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4.3. Game of phones



La imagen muestra a una persona practicando en un piano.

The action of practicing before an important event or act.

La acción de practicar antes de un evento o acto.


I rehearse my drawing skills everyday.

Practico mis habilidades de dibujo a diario.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra varios iconos de personas realizando diferentes actividades:

The knowledge or ability to do something well.

Conocimiento o habilidad para hacer algo bien.


He has a special skill with the dancing.

Tiene una habilidad especial con el baile.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

We are about to finish all the key points to create our final product!

You have the vocabulary, the images and the structure, but you need to bring everything together and make it available to visitors.

Let’s prepare your hall from the virtual museum!

Easy to read


You are close to finish.

Tú estás cerca del final.

You finish the key points.

Tú terminas los puntos clave.

You create the final product.

Tú creas el producto final.

You got:

Tú tienes:

- the vocabulary

- el vocabulario

- the pictures

- las imágenes

- the structure

- la estructura

You will bring everything together.

Tú unirás todo.

Visitors will see your exhibition.

Los visitantes verán tu exposición.

You prepare the hall from the virtual museum.

Tú preparas la sala del museo virtual.

Let’s go!


1. Steps in preparing your presentation

You have everything ready!

It’s time to prepare the presentation.

First, in pairs you will have to choose one topic from the following ones and search for information on the web.

Write that information in your notebook. Then, you have to record your presentation to rehearse for the virtual exhibit.

Public transport

La imagen en color sepia y aspecto antiguo muestra un antiguo tranvía


La imagen en tonos sepia y aspecto antiguo muestra a un grupo de mujeres con vestidos de principios del siglo XX sentadas en sillas en la playa


La imagen en tonos sepia y aspecto antiguo muestra el aula de una escuela de principios del siglo XX


La imagen en tono sepia y aspecto antiguo muestra un coche de principios del siglo XX y un grupo de hombres alrededor con vestimenta de la época.


La imagen en color sepia y aspecto antiguo, muestra a un hombre y una mujer con vestimentas propias de principios del siglo XX
La imagen muestra a una persona practicando en un piano. Definition:

The action of practicing before an important event or act.

La acción de practicar antes de un evento o acto.


I rehearse my drawing skills everyday.

Practico mis habilidades de dibujo a diario.

Spanish word:


Visual support

La imagen muestra el apoyo visual de Steps in preparing your presentation

Motus dice How confident were you while recording?

When we have to speak, we may have doubts about our ability to do it.

In order to overcome these fears, follow these tips:

1. There are things you do very well. Use them to do the activity.

2. There are things that are a little difficult for you to do. Try and believe in yourself. You will be surprised at what you can achieve.

3. Some things are very difficult. Look at an example, ask your classmate or ask your teacher for help.

2. Tips for the perfect recording

As a historian, you must be able to communicate properly, that’s why you need to practise your oral skills

Come on, it will be fun!

Before starting this activity, you will need a mobile phone and a pair of earphones. 

Let’s rehearse the pronunciation of the text you wrote down in the previous activity. 

Your voice usually sounds different to you, but you will get used to it.

It is normal to make pronunciation mistakes. Don’t worry! For this reason you need to practise.

La imagen muestra varios iconos de personas realizando diferentes actividades: Definition:

The knowledge or ability to do something well.

Conocimiento o habilidad para hacer algo bien.


He has a special skill with the dancing.

Tiene una habilidad especial con el baile.

Spanish word:


Easy to read


La imagen muestra al personaje Rétor disfrazado de historiador con un sombrero, chaleco y un libro en una mano y una lupa en la otra mano. You are a historian.

Tú eres un historiador.

Your communication can be very good.

Tu comunicación puede ser muy buena.

You can practice speaking.

Tú puedes practicar tu speaking.

Come on! This is fun.

¡Adelante! Esto es divertido.

Phone and earphones You need a phone and earphones.

Tú necesitas un móvil y unos auriculares.

La imagen muestra a un grupo de personas ensayando en un escenario de un teatro. You will practice pronunciation with the previous text.

Tú practicarás la pronunciación del texto anterior.

Your voice may sound different to you.

Tu voz puede sonar diferente para ti.

This is normal.

Esto es normal.

You can have pronunciation mistakes.

Tú puedes tener errores de pronunciación.

This is not important.

Esto no es importante.

You can correct these mistakes now.

Tú puedes corregir estos errores ahora.

You need more practice.

Tú necesitas más práctica.

3. Digital steps

Are you feeling stressed?

Do not worry, here you have the steps that you must follow. 


Click here to read the subtitles


La imagen muestra la infografía del video Digital Steps


Think of a topic.
Search the information on the web.
Write that information in your notebook.
Record your presentation.
Upload the audio file you recorded to the cloud.
Transform the audio file into a qr code. Add the contents in the presentation.
Send the presentation to your teacher.
Send the presentation according to your teacher’s instructions.

4. Let’s get to the “smart reality”

All these activities are related to the contents that we mentioned above.

Choose the option that suits you the best.

Option A. Use your brains

After watching the video, order the steps to create your virtual museum:

  • First, get in small groups.
  • Think of a topic.
  • Search the information on the web.
  • Write that information in your notebook: past, present and future.
  • Record your presentation.
  • Upload the audio file you recorded to the cloud.
  • Transform the audio file into a QR code.
  • Add the contents in the presentation.
  • Send the presentation to your teacher.



Sorry... The right answer is:

Option C. Follow the steps

Search for information about these pictures and write it down in your notebook.

Then, record what you wrote down and upload it to the cloud.

After that, obtain the link to create the QR code using a QR code generator.

Finally, use Libre Office Impress to complete the presentation adding all the information.

La imagen muestra la portada del documento Follow the steps

Click here to download the document Follow the steps

Option D. You’re the expert!

Create an audio tutorial about how the presentation is made for a virtual exhibit using Impress from Libre Office.

6. I check what I have learnt

Everything you learn helps you achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Reflect for a moment on all you have learned so far.

Complete STEP 3 of your Learning Diary (I review what I have learned). 


- Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.

- If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it! Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Reviso lo que aprendo 

Reflexiona un momento sobre todo lo que has aprendido hasta llegar aquí.

Y completa el PASO 3 de tu Diario de Aprendizaje (Reviso lo aprendido)


- Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.

- Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines! 

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!