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5. Working to build a bubble of life



Se muestran piezas de rompecabezas.


To put together the parts of something.

Juntar las partes de algo.


We have assembled this table.

Hemos montado esta mesa.

Spanish word:



Cut out

Se muestran unas manos con tijeras recortando.


To shape by cutting.

Dar forma recortando.


She cut out some pieces from the newspaper.

Ella recortó algunos trozos del periódico.

Spanish word:



Retor dice

Living beings only survive in an ecosystem when their specific needs are met.

All living beings  have needs, such as food, water, and air. If the needs of the organisms in the ecosystem are not met, they cannot survive.

It’s time your perfect animal discovers what its perfect ecosystem is. It will feed and relate to other animals in that ecosystem. 

Come on!  YOU NEED TO work together to form a bubble of life

Un hombre escalando una montaña que supone una gran dificultad.

Something that is difficult to accomplish.

Algo difícil de conseguir.


Learning Japanese is a big challenge.

Aprender japonés es un gran reto.

Lectura facilitada


Living beings survive in ecosystems.

Los seres vivos sobreviven en ecosistemas.

Living beings need food.

Los seres vivos necesitan comida.

Living beings need water.

Los seres vivos necesitan agua.

Living beings need air.

Los seres vivos necesitan aire.

Your animal needs an ecosystem.

Tu animal necesita un ecosistema.

You find an ecosystem.

Tú encuentras un ecosistema.

You build a bubble of life.

Tú construyes una burbuja de vida.

1. I introduce my perfect animal to the class

You are going to give a presentation to the class about your ideal animal.

You have the animal design so you can show it to your classmates. You also have the fact file with a summary of the information and the text of the class presentation with all the details. Don’t forget the tips to prepare your oral presentation.

But before starting, check if you say yes to the questions below. Then, you will be ready to give an excellent presentation!

Task descriptors

Do you need help with the image?

Audio transciption

Overcome your fears

How confident were you while doing this task?

When we have to do an activity, we may have doubts about our ability to do it.

In order to overcome these fears, follow these tips:

  1. There are things you do very well. Use them to do the activity.
  2. There are things that are a little difficult for you to do. Try and believe in yourself. You will be surprised at what you can achieve.
  3. Some things are very difficult. Look at an example, ask your classmate or ask your teacher for help.

Lectura facilitada


You prepare the oral presentation.

Tú preparas la presentación oral.

You use your fact file summary.

Tú usas el resumen del Fact File.

There is a picture.

Hay una imagen.

The picture shows some questions.

La imagen muestra algunas preguntas.

You check the questions.

Comprueba las preguntas.

Now, you present your fantastic animal.

Ahora, tú presentas tu animal fantástico.

You present to the class.

Tu presentas delante de la clase.

You show your animal.

Tú enseñas a tu animal.

Retor dice

What imagination you have! Your animals are a lot of fun and we had a great time knowing about them. However, animals cannot live in isolation. Now we have to find their ecosystem in order to live with other animals.

Lectura facilitada


You have got imagination.

Tú tienes imaginación.

Your animals are funny.

Vuestros animales son divertidos.

We have fun.

Lo pasamos bien.

Now, you look for an ecosystem for your animal.

Ahora, tú buscas un ecosistema para tu animal

The animals can not live alone.

Los animales no viven solos.

2. Building ecosystems

These are six pictures of six different ecosystems.

Lectura facilitada


Follow the steps:

Sigue los pasos:

1. Look at the pictures.

1.vTú miras las fotos.

2. Join in groups.

2. Tú trabajas en grupo.

3. Choose one ecosystem.

3. Vosotros elegís un ecosistema.

4. Say if it is terrestrial or aquatic. ecosystem.

4. Vosotros decís si es acuático o terrestre.

5. Say if it is a cold, mild or hot ecosystem.

5. Vosotros decís si es frío, cálido o caluroso.

6. Make a poster.

6. Vosotros hacéis un poster.

7. You do not repeat the ecosystems.

7. Vosotros no repetís ningún ecosistema.

8. You give a place to each ecosystem.

8. Vosotros creáis un lugar para cada ecosistema.

9. Each ecosystem has got an Ecosystem Entry Control.

9. Cada ecosistema tiene un Control de Entrada.

Can your imaginary being survive and live  in any of these ecosystems? 

Let’s work on it. 

Join in six groups and follow the steps:

  1. Choose one ecosystem. Say if it is terrestrial or aquatic and define  the range of temperatures and the possible sources of food. Make sure each group works on  one different ecosystem.
  2. Make a poster of your ecosystem.

Now, let’s create six different places in the classroom and put one poster on the wall to decorate each place. 

Each place becomes an "Ecosystem Entry Control".

Retor dice

Now you have six ecosystems. You need to find which of these ecosystems would be the best for your imaginary creature.  It is time to move.

