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5.1 Show that your robot is the most useful!


Advertising brochure


Paper that informs or advertises something.

Papel que informa o hace publicidad sobre algo.


We have to make an advertising brochure about our robot.

Tenemos que hacer un folleto publicitario de nuestro robot.

Spanish word:

Folleto publicitario




Add missing parts to a document, space or container.

Añadir las partes que faltan en un documento, espacio o recipiente.


Fill the document with data on robots.

Rellena el documento con datos sobre los robots.

Spanish word:





Announce something so that it becomes known.

Anunciar algo para que sea conocido.


I have to promote my robot at the school robotics fair.

Tengo que promocionar mi robot en la feria de robótica del colegio.

Spanish word:





A document used as a guide to help you perform a task.

Documento que sirve de guía para realizar una tarea.


Use this template to organize the vocabulary.

Usa esta plantilla para organizar el vocabulario.

Spanish word:



1. Put your ideas in common


Think about the characteristics that your robot will have.

Discuss with your classmates and share your ideas.

Organize your final robot ideas:

1) What’s the name of your robot?

2) What are the parts of your robot?

3) How long does the battery last?

4) Why is it important? 

5) What will it be used for?

6) How much is it?

7) How will you convince your robot is the best?


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


First think about the characteristics of the robot.

Primero piensa en las características del robot.

Then share your ideas with your group.

Después comparte con tu grupo lo que tú has pensado.

Finally answer the questions.

Para terminar, contesta las preguntas.

The questions are to organize your ideas.

Las preguntas son para organizar vuestras ideas.

1. What is the name of your robot?

1. ¿Cómo se llama vuestro robot?

2. What parts does your robot have?

2. ¿Qué partes tiene vuestro robot?

3. How long does the battery last?

3. ¿Cuánto duran sus baterías?

A battery is a gadget that functions objects.

Una batería es un aparato que hace funcionar objetos.

For example: a toy, a mobile phone or a tablet.

Por ejemplo: un juguete, un móvil o una tablet.

4. What will your robot be used for?

4. ¿Para qué se utilizará vuestro robot?

5. What is the price?

5. ¿Cuál es su precio?

6. How will you convince your robot is the best?

6. ¿Cómo convencerás de que vuestro robot es el mejor?

Click here to download the document "Think of your service robot".


Do you need some extra help?

Click here to consult our guide for cooperative work and learn how to do an activity together with your group mates.

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Haz click aquí para consultar nuestra guía para el trabajo cooperativo y saber cómo hacer una actividad de forma conjunta con tus compañeros de grupo.

2. Make your brochure ad!

RetorYour robot looks great!

It is very important that you promote your robot at the robotics fair. How can you do it?

Prepare an advertising brochure.

1) Read the explanation and the example.

2) Download the brochure template and fill it.

3) Complete the checklist.

Advertising brochure


Paper that informs or advertises something.

Papel que informa o hace publicidad sobre algo.


We have to make an advertising brochure about our robot.

Tenemos que hacer un folleto publicitario de nuestro robot.

Spanish word:

Folleto publicitario



Add missing parts to a document, space or container.

Añadir las partes que faltan en un documento, espacio o recipiente.


Fill the document with data on robots.

Rellena el documento con datos sobre los robots.

Spanish word:




Announce something so that it becomes known.

Anunciar algo para que sea conocido.


I have to promote my robot at the school robotics fair.

Tengo que promocionar mi robot en la feria de robótica del colegio.

Spanish word:




A document used as a guide to help you perform a task.

Documento que sirve de guía para realizar una tarea.


Use this template to organize the vocabulary.

Usa esta plantilla para organizar el vocabulario.

Spanish word:



Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Now, you have to make an advertising brochure.

Ahora tú tienes que hacer un folleto publicitario.

The brochure will be used to promote your robot.

El folleto se usará para promocionar vuestro robot.

To promote means to advertise a product.

Promocionar significa dar publicidad a un producto.

To make the brochure you have to follow these steps:

Para hacer el folleto tú tienes que seguir estos pasos:

Leer1. Read the explanations on the tabs.

1. Lee las explicaciones que hay en las pestañas.

Descargar2. Download the brochure template.

2. Descarga la plantilla del folleto.

Escribir3. Write in the template information about your robot.

3. Escribe en la plantilla información de vuestro robot.

Revisar4. Complete the checklist at the end.

4. Completa la lista de evaluación que hay al final.

What is a brochure?

A brochure is a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company. It has two faces.


Information in face A

It can include the title and main picture of the product we want to present.


Information in face B

It can include the most important information.


Brochure template

Download the document and complete the information about your robot.

Click here to download the document "Brochure template".

Brochure template

Click here to download the document "Brochure checklist".

Brochure checklist

Keep calm!

Are you nervous?

Don’t worry. You did a similar activity in the page 5, called “My robot, the best”.

Remember this example.

My robot, the best!