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2. Prepare yourself for the action


Coffee maker

Cafetera Definition:

A machine that makes coffee.

Una máquina que hace café.


My mum uses the coffee maker every morning.

Mi madre utiliza la cafetera todas las mañanas.

Spanish word:



Come to an agreement

Acuerdo Definition:

To find a solution that pleases or suits everyone.

Encontrar una solución que satisface o se adapta a todo el mundo.


We have come to an agreement on price.

Hemos llegado a un acuerdo sobre el precio.

Spanish word:

Llegar a un acuerdo


Kitchen robot

Robot cocinaDefinition:

Robotic device designed to provide assistance with common kitchen tasks.

Dispositivo robótico que ayuda con las tareas comunes de la cocina.


To cook with the kitchen robot is very easy.

Cocinar con el robot de cocina es muy sencillo.

Spanish word:

Robot de cocina




To put somebody or something in a higher position. 

Poner a alguien o algo en una posición más alta. 


El robot puede levantar objetos. 

The robot can lift objects.

Spanish word:





        A device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger.

        Dispositivo que utiliza lentes para hacer que objetos muy pequeños se vean más grandes.


They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.

Ellos observaron las muestras de sangre en el microscopio.

Spanish word:




Robot Definition:

It is a mechanical device that works automatically or by computer control.

Es un dispositivo mecánico que funciona por ordenador o automáticamente.


A robot cannot have feelings.

Un robot no puede tener sentimientos.

Spanish word:



Robotic arm

Robot armDefinition:

A robotic arm is a mechanical, programmable device that is used to manipulate objects like a human arm.

Un brazo robótico es un dispositivo mecánico y programable, utilizado para manipular objetos a modo de brazo humano.


The Rover is equipped with a robotic arm.

El Rover está equipado con un brazo robótico.

Spanish word:

Brazo robótico


Toy robot

Robot de jugueteDefinition:

Mechanical toys which perform various tasks on command.

Robots mecánicos que realizan varias funciones por órdenes.


The toy robot moved forward with quick steps.

El robot de juguete se movía hacia delante con pasos rápidos.

Spanish word:

Robot de juguete


Smart speaker

Altavoz inteligenteDefinition:

A smart speaker is a wireless electronic device that can respond to spoken commands, for example, by giving information or playing music.

Un altavoz inteligente es un dispositivo electrónico inalámbrico que puede responder a una orden hablada, por ejemplo, dando información o reproduciendo música.


This smart speaker has a very elegant design.

Este altavoz inteligente tiene un diseño muy elegante.

Spanish word:

Altavoz inteligente




Disconnectan electrical device. 

Desconectar un dispositivo eléctrico. 


Helen unplugged his mobile phone charger. 

Helen desenchufó el cargador de su teléfono móvil. 

Spanish word:



Washing machine


A machine for washing clothes, sheets and other things made of cloth.

Máquina para lavar prendas de vestir, sábanas y otras cosas hechas de tela.


My washing machine is out of order so I'm going to buy a new one.

Mi lavadora se ha estropeado, así que voy a comprar una nueva.

Spanish word:



1. Let’s activate our circuits!

RÉTOR dice...

Hi kids!

Robots are tremendously important in our everyday life.

They make our lives easier.

You are going to work in groups of three.

Answer the questions from 1 to 4 about different types of robots.

Come to an agreement with your classmates about what you think is the most important robot in your houses.

Come to an agreement

Acuerdo Definition:

To find a solution that pleases or suits everyone.

Encontrar una solución que satisface o se adapta a todo el mundo.


We have come to an agreement on price.

Hemos llegado a un acuerdo sobre el precio.


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Hello boys and girls!

¡Hola chicos y chicas!

Robots are very important for people.

Los robots son muy importantes para las personas.

Robots help make our lives easier.

Los robots ayudan a que nuestra vida sea más fácil.

Now we are going to do an activity.

Ahora vamos a hacer una actividad.

To do the activity follow these steps:

Para hacer la actividad sigue estos pasos:

 1. Form a group of four people.

1. Forma un grupo de cuatro personas.

pregunta 2. Answer the questions about the robots.

2. Contesta a las preguntas sobre los robots.

importante 3. Decide the most important robot in your house.

3. Decide el robot que es más importante en tu casa.

To decide the robot, talk to your classmates.

Para decidir el robot habla con tus compañeros.

Finally, we remember a few words.

Para terminar, recordamos algunas palabras.

Which of these do you think are robots?

        Robot aspirador Robot vacuum   Microscopio Microscope

        Brazo robótico Robotic arm   Lavadoras Washing machine

What is a robot?

Robot  Robot

What are these robots doing?

   Robot vacuum Robot vacuum   Cafetera Coffee maker

Robot cocina Kitchen robot Altavoz Smart speaker 


Can these robots run?

