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2.1 What you already know about Earth!


To decrease


To become smaller or fewer; diminish.

Hacerse más pequeño; disminuir.


The sunlight decreases during winter days.

La luz solar disminuye durante los días de invierno.

Spanish word:



To rise


Come or go upwards. To reach a higher or higher level or position.

Llegar o ir hacia arriba. Subir o alcanzar un nivel alto o superior.


The river rises every spring.

El río crece cada primavera.

Spanish word:

Subir o crecer



Foto de unas placas solaresDefinition:

Place from which something comes or is obtained.

Lugar del que proviene o se obtiene algo.


There are many types of renewable energy sources.

Hay muchos tipos de fuentes de energía renovables.

Spanish word:




Imagen de un reloj de arena midiendo un periodo de tiempo.Definition:

Duration of something over a period of time.

Duración de algo en un período de tiempo.


Inventions have improved throughout history.

Los inventos han mejorado a lo largo de la historia.

Spanish word:

A lo largo de


1. What’s the weather like?


Look at these pictures about vocabulary related to weather, light throughout history and temperature.

Do you know them? Come on to review them!


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


We remember more vocabulary about weather, light and temperature.

Recordamos más vocabulario sobre el tiempo, la luz y la temperatura.

Look at the images carefully.

Mira las imágenes con atención.

How's the weather today?

Soleado  Nublado Foggy Lluvioso  Ventoso  

The history of Light


Temperatures according to the seasons


Do you need extra help with the section 2?


The Sun is our basic source of natural light. It has always been there. 

Wood was the first source of light created by humans. It appeared between 1 million and 300.000 years B.C.

Candles helped humans to see at night inside the houses. It appeared in the 13th Century A.D. 

The light bulb was a big technological step for humans. It appeared in the late 19th Century A.D. 

LED light bulbs are more efficient light bulbs that almost everybody uses nowadays.  It appeared in the late 20th

Century A.D.

Do you need extra help with the section 3?

Temperatures according to the seasons. 

Winter. We can find temperatures of minus 0 degrees celsius. 

Spring. We find warmer temperatures in this season, with longer daylight. 

Summer. We find temperatures over 30ºC. 

Autumn/Fall. We find temperatures similar to Spring but with shorter daylight.

2. Reflecting on the climate


Let us reflect a little more on climate and weather.

Have a look again at the image of the sea where the landscape changes. Discuss the following questions in groups.


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


You continue to work in groups.

Tú sigue trabajando en grupo.

First, look at the 2 images.

Primero mira las 2 imágenes.

Then, answer these questions.

Observe, reflect and answer:

What is the weather like in the pictures?

  • In the photograph on the left, the weather is…
  • In the photograph on the right, the weather is…

Do you think weather is related to climate?

  • I think weather is/isn’t related to climate because…

What type of light source can you see?

  • The type of source(s) that I can see is/are…

What is the most efficient source of light you know?

  • I think the temperature could be… degrees Celsius. 

What could be the temperatures in the images?

I think the temperature What is the weather like in the pictures?could be… degrees Celsius.

Is the temperature of the planet rising or decreasing?

  • I think the temperature of the planet is rising/decreasing because…

If you need it, I can help you a little

To make it easier for you to do the activity, I give you the option to have larger pictures and the questions separated into cards.

If you need this help, follow these steps:

  1. Download the document. You have the pictures and the cards.
  2. Cut out the cards with the questions.
  3. Remember to put the cards in order.

Click here to download the document.


Lumen dice:

Para que te sea más fácil hacer la actividad, te doy la opción de tener las fotos más grandes y las preguntas separadas en tarjetas.

Si necesitas esta ayuda sigue estos pasos:

  1. Descarga el documento. Tienes las fotos y las tarjetas.
  2. Recorta las tarjetas con las preguntas.
  3. Recuerda poner las tarjetas en orden.

Cliquea aquí para descargar el documento.