Go ahead!

Lectura facilitada


There are six ecosystems.

Hay seis ecosistemas.

Your animal needs an ecosystem.

Tu animal necesita un ecosistema.

You move around the class.

Tu te mueves por la clase.

You find one ecosystem for your animal.

Tú encuentras un ecosistema para tu animal.

3. There is no place like home

In turns, two members of each group stay at their “Ecosystem Entry Control”.  They play the role of   Ecosystem  Supervisors.

The other members of the group move from one Ecosystem Checkpoint to another. They are  Researchers and use a passport.

What to do when you are an Ecosystem Supervisor

  1. Ask these questions to your classmate:
    • Is your animal  terrestrial or aquatic? Is this ecosystem suitable for your animal?
    • What does your animal eat? Can your animal find food in this ecosystem?
    • Does your animal like hot, mild or cold temperatures? Is the range of temperatures in this ecosystem suitable for your animal?
  2. According to your classmate’s answers, mark YES or NO in the passport if the animal can enter or not the ecosystem.

What to do when you are a Researcher

  1. Visit all the Ecosystem Entry Controls.
  2. Answer these questions:
    • Is your animal  terrestrial or aquatic? Is this ecosystem suitable for your animal?
    • What does your animal eat? Can your animal find food in this ecosystem?
    • Does your animal like hot, mild or cold temperatures? Is the range of temperatures in this ecosystem suitable for your animal?
  3. Once you have visited all the Ecosystem Entry Controls, decide what the best ecosystem for your imaginary being is.

Lectura facilitada


There are two roles.

Hay dos papeles.

1. You play the role of Ecosystem Supervisor.

1. Tú eres el Supervisor.

- You ask these questions.

- Tú haces estas preguntas.

- You ask if your classmate’s animal is terrestrial.

- Tú preguntas si la criatura de tu compañero es terrestre.

- You ask if your classmate’ś animal is aquatic.

- Tú preguntas si la criatura es acuática.

- You ask if your classmate’s animal likes the heat.

- Tú preguntas si a la criatura le gusta el calor.

- You ask if your classmate’s animal likes the cold.

- Tú preguntas si a la criatura le gusta el frío.

- You ask if your classmate’s animal likes mild temperatures.

- Tú preguntas si a la criatura le gusta la temperatura cálida.

- You ask if your classmate’s animal can find food.

- Tú preguntas qué come la criatura.

- You mark in red negative answers.

- Tú señalas en azul las respuestas positivas.

- You mark in blue affirmative answers.

- Tú señalas en rojo las respuestas negativa.

2. You play the role of Researcher.

2. Tú eres el Investigador.

- You answer these questions.

- Tú respondes estas preguntas.

- You answer if your classmate’s animal is terrestrial.

- Tú contestas si la criatura de tu compañero es terrestre.

- You answer if your classmate’ś animal is aquatic.

- Tú contestas si la criatura es acuática.

- You answer if your classmate’s animal likes the heat.

- Tú contestas sí a la criatura le gusta el calor.

- You answer if your classmate’s animal likes the cold.

- Tú contestas sí a la criatura le gusta el frío.

- You answer if your classmate’s animal likes mild temperatures.

- Tú contestas sí a la criatura le gusta la temperatura cálida.

- You answer if your classmate’s animal can find food.

- Tú contestas qué come la criatura.

- You mark in red negative answers.

- Tú señalas en azul las respuestas positivas.

- You mark in blue affirmative answers.

- Tú señalas en rojo las respuestas negativa.

- You go through all the Ecosystem Entry Control.

- Tú pasas por todos Controles de Entrada.

Retor dice

Wow! You have already done a lot of work.  Up to this moment, you have designed your perfect animal, and you have had the opportunity to learn and think about the perfect ecosystem for your perfect animal. 

Now that you know what ecosystem is better for your fantastic creature and you have found other fantastic creatures that can live together with yours, it is time to build that ecosystem. 

Have you heard about the word “diorama”?  Pay attention and have fun.

Lectura facilitada


You have worked a lot.

Tu has trabajado un montón.

You have got your perfect animal.

Tú tienes tu animal perfecto.

You have got an ecosystem for your animal.

Tú tienes un ecosistema para tu animal.

Now, you build a diorama.

Ahora tú construyes un diorama.

You watch the video.

Tú ves el video.

You have fun.

Tú te diviertes.

4. Let's make a diorama

Watch this video. 

Work in groups and make your diorama.

How confident were you while doing this task?

When we have to do an activity, we may have doubts about our ability to do it.
In order to overcome these fears, follow these tips:

  1. There are things you do very well. Use them to do the activity.
  2. There are things that are a little difficult for you to do. Try and believe in yourself. You will be surprised at what you can achieve.
  3. Some things are very difficult. Look at an example, ask your classmate or ask your teacher for help.

