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4.4. From text to comic

Retor dice.

 We are almost finishing.  Now you are going to have the opportunity to read a love story.

But… What if you want to turn it into a comic love story? It is not easy at all. Comics have their own language.  

The next activity will help you to learn how to do it.

Work in groups and do your best. 

1. How to transform a text into a comic

Read the story and write in your notebook a text for a comic strip based on that story.


Before reading this story, keep in mind:

  1. You need to select the relevant information to write the text of your comic.  
  2. Transform the text of the story in a text for your comic. Use: captions, speech bubbles and onomatopoeias.
  3. Keep in mind that the text has to be included in panels.
  4. So make you sure that only relevant information is selected. Number of panels is something you have to take into account too, not too many but not a few. 
  5. Perhaps, you will have a mental image of a moment of the story and how it happens. 
  6. This is the piece of information you need to make your comic unique.

Lectura facilitada


Read this story.

Lee esta historia.

In groups, you will turn the story into a comic.

Tú transformarás en grupo esta historia en un cómic.

You will select the relevant information of the story.

Tú selecciona la información relevante de esta historia.

This relevant information will appear in your comic.

Esta información relevante aparecerá en tú cómic.

Your comic will have the relevant information in:

Tú cómic tendrá la información relevante en:

- Captions

- Cartelas

- Speech bubbles

- Bocadillos

- Onomatopoeias

- Onomatopeyas

The text will be included in panels.

El texto estará incluido en viñetas.

The number of panels is important.

El número de viñetas es importante.

You will have a mental image of your story.

Tú tendrás una imagen mental de tu historia.

You will reflect that mental image in your comic.

Tú reflejarás esa imagen mental en tu cómic.

Apoyo visual

How to transform a text into a comic

Now, you can read the story. Enjoy your reading. 

La imagen muestra un libro con la historia de Juliet.

Juliet was a student at Newcastle University, England. It was her final year, so she was really excited. Juliet wanted to travel around the world before starting looking for a job. Her parents and little sister suggested travelling to Japan because she was studying Japanese at university.

One day, she was studying in the library with her friend Mark, when he suggested going for a coffee. They were having a coffee and chatting about their exams when they heard someone shouting. It was Mark’s friend, John. Juliet fell in love with John immediately. He was so good-looking! The three of them chatted for hours. When they left, John asked Juliet for a date and she said yes.

Juliet started a relationship with John, they were so in love! Everything was going great and Juliet’s parents approved John, so they invited him to have lunch at the family house. They were having so much fun. They were talking about their final year at university and their future jobs. Juliet said that she wanted to travel and that she had to stay in Japan for some months because she needed to improve the language. John asked her if she was going to leave him and Juliet answered that travelling was something that she wanted, that was her dream! Juliet’s parents approved her daughter’s plans.

It was a rainy and cold morning when Juliet took her flight to Venice. She visited Germany after Italy. Then, she went to Belgium. After two weeks travelling, she flew to Japan, where she spent two years! She found a good job in Tokyo, and she was happy because she could practise Japanese every day.

After two years in Japan, she came back to Newcastle. She was happy to see her family. They threw a surprise party for Juliet. Her family was there and her friends, too. But there was someone else: John. He said “I still love you; you are my love. Would you be my girlfriend again?”. Juliet answered “Yes! I love you, too!”. John had waited for her and they got married one year later. They went to Japan on their honeymoon.

Lectura facilitada


Juliet was a student at Newcastle University.

Julieta era estudiante en la Universidad de Newcastle.

That was her last year at university.

Este era su último año de la universidad.

Juliet would travel around the world.

Julieta viajaría alrededor del mundo.

Then, she would look for a job.

Luego, ella buscaría trabajo.

She was studying Japanese.

Ella estudiaba japonés.

Her parents and her sister gave a piece of advice to Juliet:

Sus padres y su hermana dieron un consejo a Julieta:

She would travel to Japan.

Ella viajaría a Japón.

One day, she was with her friend Mark.

Un día, ella estaba con su amigo Marco.

Mark invited Juliet to have a coffee.

Marco invitó a Julieta a un café.

They were talking about their exams.

Ellos hablaban de sus exámenes.

They heard a shout.

Ellos escucharon un grito.

It was John’s shout, Mark’s friend.

El grito era de Juan, el amigo el Marcos.

John was very good-looking.

Juan era muy guapo.

Juliet loved John.

A Julieta le gustó Juan.

The three of them chatted for a while.

Los tres hablaron un rato.

John asked Juliet for a date.

Juan pidió a Julieta una cita.

Juliet accepted the date.

Julieta aceptó la cita.

Juliet started a relationship with John.

Julieta empezó una relación con Juan.

They were in love.

Ellos estaban enamorados.

Juliet’s parents invited John to have lunch.

Los padres de Julieta invitaron a Juan a comer.

While having lunch, they talked about their studies.

Ellos en la comida hablaron de sus estudios.

Juliet said her wish:

Julieta comentó su deseo:

She would travel to Japan.

Ella viajaría a Japón.

She would improve her Japanese.

Ella mejoraría su japonés.

John was worried.

Juan estaba preocupado y triste.

John wanted Juliet to stay in Newcastle.

Juan quería a Julieta en Newcastle.

Juliet took a flight to Venice.

Julieta cogió un vuelo a Venecia.

She visited Germany.

Ella visitó Alemania.

Then, she went to Belgium.

Después, ella fue a Bélgica.

She was travelling around the world for two weeks.

Ella viajó dos semanas por el mundo.

She arrived in Japan.

Ella llegó a Japón.

She lived in Japan for two years.

Ella vivió en Japón dos años.

She found a job in Tokyo.

Ella encontró un trabajo en Tokio.

She was happy.

Ella estaba contenta.

She would improve her Japanese.

Ella mejoraría su japonés.

Two years later, she returned to Newcastle.

Dos años después, ella volvió a Newcastle.

Juliet’s family prepared a surprise party.

La familia de Julieta preparó una fiesta sorpresa.

Her family and friends were there.

Su familia y sus amigos estaban allí.

John was also there.

Juan también estaba allí.

John wanted another opportunity.

Juan quería otra oportunidad.

John said I love you to Juliet.

Juan dijo te quiero a Julieta.

Juliet said I love you to John.

Julieta dijo te quiero a Juan.

Their wedding was one year later.

Su matrimonio fue un año más tarde.

They went to Japan on their honeymoon.

Ellos viajaron a Japón de luna de miel.

Lumen dice Do you need an example of how to transform a text into a comic?

La imagen muestra una infografía de cómo convertir un texto en cómic.

This is one more example:

Panel number 3. 

Sophia, the main character, is cold. 

Use a  speech bubble for thoughts (Sophia): I am still cold!

Lumen dice ...

Este es un ejemplo más:

Viñeta número 3

Sophia, el personaje principal tiene frío.

Usa un bocadillo para los pensamientos (Sophia): Todavía tengo frío.

Motus dice Do you remember how many things you have done to complete the task?

You had to put into practice everything you know.

Constant work helps you learn.

When we make a great effort, our work is valued by family and teachers.

But the most important thing is that we feel glad of the work that we did.

I encourage you to continue working. Keep learning and improving.