ToyToy robot  Arm  Robotic arm

What’s the most important robot for you?


Coffee maker

Cafetera Definition:

A machine that makes coffee

Una máquina que hace café


My mum uses the coffee maker every morning

Mi madre utiliza la cafetera todas las mañanas

Spanish word:




        A device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger.

        Dispositivo que utiliza lente para hacer que objetos muy pequeños se vean más grandes


They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.

Ellos observaron las muestras de sangre en el microscopio

Spanish word:


Robotic arm

Robot armDefinition:

A robotic arm is a mechanical, programmable device that's used to manipulate objects like a human arm

Un brazo robótico es un dispositivo mecánico y programable, utilizado para manipular objetos a modo de brazo humano.


The Rover is equipped with a robotic arm

El Rover está equipado con un brazo robótico

Spanish word:

Brazo robótico

Washing machine


A machine for washing clothes, sheets, and other things made of cloth

Máquina para lavar prendas de vestir, sábanas y otras cosas hechas de tela.


My washing machine is out of order so I'm going to buy a new one

Mi lavadora se ha estropeado, así que voy a comprar una nueva

Spanish word:



Robot Definition:

It is a mechanical device that works automatically or by computer control

Es un dispositivo mecánico que funciona por ordenador o automáticamente


A robot cannot have feelings

Un robot no puede tener sentimientos

Spanish word:


Kitchen robot

Robot cocinaDefinition:

Robotic device designed to provide assistance with common kitchen tasks.


To cook with the kitchen robot is very easy

Cocinar con el robot de cocina es muy sencillo

Spanish word:

Robot de cocina

Smart speaker

Altavoz inteligenteDefinition:

A smart speaker is a wireless electronic device that can respond to spoken commands, for example by giving information or playing music.

Un altavoz inteligente es un dispositivo electrónico inalámbrico que puede responder a una orden hablada, por ejemplo, dando información o reproduciendo música


This smart speaker has a very elegant design

Este altavoz inteligente tiene un diseño muy elegante

Spanish word:

Altavoz inteligente

Toy robot

Robot de jugueteDefinition:

Mechanical toys which perform various tasks on command.

Robots mecánicos que realizan varias funciones por órdenes.


The toy robot moved forward with quick steps

El robot de juguete se movía hacia delante con pasos rápidos

Spanish word:

Robot de juguete



        A device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger.

        Dispositivo que utiliza lente para hacer que objetos muy pequeños se vean más grandes


They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.

Ellos observaron las muestras de sangre en el microscopio

Spanish word:


Robotic arm

Robot armDefinition:

A robotic arm is a mechanical, programmable device that's used to manipulate objects like a human arm

Un brazo robótico es un dispositivo mecánico y programable, utilizado para manipular objetos a modo de brazo humano.


The Rover is equipped with a robotic arm

El Rover está equipado con un brazo robótico

Spanish word:

Brazo robótico

Washing machine


A machine for washing clothes, sheets, and other things made of cloth

Máquina para lavar prendas de vestir, sábanas y otras cosas hechas de tela.


My washing machine is out of order so I'm going to buy a new one

Mi lavadora se ha estropeado, así que voy a comprar una nueva

Spanish word:


Robotic arm

Robot armDefinition:

A robotic arm is a mechanical, programmable device that's used to manipulate objects like a human arm

Un brazo robótico es un dispositivo mecánico y programable, utilizado para manipular objetos a modo de brazo humano.


The Rover is equipped with a robotic arm

El Rover está equipado con un brazo robótico

Spanish word:

Brazo robótico

Washing machine


A machine for washing clothes, sheets, and other things made of cloth

Máquina para lavar prendas de vestir, sábanas y otras cosas hechas de tela.


My washing machine is out of order so I'm going to buy a new one

Mi lavadora se ha estropeado, así que voy a comprar una nueva

Spanish word:


Robotic arm

Robot armDefinition:

A robotic arm is a mechanical, programmable device that's used to manipulate objects like a human arm

Un brazo robótico es un dispositivo mecánico y programable, utilizado para manipular objetos a modo de brazo humano.


The Rover is equipped with a robotic arm

El Rover está equipado con un brazo robótico

Spanish word:

Brazo robótico



        A device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger.

        Dispositivo que utiliza lente para hacer que objetos muy pequeños se vean más grandes


They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.

Ellos observaron las muestras de sangre en el microscopio

Spanish word:




        A device that uses lenses to make very small objects look larger.

        Dispositivo que utiliza lente para hacer que objetos muy pequeños se vean más grandes


They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.