5. What have I learnt?

In this last step, I am going to ask you to think about what has been the most important thing you have learnt in order to achieve the challenge.

What you discover by thinking, will help you when you have to meet similar challenges in the future.

Stop for a moment and complete STEP 4 of your Learning Diary (What have I learned?)!


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

En este último paso, te voy a proponer que pienses qué ha sido lo más importante de todo lo que has aprendido para conseguir el reto que te proponíamos.

Lo que descubras pensando en ello te servirá para cuando tengas que alcanzar retos parecidos en un futuro.

¡Para un momento y completa el PASO 4 de tu Diario de aprendizaje (¿Qué he aprendido?)!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.

Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

6. Rubric: My animal description

My animal description
 Cheetah (Excellent)Lynx (Good)Cat (Not very good)Turtle (Bad)
Use of adjectivesThere are many adjectives to describe the animal, mainly from the unit but also some new ones. (1)There are many adjectives to describe the animal, mainly from the unit. (0.75)There are some adjectives to describe the animal. (0.25)There aren't any adjectives to describe the animal. (0)
Use of comparativesThere are many comparatives to describe the animal, and no mistakes. (1)There are many comparatives to describe the animal, and some mistakes. (0.75)There are some comparatives to describe the animal but there are a lot of mistakes. (0.25)There aren't any comparatives to describe the animal. (0)
Organisation of the presentationThe presentation is super clear to understand all the details about the animal and the organisation is excellent. (2)The presentation is quite clear and the information is organised as learnt in the unit. (1.5)The presentation is a bit clear and there is some organisation in the information. (1)The presentation is not clear at all and the information is not organised. (0)
Animal designThere is an excellent animal design with parts from different animals and original features. (2)There is a good animal design with parts from different animals. (1.5)There is a poor animal design, not original and no effort. (1)There isn’t an animal design. (0)
ContentExcellent content with a very good amount of quality information and a varied description. (2)Good content with a good amount of quality information and a varied description. (1.5)Poor content with a not much amount of quality information and a repetitive description. (1)Not research done and very repetitive content. (0)
OralityExcellent pronunciation, intonation, pose, speech. (2)Good pronunciation, intonation, pose, speech. (1.5)Poor pronunciation, intonation, pose, speech with frequent mistakes. (1)Too many mistakes on pronunciation, intonation, pose, speech that makes very difficult to understand. (0)
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When you are assessed with a rubric you can know exactly what others expect from you. So having a rubric helps you to understand what you need to do and do a great job!

7. Check your oral interaction

Use the evaluation chart to assess your own work and your classmate's work.

Make a cross in the appropriate box.

Need help?

Lumen dice: Aquí tienes las rúbricas

Rúbrica My animal description (spanish)

Guepardo (Excellent) Lince (Good) Gato (Regular) Tortuga (Mal)
Uso de adjetivos

Hay muchos adjetivos para describir el animal, principalmente de los vistos durante el REA, pero también se han investigado otros.

Hay numerosos adjetivos para describir el animal, principalmente de los vistos durante el REA.
Hay algún uso de adjetivos para describir el animal.

No hay uso de adjetivos para describir el animal.

Uso de comparativos Hay muchos comparativos para describir el animal, y no se presencian errores.
Hay bastantes comparativos para describir el animal, y solo algunos errores.
Hay algunos comparativos para describir el animal pero tienen bastantes errores.
No hay ningún comparativo para describir el animal.
Organización de la presentación La presentación está muy clara para entender todos los detalles sobre el animal y la organización es excelente.
La presentación es bastante clara y la información se ha organizado como se ha visto durante el REA.
La información es un poco clara y hay alguna organización en la información.
La presentación no es clara en absoluto y la información no está organizada.
Diseño del animal Hay un diseño del animal excelente, con partes de diferentes animales y características originales.
Hay un buen diseño del animal, con diferentes partes de otros animales.
Hay un diseño pobre del animal, no es original ni hay esfuerzo.
No hay un diseño de animal.
Contenido Excelente contenido con muy buena cantidad de información de calidad y una descripción variada.
Buen contenido con buena cantidad de información de calidad y una descripción variada.
Pobre contenido con poca información de calidad y descripción repetitiva.
No hay búsqueda de información y el contenido es repetitivo.
Oralidad Excelente pronunciación, entonación, pose y discurso.
Buena pronunciación, entonación, pose y discurso.
Pobre pronunciación, entonación, pose y discurso con errores frecuentes.
Demasiados errores en pronunciación, entonación, pose y discurso que hacen muy difícil de comprender.

Rúbrica: Oral interaction for the ecosystems (spanish)

Excelente Bien Regular Mal
Transmitir la información de lo que necesiten correctamente.
Uso de comparativos
 Escuchar con atención y responder con adecuación a lo que se pregunta.
Actitud de cooperación y colaboración para ceder y llegar a acuerdos.