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4.1 Problem? I have got a solution!



La Imagen Muestra Una Persona Con El Brazo Extendido En Actitud De Desprecio Y Con La Cara Girada Evitando El Contacto Visual.


To stay away from something.

Evitar o mantenerse alejado de algo.


Avoid eating junk food.

Evita comer comida basura.

Spanish word:



To reflect


Think something carefully in order to make a decision.

Pensar algo con cuidado para tomar una decisión.


We need to reflect before answering the question.

Debemos reflexionar antes de contestar a la pregunta. 

Spanish word:

Reflexionar o pensar


1. Be nature, my friend!


Wow!  There is a lot of work to do to help the planet. Now you know more about it. 

It is time to reflect and think about the solutions that we can take at home. 

Choose the right option for you and work individually.

To reflect


Think something carefully in order to make a decision.

Pensar algo con cuidado para tomar una decisión.


We need to reflect before answering the question.

Debemos reflexionar antes de contestar a la pregunta. 

Spanish word:



Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


You have learned many things to help the planet.

 Has aprendido muchas cosas para ayudar al planeta.

Now you are going to practice the things you have learned.

Ahora vas a practicar las cosas que has aprendido.

You have to work alone.

Tienes que trabajar solo o sola.

Choose the option that is right for you.

Elige la opción más adecuada para ti.

Option A: Is it true or false?

Read the next sentences and say if they are TRUE or FALSE.

Question 1

Mano apagando la luz de un interruptor

  1. To save energy you can turn off the lights.


It is important not to waste energy.

Question 2

Imagen de frigorífico abierto con comida y bebida en su interior

To save energy the fridge has to be opened all the time.


If the door is open, consumption is higher.

Question 3

Coche rojo

To save fuel you can go to school by car.


Do cars need fuel to move?

Question 4

Ventana con una de dos hojas abierta

To save on heating, close the windows.


With the windows open, you will need to turn up the heating to warm your home.

Option B: Fill in the blanks to save energy!

Write the correct words in the blank spaces in order to make a comprehensible text. Use the words to help you.

Short - foot - artificial - natural - turn off - wear

Option D: Earthling, what can you do?

Write down a piece of writing between 50 of 70 words about how to solve any environmental problem. 

Click here to download the document "Earthling, what can you do?". 

Earthling, what can you do?

Learning from my mistakes

How did you do the activity?

Did you make any mistakes?

If you made a mistake, don't get angry.

It is normal to make mistakes when learning something new.

Making mistakes is part of learning.

When you make a mistake, follow these tips:

1. Examine the part where you have failed.

2. Find a way to improve on that mistake.

3. Try the activity again.

4. Understand that mistakes are important for learning.

Don't forget: when you make a mistake once, you learn for the next attempt.