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4. How it all begins

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To create a good campaign you’re going to need a lot of money or much imagination and creativity. You need a good slogan and advertising techniques to appeal to your target. 

Now you’ll learn what you need to know to succeed in your final task.

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A good publicity campaign needs a lot of money and good ideas.

Una buena campaña publicitaria necesita mucho dinero y buenas ideas.

A good publicity campaign needs a slogan and publicity techniques.

Una buena campaña publicitaria necesita un eslogan y técnicas de publicidad.

The following contents will help you with the final task. 

Los siguientes contenidos te ayudarán con la tarea final.

1. What you need to know

1. Comparative and superlative adjectives

You’ll learn how to use them to describe your campaign. 

2. Ways of shopping 

You’ll reflect if it’s better to buy in local shops, in shopping centers or online.

3. Advertising campaign

You’ll learn how to create a successful advertising campaign.


2. Start being a good publicist

La imagen muestra una secuencia, de izquierda a derecha, de los pasos de una posible campaña publicitaria a nivel mundial.

In order to become a good publicist, you must know and implement new knowledge and capacities in similar situations but, in turn, in diverse contexts.

From now on, you’ll be able to learn some of this knowledge and skills you’ll need to create an impressive advertising campaign, which can spread worldwide. 

Think about publicity campaigns created for important brands that reached everywhere. Go for it, this is your next challenge!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para llegar a ser un buen publicista debes conocer y aplicar nuevos conocimientos y capacidades en situaciones parecidas pero, a su vez, en contextos diversos.

A partir de ahora vas a poder conocer algunos de estos conocimientos y estrategias necesarios para hacer una campaña de publicidad de impacto, capaz de llegar a todos los rincones del planeta.

Piensa en campañas publicitarias de grandes marcas que han llegado a todas partes. ¡Adelante, afronta este nuevo reto!

Motus dice ... Listen to your inner voice to move on

La imagen muestra una mano sosteniendo un megáfono del que sale un bocadillo de diálogo con una frase hablándose a sí mismo.

If you’re able to listen to what your inner voice has to say you’ll be able to move on with big steps in all you intend to do no matter how new and difficult it may seem.

Furthermore, reflecting about what you already know and having and idea about it will help you see with perspective and change possibilities.

Big steps have promoted little and not so little changes in the world coming from creative thinking.