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4.2. Future history day



La imagen muestra cuatro monedas de un euro en el aire.

An official, flat piece of metal used as money.

Una pieza de metal plana y oficial que se usa como dinero.


People won't use coins in the future.

Las personas no usarán monedas en el futuro.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra la figura de una persona de la que sale una flecha desde la parte de los ojos.

To have a short and quick look.

Acción de mirar rápidamente a algo.


Take a glance at this.

Echa un vistazo a esto.

Spanish word:

Vistazo, ojeada



La imagen muestra una mano sujetando varios billetes de euros.

A piece of paper which is used as money.

Trozo de papel que se usa como dinero.


In the future, people won't use notes.

En el futuro, la gente no usará billetes.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un disco duro en azul y negro.

To keep, to place things in a location, for example a digital device, for later use.

Guardar, colocar en un lugar, por ejemplo, un dispositivo electrónico, para ser usado más tarde.


My phone's memory is full, I can't store more pictures.

La memoria de mi teléfono está llena, no puedo almacenar más fotos.

Spanish word:

Guardar, almacenar



La imagen muestra unas botas impermeables en una calle bajo el agua de la lluvia.

Treated with material or substance to prevent water to go through.

Tratado con material o substancia para prevenir que pase el agua.


The shoes are waterproof, so my feet are dry.

Los zapatos son impermeables, así que mis pies están secos.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

Now that you have the vocabulary, we must think about the future.

Let’s learn the future simple structures and get familiar with time expressions.

The following activities will help you with your final task!

Go ahead! You will do great.

Easy to read


You will know the future simple tense.

Tú conocerás el futuro simple.

You will know future time expressions.

Tú conocerás las expresiones de tiempo en el futuro.

Final task The activities will help you with your final task.

Las actividades serán una ayuda con la tarea final.

1. Simple future is simple

Here you will find a video that will explain all you need to know about the future tense.


Click here to read the subtitles


  • Simple future
  • Will
  • Structure - subject + will + base form
  • Cars will fly in the future.
  • My family won't go on vacation this year.
  • Will people use more public transport?
  • Uses
  • To describe quick decisions at the time of speaking.
  • Oh, it's raining! I'll take my umbrella.
  • To make a prediction about the future.
  • In the future, I think cars will fly.
  • TIME EXPRESSIONS later - soon - in an hour - next month/next year - tomorrow
  • in ten years - in 2050 - one day - in the future


La imagen muestra cómo utilizar correctamente el futuro simple

2. The future is here

Now you will practise with the future tense.

Choose the option that best suits you. 

Option A. Go to the future!

Option B. Choose wisely

Option C. A glance at the future

Fill in the blanks. Put the verbs into the correct future tense.

The verbs are: become - be - wait - be - not/go - miss - not/drive - connect

1. The teacher the computer to the screen to see a video.

2. My family and I on vacation this year. Our car is broken.

3. How old you  in 2040?

4. I you when you leave for California next summer.

5. You sing very well. You a professional singer one day.

6. Hey! you   for me tomorrow at the entrance of school?

7. Hold on! Don’t leave. I ready in five minutes.

8. People  cars in the future. Cars will be automatic and won’t need a driver!


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Option D. Become a fortune teller

Can you think of how these things will be in 100 years?

Write one sentence using the future simple to make your predictions. What will happen with…?


La imagen muestra dos camisetas colgadas de un perchero y el texto Clothes


La imagen muestra un sobre, el símbolo @ y el texto mail


La imagen muestra un mando de consola y el texto video games


La imagen muestra un coche y la palabra car

Credit card

La imagen muestra un lapicero con lápices y el texto school material

School material

La imagen muestra un carrito de supermercado y el texto supermarket

Mobile phone

La imagen muestra un teléfono móvil y el texto mobile phone


La imagen muestra un carrito de supermercado y el texto supermarket

3. There's a possibility that...

La imagen muestra la infografía

Now, you know that we use “will” to make predictions.

In this activity, you have to watch the video and predict what will happen.

Write a sentence in your notebook with "possibly", "probably" or "perhaps" to help you make your predictions.

Easy to read


Now, you know will.

Ahora, tú conoces will.

We use will to make future predictions.

Nosotros usamos will para predicciones de futuro.

In this activity, you watch the video.

Tú ves el video en esta actividad.

You will make predictions.

Tú harás predicciones.

You write a sentence in your notebook.

Tú escribes una oración en tu cuaderno.

You use possibly, probably and perhaps.

Tú utilizas possibly, probably y perhaps.

These words help you.

Esas palabras son una ayuda.

You will draw your prediction.

Tú dibujarás tu predicción.

You will show the result to your classmates.

Tú mostrarás el resultado a tus compañeros.

Audio description

Clavis dice Note-taking

You can take notes of what you see to help you think about what will happen.

Note-taking is very important when you study.

Click here if you want some more information about how to take notes.

Motus dice Did you make a mistake while doing the activity?

It is normal to make mistakes when speaking. Failure is part of learning.

Do you remember when you first rode a bike or you tried to swim? Surely it wasn't easy at first, but every time you tried again.

With each failure, we learn from the mistake and improve for the next time.

To learn from your mistakes, follow these tips:

1. I realise where I failed.

2. Look for ways to improve that mistake.

3. I try again.

4. I understand that mistakes are important for learning. Don't forget: when you make a mistake once, you learn for the next try.