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4.1. Parts of a story


By mistake

La imagen muestra una operación matemática errónea.




I left my keys at home by mistake.

Dejé mis llaves en casa por error.

Spanish word:

Por error



La imagen muestra el desarrollo de una persona.

To grow, to change gradually into a more mature, advanced or elaborate form.

Hacer que una persona/cosa crezca y atraviese una serie de situaciones de forma que progrese o aumente.


My mother always helped me to develop my music skills.

Mi madre siempre me ayudó a que desarrollara mis habilidades musicales.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un cartel de gato perdido.

Someone or something that is lost.

Algo o alguien desaparecido.


The missing boy was found yesterday.

Ayer encontraron al chico desaparecido.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una persona a la que se cae un café.

An expression that is used after a mistake or minor accident.

Interjección usada detrás de un error o incidente.


Oops! I spilt coffee over the floor.

¡Uy! He derramado café en el suelo.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una cronología por semanas.

The line that shows the order in which the events took place.

Herramienta visual o descripción que muestra el orden temporal de sucesos.


The timeline of the Middle Ages is easy to remember.

La línea del tiempo de la Edad Media es fácil de recordar.

Spanish word:

Cronología, línea del tiempo



La imagen muestra un niño cambiando de tema.

The subject or theme which is discussed or written about.

Asunto del que se habla o escribe.


Let's change the topic.

Cambiemos de tema.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una cálida escena con manta y un café.

Being or producing a comfortably high temperature.

Que da calor.


These gloves look warm.

Estos guantes parecen calentitos.

Spanish word:



Retor dice.

Before creating your comic, you will have to know how the story starts, develops and ends.

A story follows a timeline.

Some events happen before others.

Take that into account when working on this.

Here you have all the information and an example of what you need to know about the parts of a story and its chronological order.

Go on!

La imagen muestra el desarrollo de una persona. Definition:

To grow, to change gradually into a more mature, advanced or elaborate form.

Hacer que una persona/cosa crezca y atraviese una serie de situaciones de forma que progrese o aumente.


My mother always helped me to develop my music skills.

Mi madre siempre me ayudó a que desarrollara mis habilidades musicales.

Spanish word:


La imagen muestra una cronología por semanas. Definition:

The line that shows the order in which the events took place.

Herramienta visual o descripción que muestra el orden temporal de sucesos.


The timeline of the Middle Ages is easy to remember.

La línea del tiempo de la Edad Media es fácil de recordar.

Spanish word:

Cronología, línea del tiempo

Lectura facilitada


A story follows a timeline.

Una historia sigue una línea del tiempo.

All stories have three parts.

Todas las historias tienen tres partes.

These parts are beginning, middle and end.

Estas partes son: comienzo, nudo y final.

These parts will appear in your story.

Estas partes aparecerán en tu historia.

You have an example here.

Tú tienes un ejemplo a continuación.

1. Parts of a story

Look at this comic:

La imagen muestra un ejemplo de cómic llamado The message

Pay attention to its parts. This image can help:

La imagen muestra las partes de una historia: Beginning, middle, end


It is the first part of the story. There is a description of the character or characters and the setting. It also tells you a bit of the plot.

So, you know if it’s a romance or a crime story. If the beginning is good, the reader will want to read more! 


It was a cold and cloudy day. Sophia was wearing a warm coat, but she was still cold.

She didn't know what to do. She couldn’t understand why she had received the following message:

“Let's meet at 7. 22 Oak Street”. 

Viñetas de cómic en las que sale una niña que llega poniéndose un abrigo en el que encuentra una nota.


This part is very important because it explains the topic, giving importance to the key details.

The most important facts take place in this part. If you write a good middle, the reader will want to know how the story ends.


She was quite scared when she came into the house. It was dark and cold inside. Suddenly, she heard a noise and she jumped.

What was it? Was it the person who sent her the message? Was it a cat? Was it a ghost?.

Viñetas de cómic en las que sale una niña que llega a una casa abandonada y oye un ruido al entrar.


This part closes the story. You can find a conclusion or a solution to a problem.

If the end is good, the reader will be very happy!


After a few seconds, a lady appeared. Sophia didn’t know her.

The lady said to Sophia that she was waiting for a decorator. Sophia realized that she was wearing her mother’s coat. Her mother was a decorator.

Then, she understood everything: the message Sophia read was for her mother, not for her!

Viñetas de cómic en las que sale una niña que se encuentra a una señora que le pregunta quién es y responde que la habían citado allí.

La imagen muestra una cálida escena con manta y un café. Definition:

Being or producing a comfortably high temperature.

Que da calor.


These gloves look warm.

Estos guantes parecen calentitos.

Spanish word:


Lectura facilitada

Read - Beginning

The beginning is the first part of the story.

