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4.5. The power of persuasion



Flor colorida con signos de exclamación.


  • Attractive, delightful.
  • Que atrae o gusta mucho.


  • It is one of the most charming places I have ever visited.
  • Es uno de los lugares más atractivos que he visitado.

Spanish word:

Atractivo o atractiva, encantador o encantadora.



En la imagen se ve mucha gente.


  • Full of people.
  • Lleno o llena de gente.


  • The streets were crowded with people who wanted to buy their Christmas presents.
  • Las calles estaban abarrotadas de personas que querían comprar sus regalos de Navidad.

Spanish word:

Abarrotado o abarrotada, atestado o atestada.



En la imagen se ve a una persona gigante.


  • Very big, enormous.
  • Muy grande, inmenso.


  • The lake was so huge that people thought it was actually the sea.
  • El lago era enorme y la gente pensaba que en verdad era el mar.

Spanish word:




En la imagen se ve una persona sonriente agitando las manos.


  • Energetic, full of life.
  • Energético o energética, lleno o llena de vida.


  • They had a lively discussion about who should start the project.
  • Tuvieron una discusión animada sobre quién debería empezar el trabajo.

Spanish word:

Animado o animada.



En la imagen se pueden ver unas barcas dentro del mar.


  • Attractive, pleasing (especially referred to a place).
  • Atractivo o atractiva, atrayente (especialmente referido a un lugar).


  • We stayed in a picturesque hotel  in the mountains during our holidays.
  • Nos quedamos en un hotel pintoresco de las montañas durante nuestras vacaciones.

Spanish word:

Pintoresco o pintoresca.



La imagen muestra una persona que flexiona el bíceps y, en comparación con otra, tiene más músculos.


  • The ability to move heavy objects or to do things that require a mental effort.
  • La habilidad de mover objetos pesados o hacer cosas que requieren un esfuerzo mental.


  • He needed patience, endurance and strength to overcome his disease.
  • Él necesitaba paciencia, aguante y fuerza para superar la enfermedad.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra tres cuadrados de distintos tamaños y una flecha señalando al más pequeño de todos.


  • Very small.
  • Muy pequeño.


  • The doll house included a room with a small bed with a tiny pillow.
  • La casa de muñecas incluía una habitación con una cama pequeña y una almohada diminuta.

Spanish word:

Diminuto o diminuta.


  Let’s persuade our classmates!

2. Get ready to persuade

Persuade the travel agent that the activity you sell at the tourism and travel fair is the best one!

In groups of 4, students A and B have three minutes to persuade students C and D that their activity is the best one. Students C and D decide whose message is most persuasive. Then we change roles. 

Students A: Dress up as a monkey and jump on the hop-on hop-off bus in Seville.

Students B: Dress up as a duck and practice yoga on the Mercedes square in Malaga.

Student C: Visit the interactive museum, “Science Park” in Granada, on rollerblades.

Student D: Swimming in a pool filled with spaghetti and tomato sauce.

Mono sonriendo sentado frente a una mesa

Tips to communicate in a persuasive way:  

1. Present your message in a credible way. For example: adverts often use professionals or celebrities advertising products.

2. Search logical arguments as examples, facts and stories to convince.

3. Make our message emotive by adding positive and descriptive adjectives.

3. Make your language more colorful

Choose one or more activities to make your speech more colourful and convincing.

Option A: Powerful adjectives

 Choose 5 adjectives from the box to describe:

Option B: Will you change me?

Option C: Emotive language

Each of the following five examples expresses the same idea in two different ways. In each example, choose the sentence that uses emotive language.

What kind of adjectives does emotive language use? _______ and ________  adjectives.

Option D: What's your slogan?

Read the slogans. Observe that we often use the imperative form, positive and descriptive adjectives:

  • Book A Cheap Ticket And Just Leave 
  • Catch Our Brilliant Smile 
  • A Special touch of the Exotic 
  • A Long Tradition Of Excellence 
  • A Delicious Taste Of Andalusia

In your notebook, write a slogan for a place you like a lot. A slogan is a catchy phrase. Tips to write your slogan: 

  • Brainstorm a wordlist related to your place.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Choose powerful words.

Can Motus persuade?

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

You are developing skills to help you to become a talented planner. 

You will present a fantastic travel plan with great activities!