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5.2. Design your own comic



La imagen muestra una bolsa de papel arrugada.

To use again.

Volver a utilizar.


We must reuse plastic bags.

Debemos reutilizar las bolsas de plástico.

Spanish word:




El nombre de un libro, película, etc.

The name of a book, film, article, etc.

El nombre de un libro, película, etc.


You need to think of a title for that article.

Necesitas pensar en un título para ese artículo.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice.

You have already organised your work.

Compare your graphic organiser with mine and leave nothing behind. 

1. Finishing our present

Keep working with your team. You can start now: 

1. Decide on the type of story for your comic, its setting, its characters and its plot.

2. Create your character and look for a relationship with those of your classmates.

3. Create the story and divide it into three parts: beginning, middle and end.

  • Write this story in a text editor, like LibreOffice Writer or any other collaborative online documents.

4. Transform the text of your story into a comic strip. Use speech bubbles, captions and onomatopoeias and put them into panels.

5. Draw the characters and the settings in the panels. Use colours, use your imagination to make them as attractive as possible.

6. Check that you have not left anything behind. For example, do you have a title for your comic?

El nombre de un libro, película, etc. Definition:

The name of a book, film, article, etc.

El nombre de un libro, película, etc.


You need to think of a title for that article.

Necesitas pensar en un título para ese artículo.

Spanish word:


Lectura facilitada


You have already organised your work.

Tú ya has organizado tu trabajo.

Here you have Retor’s graphic organiser.

Tú tienes aquí el organizador gráfico de Retor.

You will compare your graphic organiser with Retor’s.

Tú compararás tu organizador gráfico con el de Retor.

You will continue with your work with your team.

Tú continuarás el trabajo con tu equipo.

You will decide with your team:

Tú decidirás con tu equipo:

The type of story.

- El tipo de historia.

The setting.

- El lugar.

The characters.

- Los personajes.

The theme.

- El tema.

You will create your character, related to those of your classmates.

Tú crearás tu personaje relacionado con los personajes de tus compañeros.

You will divide your story into three parts:

Tú dividirás tu historia en tres partes:







You will transform your story into a comic strip.

Tú transformarás tu historia en un cómic.

You will use in your comic:

Tú utilizarás en tu cómic:

Speech bubbles.

- Bocadillos.


- Cartelas.


- Onomatopeyas.

You will draw panels in your comic.

Tú dibujarás viñetas en tu cómic.

You will choose a title for your comic.

Tú elegirás un título para tu cómic.

Apoyo visual

Organise your work

Do you need extra help?

If you need help to create this document, here you have the link.

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Si necesitas ayuda para crear este documento, aquí tienes el enlace

Kardia dice Let's check

Reuse your work. It will make your job easier.

Have a look at what you did in the activity about the physical and psychological qualities of the characters.

Have a look at what you did in the activity about transforming a text into a comic. 

Maybe, you should revise what you know about the elements of the comic.

La imagen muestra una bolsa de papel arrugada. Definition:

To use again.

Volver a utilizar.


We must reuse plastic bags.

Debemos reutilizar las bolsas de plástico.

Spanish word:
