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3.2 The abilities of robots




Information and data that a person has about a subject or science.

Información y datos que una persona tiene sobre una materia o ciencia.


I need to have knowledge of robotics to perform the task.

Necesito tener conocimientos de robótica para realizar la tarea.

Spanish word:



To master


To know or do something very well.

Conocer o hacer algo muy bien.


She masters the new technologies.

Ella domina las nuevas tecnologías.

Spanish word:





The physical appearance of a thing.

Apariencia física que tiene una cosa.


The table is square in shape.

La mesa tiene forma cuadrada.

Spanish word:



1. The abilities of robots


Now, it is the moment to explore what you already know about robots and the actions they can do.

During this activity you will master your knowledge about robots!



Information and data that a person has about a subject or science.

Información y datos que una persona tiene sobre una materia o ciencia.


I need to have knowledge of robotics to perform the task.

Necesito tener conocimientos de robótica para realizar la tarea.

Spanish word:


To master


To know or do something very well.

Conocer o hacer algo muy bien.


She masters the new technologies.

Ella domina las nuevas tecnologías.

Spanish word:



Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Use what you know to do this activity.

Utiliza lo que sabes para hacer esta actividad.

Now you have to work on your own.

Ahora tienes que trabajar tú solo.

First, remember what you know about robots.

Primero, recuerda lo que sabes de los robots.

Then, remember the things that robots do.

Después, recuerda las cosas que los robots hacen.

Good time for reflection

Before doing the activity it is important that you think about two things:

1. What do I know about robots?

2. How am I going to use what I know to do the activity?

Recognising the knowledge and skills needed to do an activity will help you to have great results.

I suggest you do this every time!

Option A: Identify the ability of the robot

Read and say if the sentences are true or false. Pay attention to the picture and correct the false sentences in your notebook.

Question 1

Un robot cargando una caja

The robot detects the box. 


Look at the image carefully. What does the robot have in its arms?

Question 2

Dron volando

The robot flies in the air.


Look at the picture. Is the robot on floor or over the houses?

Question 3

Robot con piernas caminando

The robot jumps on the street.


Look at the picture and think of the action the robot is doing.

Question 4

Brazo robótico cogiendo una pieza de ajedrez

The robot cleans the chess piece.


Clean means removing dirt.

Question 5

Robot lanzando una patada al aire

The robot kicks the air.


Attention to its leg.

Question 6

Robot limpiando un salón

The robot dances on the floor.


Look at the floor, it is dirty.

Option B: Put the images in the correct order

Option C: Read the text and detect the verbs!

Verbs indicate actions. Robots can do a lot of things. Can you find the verbs for the actions these robots can do? Write them in your notebook.

This is Wall-e. He is a very good robot. He cleans and tidies the city where he lives. He loves cleaning the dust from the cars, but he doesn’t like tidying up the bedrooms. He detects every single spot of dust. When there are difficult places to go he jumps very high, but he can’t fly!


   Folio    Ordenador 

Option D: Write your own robot actions!

Find a picture of a robot. Paste it on your notebook and write a description about it. Use these sentences:

       - This is … (name).

       - It is used for… (purpose of the robot).

       - It can also … (other actions it can do).


Talk to yourself

Did you talk to yourself to solve the activity?

Talking to ourselves helps us to understand what we are doing and to find solutions to activities.

Do it often because it will help you:

- Remember the steps to do the activity.

- Encourage you to finish the activity.

- Stay focused.

- Know how you feel about the activity.

Talk to yourself. You will learn better!

2. A very first design

RetorThe time has come!

Ready for your first robot design?

In groups of 3, design a robot in a piece of paper for the Robotics Digital School Fair.

Be creative, use different colours and shapes!



The physical appearance of a thing

Apariencia física que tiene una cosa


The table is square in shape
La mesa tiene forma cuadrada

Spanish word:



Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Now, each group has to draw their robot.

Ahora, cada grupo tiene que dibujar su robot.

You can use nice colours and different shapes.

Puedes usar colores bonitos y formas diferentes.

Shape is the way something looks.

La forma es la apariencia que tiene una cosa.

For example, a door is shaped like a rectangle.

Por ejemplo, una puerta tiene forma de rectángulo.