Ellos observaron las muestras de sangre en el microscopio

Spanish word:


Robotic arm

Robot armDefinition:

A robotic arm is a mechanical, programmable device that's used to manipulate objects like a human arm

Un brazo robótico es un dispositivo mecánico y programable, utilizado para manipular objetos a modo de brazo humano.


The Rover is equipped with a robotic arm

El Rover está equipado con un brazo robótico

Spanish word:

Brazo robótico

Washing machine


A machine for washing clothes, sheets, and other things made of cloth

Máquina para lavar prendas de vestir, sábanas y otras cosas hechas de tela.


My washing machine is out of order so I'm going to buy a new one

Mi lavadora se ha estropeado, así que voy a comprar una nueva

Spanish word:


Let's think about how you did this activity.

Do you remember how many things you have done to complete the task?

In order to do this task, you have had to:

- Remember what you know about this topic.

- Put what you know into practice.

Sometimes we have to work constantly to learn.

When we work hard, our work is appreciated by family, classmates and teachers, but the most important thing is that we feel happy about the work we have done.

2. Let’s play bingo!


Now, I propose a game in groups. Let's play bingo! 

First, review some words.

Second, download the document and cut the cards with the definitions.

Finally, play and have fun!


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Cartón de bingo y una mano colocando una ficha en el cartón.Now, we are going to play bingo in groups.

Ahora vamos a jugar al bingo en grupos.

Imagen donde aparecen escritas tres palabras: casa, amor y mano.First, you have to review some words.

Primero tienes que repasar algunas palabras.

Documento en una pantalla de ordenador y una flecha indicando bajar. Second, you have to download the document.

Segundo tienes que descargar el documento.

Manos recortando un papel.Third, you have to cut the cards with the definitions.

Después recorta las tarjetas con las frases.

Dibujo de dos personas con los brazos levantados y sonriendo.Fourth, play bingo and have fun.

Cuarto juega al bingo y pásalo bien.

Robots action verbs

   Acción verbs

Basic geometric shapes

   basic gometric


Parts of the body



Adverbs of frequency



Click here to download the document "Play bingo".

PLay bingo

Remember the game of bingo

I am going to help you remember how to play bingo.

With this game we will associate each definition with its word. To play this game:

1. You need a bingo card and something to cross out (pencil, marker, stickers...).

2. Listen to the definitions. One person will be in charge of reading out the cards with the definitions.

3. Identify the words in the bingo card and cross them out.

This game can help you to:

- Remember vocabulary you already know.

- Classify words referring to action verbs, parts of the body and geometric shapes.

Lumen dice …

Recordamos el juego del bingo.

Te voy a ayudar a recordar cómo se juega al bingo.

Con este juego vamos a asociar cada definición con su palabra. Para jugar a este juego:

1. Necesitas un cartón de bingo y algo para tachar (lápiz, rotulador, pegatinas ...).

2. Escucha las definiciones. Una persona se encargará de leer en voz alta las tarjetas con las definiciones.

3. Identifica las palabras y táchalas en el cartón de bingo.

Este juego te puede ayudar a:

- Recordar vocabulario que ya sabes.

- Clasificar palabras referidas a acciones verbales, partes del cuerpo y formas geométricas.

3. Robotic world

RetorRobots can perform many functions. Now you will have to identify the words used to describe the actions they can carry out. Will you able to?


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Now, you have to work alone.

Ahora tú tienes que trabajar solo o sola.

You have to identify some words.

Tienes que reconocer algunas palabras.

The words are actions that robots can do.

Las palabras son acciones que pueden hacer los robots.

Choose an exercise and test what you know.

Elige un ejercicio y comprueba lo que sabes.

Option A: Find the robotic words

Opción B: Memory game

Are you ready for the challenge of the robotics memory game?

Click here to download the document "Memory game!".

Memory Game!

Option C: Interact with the video


Opción D: Know our necessities!

Complete our necessities list. Don´t forget to include some of the words you have revised before like the following:

To lift, To protect, To jump, To clean, To wash, To cook, To sweep, To unplug.

Click here to download the document "Create your futuristic story" 




To put somebody or something in a higher position. 

Poner a alguien o algo en una posición más alta. 


El robot puede levantar objetos. 

The robot can lift objects.

Spanish word:




Disconnectan electrical device. 

Desconectar un dispositivo eléctrico. 


Helen unplugged his mobile phone charger. 

Helen desenchufó el cargador de su teléfono móvil. 

Spanish word:


How confident were you while doing this task?

Sometimes, we may have doubts when it comes to doing an activity.

Don't worry, it happens to all of us.

When you feel insecure about an activity, follow these tips:

1. Use the things you are very good at doing to do the activity.

2. Try to do the activity even if it is a little difficult. Believe in yourself.

3. Some things are very difficult. Look at an example, ask your classmate. Ask the teacher for help.