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1. Are we animals?



A little dog in a cup


Attractive, pretty.

Atractivo/a, hermoso/a.


That baby is really cute.

Ese bebé es realmente mono.

Spanish word:




A woman and a dog shaking hand and leg


Faithful to a person or thing that deserves it.

Leal a una persona o cosa que lo merece.


Peter is loyal to his wife.

Peter es fiel a su mujer.

Spanish word:




Baby's feet laying in a white blanket


Smooth and pleasing to touch.

Suave y placentero al tacto.


I like listening to soft music.

Me gusta escuchar música baja/suave.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra dos lápices volando y escribiendo un 10.


Having deep knowledge of something.

Tener un amplio conocimiento sobre algo.


Mary made a wise decision.

Mary tomó una sabia decisión.

Spanish word:



Retor dice

Hello! I’m Retor. Welcome to “Faster than a cheetah”. Do you like animals? Would you like to use your imagination? Are you willing to collaborate with your classmates to complete a mission? Then you are ready for a new challenge. This one is about animals, but not just any animal…your ideal animal.

I challenge you to create the perfect imaginary being and the place in which that fantastic animal is going to live together with other classmates’  fantastic animals.

To do that you will have to create a diorama and you will exhibit it at school. You will have to fill in a fact file with information about your animal, its ecosystem and its relation to other animals.

Do you feel like a fantastic animal world maker? I am sure you do. Come on! Let's start this new adventure!

Lectura facilitada


Hello! I am Retor

¡Hola, soy Retor!

Welcome to “Faster than a cheetah”.

Bienvenido a “Más rápido que un guepardo”.

This is a new challenge.

Este es un desafío nuevo.

This challenge is about animals.

Este desafío es de animales.

In this challenge you create an animal using your imagination.

En el desafío usarás la imaginación.

You create the perfect animal.

Tú crearás el animal perfecto.

Your animal lives with other animals.

Tu animal vive con otros animales.

You create a habitat for your animals in a diorama.

Tú creas un hábitat para vuestros animales en un diorama.

A diorama is a craft.

Un diorama es una manualidad.

You write the information about the diorama.

Tu escribes la información sobre el diorama.

You exhibit the diorama and your animals at school.

Tú exhibes el diorama y tus animales en el instituto.

1. Vídeo presentation

Lectura facilitada


This video compares animals to people.

Este vídeo compara a animales y personas.

Animals and people have similar features.

Los animales y las personas tienen rasgos parecidos.

You will create your perfect animal.

Tú vas a crear tu animal perfecto.

Your perfect animal is loyal as a dog.

Tu animal perfecto sería fiel como un perro.

Your perfect animal is fast as a cheetah.

Tu animal perfecto sería rápido como un guepardo.

Your perfect animal is as wise as a dolphin.

Tú animal perfecto sería sabio como un delfín.

Your perfect animal is as cute as a monkey.

Tú animal perfecto sería adorable como un mono.

Your perfect animal has got lynx eyes.

Tu animal perfecto tendría ojos de lince.

Your perfect animal is as soft as a cat.

Tu animal perfecto sería suave como un gato.

You decide the most important characteristics.

Tú decides las características más importantes.







This is a challenge.

Esto es un desafío.

You accept the challenge.

Tú aceptas el desafío.

Do you need help with the video?

Vídeo transcription

- Are we animals?

- Are we very different from other animals?

- Can animals think?

- Can they feel?

- What if you could create your perfect animal?

- As loyal as a dog

- Faster than a cheetah

- As wise as a dolphin

- Cute as a monkey

- With lynx eyes

- Soft as a cat

- Which characteristics are the most important

- Think, design, learn

- Challenge accepted

Animals and you

Animals are very important for humans. You probably see animals every day.

Some animals live with us at home.

Other animals live on their own.

How many animals can you think of? 10? 20? 30?

Wow! That’s a lot!

2. What I am going to learn

In this Open Educational Resource (OER or REA , in Spanish) you will learn to:

  1. Understand information about animals and their features.
  2. Describe animals using adjectives and comparatives.
  3. Develop your imagination and fiction-making abilities.
  4. Recognise and use thinking skills to memorise and organise information.
  5. Make oral presentations following steps and instructions.
  6. Develop cooperative skills to contribute successfully to group work.

At the end of this Open Educational Resource you will be able to:

  1. Create a perfect and imaginary animal being.
  2. Make the presentation of your perfect animal following your own script.
  3. Compare and discuss the features of the best animal with your partners.
  4. Relate your animal to your classmates’ animals.
  5. Cooperate in the making of a diorama that represents a valid ecosystem for all the animals created by students in the classroom.
  6. Exhibit your work at school.

Lectura facilitada


You will learn to:

Tú aprenderás a:

1. Understand information about animals.

1. Entender información de animales.

2. Describe animals.

2. Describir animales usando adjetivos.

3. Develop your imagination.

3. Desarrollar tu imaginación.

4. Organize and memorise information with diagrams.

4. Organizar y memorizar información con diagramas.

5. Speak in public.

5. Hablar en público.

6. Collaborate with your classmates.

6. Colaborar con tus compañeros.

You will be able to:

Tú serás capaz de:

7. Create your perfect animal.

7. Crear tu animal perfecto.

8. Speak about your animal to your classmates.

8. Hablar en público sobre tu animal.

9. Relate your animal to your classmates’ animals.

9. Relacionar tu animal con los animales de tus compañeros.

10. Think about a good ecosystem for all the animals in your class.

10. Pensar en un ecosistema bueno para todos los animales de la clase.

11. Build the ecosystem in a diorama.

11. Construir el ecosistema en un diorama.

12. Exhibit your work at school.

12. Mostrar tu trabajo en el instituto.