urban area. Come with me and I will show you the different types and techniques of street art. When you finish, you will be able to organize a contest as an art expert!

Easier to read


There’s art also outside the museums.

Hay arte fuera de los museos.

There can be art around the streets of your city.

Puede haber arte por las calles de tu ciudad.

We are going to see different types of street art.

Vamos a ver distintos tipos de arte callejero.

At the end you will be able to design a contest as an expert in art.

Al final podrás diseñar un concurso como experto en arte.

1. What you need to know

2. An art expert

Street art is something that you have always seen around you. Perhaps you have wondered who decided to paint on this or that wall, how it was done, and why. These activities will help you see your surroundings through the eyes of an urban artist.

Option A: Pairing art

Option B: Be a tagger

Have you ever signed a document? Have you got a signature that identifies you? Well, in the “graffiti  world“ this is called tagging.

La imagen muestra a una persona diseñando su firma con graffiti (tag) en un cuaderno.

Now that you are becoming an art expert, you can design your own tag or signature. Think about a type of street art that you would like to sign, it can be a mural, a graffiti, an urban installation… Then, follow the instructions below.

  1. Think about a name you want to use. Taggers usually use nicknames.
  2. Start your drawing using bubble letters or block letters.
  3. Draw guidelines to create the shape you want to give to your final tag.
  4. Draw your name inside the lines. Bubble or block letters must be close together.
  5. To make your tag more interesting, you can extend letters past the shape or add serifs.
  6. Erase lines.
  7. Add a shadow.

La imagen muestra los pasos que hay que seguir para saber hacer una firma de grafitero.

Great job! You’re a real tagger now.

Option C: Show your artistic side


Our city is holding a Street art festival. Some artists have described their artworks, their techniques and meaning. Listen carefully and choose the right type of street art. After that, draw your own piece of art according to the descriptions heard. You don't have to be good at drawing, just be creative.

La imagen muestra a una artista urbana pintando con pincel un mural.


Graffiti tag.


Urban intervention.

Stencil graffiti.




Graffiti tag.


Urban intervention.

Stencil graffiti.




Graffiti tag.


Urban intervention.

Stencil graffiti.




Graffiti tag.


Urban intervention.

Stencil graffiti.


Option D: Storytelling murals

In many works of street art you can see objects, people and a possible hidden message.
Think of a work of street art in your neighborhood or city, describe it and invent a story. Record it using a sound recorder.
If you can't remember any, use these examples.

3. Can I trust everything on the Internet?

Surfing on the Internet you can find a lot of information that will help you with these tasks. 

But you’ll have to take into account that all data on the web are not under veracity control or rigor criteria. 

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

A través de búsquedas en Internet podrás encontrar mucha información que te ayudará con estas tareas.

Pero tendrás que tener en cuenta que los datos que circulan por la red no están sometidos a ningún control de veracidad ni criterios de rigor.

Do you need extra help?

Thus, you need to assess the information and the data you get. In this link you can find clues for this: Didactic guide of the digital skill (Secondary) (

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Por ello, es necesario evaluar la búsqueda de la información y valorar los datos obtenidos. En este enlace podrás encontrar pautas sobre ello: Guía de la competencia digital (Secundaria) (

Motus dice ... Have you ever drawn or written anything on a wall of your city or town?

Maybe sometime you’ve made a little graffiti on a wall of your city or town. I suppose you wanted it to be nice to show your art to your family and friends. 

It has to be exciting to put your artistic print in a corner of your city. This will have helped you to understand the street art of other artists like you.