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3. Longer than a giraffe's neck



Joven saltando sobre monopatín en la calle.


Special skills or attitudes to do something.

Destrezas especiales o actitudes al hacer algo.


This girl has a great musical ability.

Esta chica tiene una gran habilidad musical.

Spanish word:




Rostros de dos mujeres jóvenes con apariencia diferente.


The way that someone or something looks.

El aspecto en el que se presenta alguien o algo.


You have an attractive appearance.

Tienes un aspecto atractivo.

Spanish word:

Apariencia, aspecto.



Mano en primer plano cogiendo una pluma en blanco y negro.


One of the light, horny structures that form the principal covering of birds.

Cada una de las ligeras formaciones córneas de que está cubierto el cuerpo de las aves.


The bird has big wings with white feathers.

El ave tiene grandes alas con plumas blancas.

Spanish word:




Dálmata sentado y mano lanzando alimento.


A different mark on the skin.

Una marca diferente en la piel.


Cheetahs have black spots.

Los guepardos tienen manchas negras.

Spanish word:

Mancha, punto.


Retor dice

In the previous section, we worked with animals’ names and their physical and personality features.

As you have checked, sometimes the appearance of animals can be ordinary but there are extraordinary animals that are difficult to distinguish from fantastic animals. Nature is amazing, isn’t it?

Now, let’s think of your favourite animals. Why do you like them? What makes them so interesting for you? 

Answering these questions will help you to decide how your perfect animal is going to be.

Let’s explore!

Lectura facilitada


You worked with animals.

Tú trabajaste con animales.

You worked with animals’ names.

Tú trabajaste con nombres de animales.

You worked with animals’ physical features.

Tú trabajaste las características físicas de los animales.

Some animals are conventional.

Algunos animales son normales.

Some animals are extraordinary.

Algunos animales son extraordinarios.

Nature is amazing.

La naturaleza es sorprendente.

You like animals.

A ti te gustan los animales.

Animals interest you.

Los animales te interesan.

You have favourite animals.

Tu tienes animales favoritos.

Now, you think of animals.

Ahora, piensas en tus animales.

This help you with your final task.

Esto te ayuda con la tarea final.

1. Real or Fantastic?

There are magical creatures in literature and cinema that can be inspiring, but in real life there are creatures that are just as amazing. 

Here are three examples of amazing animals. Are you sure you will be able to guess which ones are real?

Read or listen to the texts.




Dendogramas are mushroom-shaped small animals. We discovered them in 2014.

The extraordinary dendogramma is an animal from the familiy of the jellyfish and corals. They feed on placton.

They live 400 to 1000 metres under the waters of southeastern Australia.


Condylura cristata



It is a mole-like creature with a tendency to steal shiny objects.

It has an organ, known as Eimer's organ. With the help of its Eimer's organ, it can detect seismic wave vibrations. 

They live in the northern parts of North America. and eat small invertebrates, amphibians and fish.


Blue ant

Blue ant


The blue ant is not an ant. In fact, it is a  wasp living in Australia. Their sting can cause pain and swelling. Adult blue ants feed mainly on nectar but, when larvae, they feed from crickets where female blue ants lay their eggs to make sure their larvae will have fresh meat to eat.


Work in groups. Complete three charts, one chart for each animal, with the information from  the text.  Then, discuss whether these animals are real or fantastic. 

Write your answers in your notebook.

Real or Fantastic chart

Did you get excited about this activity?

A classroom activity can make you feel in many ways: confused, relieved, insecure, tense, happy, proud, angry....

The way you respond to an activity can tell you a lot about yourself. If you feel confused or insecure, it is because it is a new activity that you don't know how to deal with.

If you feel happy, joyful or proud, it is probably because you know you will be able to do it very well.

If you feel angry or tense, it is because the activity is very difficult . Knowing the emotions you feel when you are going to do an activity will help you:

  • Ask for help.
  • Relax before playing your role.
  • Think about how you will be able to represent it and trush in yourself.
  • Listen to your emotions!

2. Identify what I have to do

You already know what your challenge is and the activity that will bring you closer to the goal. But to succeed in your journey, you will need some strategies that will help you in this and other similar tasks. You will discover them in a diary that we call your Learning Diary.

This time we suggest you open it and complete STEP 1 of the Learning Journal before you start the activity you have just read about! Click here to download your Learning Journal.


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it! Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Ya conoces qué reto te proponemos alcanzar y te acabamos de plantear una actividad que te acercará a la meta. Pero para tener éxito en tu camino, necesitarás algunas estrategias que te servirán para esta y otras tareas parecidas. Las irás descubriendo en un diario que llamamos tu Diario de Aprendizaje.

En esta ocasión te proponemos que lo abras y completes el PASO 1 del Diario de aprendizaje antes de empezar la actividad que acabas de leer!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu  ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

3. Simply the best

Each animal is special in a different way. What makes these animals special?  

Think of your favourite animal, what makes it better than the other animals? 

And what about the top ten list of animals you made? Why are they so special?

Look at the following image and compare two animals. Write your ideas in your notebook.

Lectura facilitada


Animals are special.

Los animales son especiales.

Animals are different.

Los animales son diferentes.

Each animal is special in a different way.

Cada animal es especial de un modo diferente.

You think of your favourite animal.

Tu piensas en tu animal favorito.

You wonder why your favourite animal is special.

Tú te preguntas porqué tu animal favorito es especial.

You look at the photos.

Tú miras las fotos.

You compare animals.

Tú comparas los animales.

You have fun.

Tú lo pasas bien.

4. Animal facts

Now, choose one animal from the list of the top ten animals you made with your classmates before. Write down the information you have.

This is the worksheet where you can write the information about your animal. You can complete this worksheet online, store and download it on your computer. Don’t forget to save the file. If you prefer it, you can also download the worksheet and complete it by hand.

Lectura facilitada


Follow the steps:

Sigue los pasos:

1. You choose one favourite animal.

1. Tú eliges un animal favorito.

2. You download this worksheet.

2. Tú descargas la ficha.

3. You complete the worksheet.

3. Tú completas la ficha.

4. You use information about your favourite animal.

4. Tú usas la información sobre tu animal favorito.

Needing inspiration?

Here you have an example of the table you have to complete.

Where do they live? What do they eat? How long do they live? What sound do they make?

Lumen dice

Audio description

5. Present your animal facts to the class

Now you are going to present the animal facts to the class. Remember to follow the order in the table and speak clearly. Your classmates need to guess what the animal is!

6. Have I been able to do the activity?

You have already finished the activity Animal facts. The beginnings may have caused fear and insecurity.

If you complete STEP 2 of the Learning Diary (Will I be able to do it?), you will see that those feelings are common when you start a task and reflecting on this will help you reduce your insecurities in the next activities.


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

¡Ya has terminado la actividad, como es Animal Facts!

Los comienzos te han podido crear miedos e inseguridades a la hora de realizarla.

Si completas el PASO 2 del Diario de aprendizaje (¿Seré capaz de hacerlo?) podrás ver que tus sentimientos son habituales cuando empezamos una tarea y reflexionar sobre ello te ayudará a que en las próximas actividades esa inseguridad sea cada vez menor.


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!