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4.3 We all need each other

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Congratulations! Your fantastic creature is now real! You can touch it, you can see it. But this challenge has not finished yet. This newborn animal needs to have a name, maybe even a family. And it’s time to use words to explain to the world what your fantastic animal is like.

1. Can you name this creature?

Let's assume that you are omnipotent. You've just created life. So what  do you want to call this living thing you've just brought into being? Naming things can be extremely hard, can it not? Parents have enough problems deciding what to call their newborn, and scientists have just as much trouble thinking up some appropriate Latin name for the new species of insect they've only just found before someone else does.

Choose the best name ever for these real creatures. then compare your election with their real names?. Have you made your decision in the same way?

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Did you enjoy the activity above? Now,  it’s time to think about a name for your perfect animal. 

Have you thought about being part of a family? No real or imaginary living being can live in isolation. They depend on each other to survive. Maybe you can imagine the name of a complete class or kingdom for it.  

Have you considered if your perfect animal is a unique being or, on the contrary, it belongs to a specific species? How would your fantastic creature survive in isolation?

2. The art of naming your animal creation

Every species known to science has a name. Putting a name on a new species is exciting and important because you are naming a unique creature. Here's a step-by-step guide to naming this creature.

There are some rules you must follow:

Naming a species is both an incredible honour and an enormous responsibility.

Excerpt from:

3. Inventing names

There are more fun animals that you can describe. What names would you choose for them? Discuss it with your partner.

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You describe more fun animals.

Tú describes más animales divertidos.

You think of a name for the animals.

Tú piensas el nombre para los animales.

4. Name your fantastic animal

Now, choose a name for your animal and tell your classmates.

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Up to now, you have imagined the physical characteristics of your perfect animal, you have also assigned human qualities to it and you have considered its family or species. 

However, have you thought about what your perfect animal needs to survive?  What kind of ecosystem will keep your perfect animal alive?

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Your animal has physical characteristics.

Tu animal tiene características físicas.

Your animal has human qualities.

Tu animal tiene cualidades humanas.

Your animal has a name.

Tu animal tiene un nombre.

Now, your animal needs a place to live.

Ahora, tu animal necesita un lugar para vivir.

You find a suitable ecosystem.

Tú encuentras un ecosistema adecuado.

Are you lost?

Doing research may not be easy. You need to focus on what you want to find and where you can find it. 

Here you have some links to help you with the where.