El comienzo es la primera parte de la historia.

The description of the characters and the setting is in the beginning.

La descripción de los personajes y del lugar están en el comienzo.

This part introduces the plot.

Esta parte introduce el argumento.

You will know the type of story.

Tú conocerás el tipo de historia.

A good start encourages the reader.

Un buen comienzo anima al lector.

You have an example here:

Aquí tienes un ejemplo.

The day was cold and cloudy.

El día era frío y nublado.

Sophia was wearing a coat.

Sofía llevaba puesto un abrigo.

She was still cold.

Ella seguía con frío.

She was confused.

Ella estaba confusa.

She had received a message:

Ella había recibido un mensaje:

Let’s meet at 7. 22 Oak Street.

-Nosotros quedaremos a las 7 en la Calle del Roble número 22.

Read - Middle

The middle is very important.

El nudo es muy importante.

This part develops the topic.

Esta parte desarrolla el tema.

The most important facts take place in the middle.

Los hechos más importantes de la historia ocurren en el nudo.

A good middle is important.

Un buen nudo es importante.

The reader will be curious about the end of the story.

El lector tendrá curiosidad por el final de la historia.

You have an example here:

Tú tienes un ejemplo aquí.

She came into the house.

Ella entró en la casa.

She was quite scared.

Ella estaba bastante asustada.

The house was dark and cold.

La casa estaba oscura y fría.

She heard a noise.

Ella escuchó un ruido.

She jumped.

Ella dio un brinco.

What was it: a cat or a ghost?

¿Qué fué un gato o un fantasma?

Read - End

The end closes the story.

El final cierra la historia.

In this part, you will find a conclusion or a solution to the problem of the story.

En esta parte encontrarás una conclusión o una solución al problema de la historia.

You have an example here:

Tú tienes un ejemplo aquí:

A lady appeared in the house.

Una señora apareció en la casa.

Sophia didn’t know that lady.

Sofía desconocía a esa señora.

They talked.

Ellas hablaron.

The lady was waiting for a decorator.

La señora esperaba a una decoradora.

Sophia realised something.

Sofía se dio cuenta de algo.

She was wearing her mother’s coat.

Ella llevaba puesto el abrigo de su madre.

The note was in her coat.

La nota estaba en su abrigo.

Her mother was a decorator.

Su madre era decoradora.

Then, the message was for her mother.

Entonces, el mensaje era para su madre.

2. We work on the parts of a story

You have learned about the parts of a story.

Now you will practise a bit more.

Choose the option you prefer most. 

Option A: Order the story

Here you have the three parts of a story. Put them in the correct order.

  • It was a cold and cloudy day. Sophia was wearing a warm coat, but she was still cold. She didn't know what to do. She couldn’t understand why she had received the following message: “Let's meet at 7. 22 Oak Street”.
  • She was quite scared when she came into the house. It was dark and cold inside. Suddenly, she heard a noise and she jumped. What was it? Was it the person who sent her the message? Was it a cat? Was it a ghost?.
  • After a few seconds, a lady appeared. Sophia didn’t know her. The lady said to Sophia that she was waiting for a decorator. Sophia realised that she was wearing her mother’s coat. Her mother was a decorator. Then, she understood everything: the message Sophia read was for her mother, not for her!



Wrong answer... The right answer is:

Option B: Express your creativity

Here you have the beginning and the middle of a horror story. Express your own version of the end.


It was a cold and cloudy day. Sophia was wearing a warm coat, but she was still cold. She didn't know what to do. She couldn’t understand why she had received the following message: “Let's meet at 7. 22 Oak Street”. 


She was quite scared when she came into the house. It was dark and cold inside. Suddenly, she heard a noise and she jumped.

What was it? Was it the person who sent her the message? Was it a cat? Was it a ghost?.

Option C: Develop the story

Here you have the middle of a horror story, the beginning and the end are missing.

Read the middle and write a beginning and an end which are appropriate for this horror story. 


She was quite scared when she came into the house. It was dark and cold inside. Suddenly, she heard a noise and she jumped.

What was it? Was it the person who sent her the message? Was it a cat? Was it a ghost?. 

Option D: Write a story

Write a horror story.

It must include all the elements that a story must have.

Record a video with it. 

Lumen dice Do you need help?

If you still have any problem, here you have a list of expressions that will help you to write a story.

  1. In the beginning: at the beginning…, one day…, last Friday…
  2. In the middle: later…, then…, after that…
  3. In the end: finally…, at the end…

Lumen dice...

Si todavía tienes problemas, aquí tienes una lista de expresiones que te pueden ayudar a escribir una historia.

  1. En el principio: al principio..., un dia, ... el pasado viernes…
  2. En el medio: después..., entonces, después de eso...
  3. En el final: finalmente..., al final...