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2. Animals everywhere



Cabeza de frailecillo.


The hard, curved, horny part of a bird's mouth.

La parte dura, curva y puntiaguda de la boca de las aves.


That bird has a short beak.

Ese pájaro tiene un pico corto.

Spanish word:




Pasillo oscuro.


Having no light, close to black.

Sin luz, tirando a negro.


Susan has dark hair.

Susan tiene el pelo oscuro.

Spanish word:




Piel de oveja beige.


The hairy coat of a mammal.

Capa de pelo de los mamíferos.


That cat has beautiful fur.

Ese gato tiene un pelaje hermoso.

Spanish word:




Ciervo marrón con grandes cuernos.


One of the hard, permanent, hollow, and usually paired growths that stick out from the heads of some animals.

Una de las prolongaciones duras y permanentes que nacen en las cabezas de algunos animales.


Buffaloes have big horns.

Los búfalos tienen cuernos grandes.

Spanish word:




Diseño/patrón de frutas cítricas amarillas y rojas sobre mármol blanco.


a decorative design with repeated elements in a regular order.

Un diseño decorativo con los elementos repetidos.


The room is decorated with a pattern of clouds.

La habitación está decorada con un diseño de nubes.

Spanish word:




Hombre sentando en un aula escribiendo sobre la mesa.


When students evaluate themselves.

Cuando el alumnado se evalúa a sí mismo.


In students' self-assessment they.

En la autoevaluación el alumnado evalúa.

Spanish word:



Retor dice

To create the perfect animal you need to remember animals and their features.

You will also remember the different places where animals can live.

This information will be useful to build your own ecosystem in the final task.

Lectura facilitada


You remember animals.

Tu recuerdas animales.

You remember animal features.

Tú recuerdas las características de los animales.

Your remember where animals live.

Tú recuerdas donde viven los animales.

You use your memories for the final task.

Tu usas tus recuerdos para la tarea final.

You create the perfect animal.

Tu creas el animal perfecto.

You create an ecosystem for your animal.

TTú creas un ecosistema para tu animal.

1. Building Teams

Read and follow the instructions:

Making groups

To start with this animal challenge, we’re going to work in small groups of 4-6 students. To make the groups follow the instructions below.

  1. Listen to your teacher. To make the teams, your teacher will read a sentence about an animal.
  2. Raise your hand when you hear the animal you feel you are.
  3. Join the classmates with the same animal. This is the way you will be part of a group.
  4. The group’s name will be the name of this animal.

Name a Presenter

Each group names a Presenter. He or she will have an identification badge of an animal. The Presenter will communicate group ideas and decisions to the other students in the classroom.

Name a Recorder

Each group names a recorder. He or she will have an identification badge of an animal. The recorder will be in charge of writing down ideas and opinions in the group notebook.

Lectura facilitada


1.You follow the instructions:

1.Tú sigues las instrucciones:

- The teacher makes groups.

- El profesor/a hace los grupos

- You listen to your teacher

- Tú escuchas a tu profesor/a.

- Your teacher names animals.

- Tú profesor/a nombra animales.

- You like an animal.

- A tí te gusta un animal.

- You raise your hand.

- Tú levantas la mano.

- You join those students.

- Tú te unes a esos compañeros/as.

- You and those students make a group.

- Esos compañeros y tú formáis un grupo.

2. The members of the group name a Presenter.

2.El grupo nombra un Portavoz.

- The Presenter speaks to the class.

- El Portavoz es la persona del grupo que habla a la clase.

3.The members of the group name a Recorder

3.El grupo nombra un Secretario.

- The Recorder writes in the group notebook

- El Secretario es la persona que escribe en el cuaderno del grupo.

2. Your top 10 animals

Now that you have your team, let’s do the first activity.  Follow the steps:

  1. Work alone:
    • Cut 10 pieces of paper.
    • Write the name of your 10 favourite animals. One on each piece of paper.
    • Add next to the animal something that reminds you of that animal (the touch, the smell, the sound…).
  2. Work with your team.
    • Speak to the other members of the group and make an agreement on the group's top ten animals.
    • Fill in this sheet:

Lectura facilitada


You have a team now.

Tú ahora tienes un equipo.

Follow the steps:

Sigue los pasos:

1.Work alone.

1.Trabaja solo.

- You cut 10 pieces of paper.

- Tú cortas 10 trozos de papel.

- You have 10 favourite animals.

- Tú tienes 10 animales favoritos

- You write your 10 favourite animals.

- Tú escribes tus 10 animales favoritos.

2.Work with your team.

2.Trabaja en grupo.

- You agree on the top ten animals.

- Tus compañeros/as y tú os ponéis de acuerdo.

- You like those animals.

- A vosotros os gustan esos animales.

- You say why you like.

- Vosotros/as decís porqué os gustan.

- The Recorder fills in this sheet.

- El Secretario completa la ficha.

Do you need help to work in a group?

You can visit our Guide of Cooperative Work to do this activity.

3. Top ten animal presentation

It’s time to show the group's top ten list to the other students in the classroom.  

Each Presenter will explain why they chose their animals.

Put your top ten list on the classroom wall.

Lectura facilitada


Each group chooses 10 favourite animals.

Cada grupo elige 10 animales favoritos.

The presenter speaks to the classmates.

El portavoz habla a los compañeros.

The presenter  talks about favourite animals.

El portavoz dice los diez animales favoritos.

The presenter says why animals are favourite.

El protavoz dice porqué los animales son favoritos.

You put top ten list on the classroom wall.

Tú pones la lista de animales favoritos en la pared.

Do you need help to work in a group?

You can visit our Guide of Cooperative Work to do this activity.

Lectura facilitada


Each Presenter will do an oral presentation.

¡Hola, soy Retor!

In an ecosystem live animals.

Bienvenido a “Más rápido que un guepardo”.

You will create the perfect animal.

Este es un desafío nuevo.

You need to know something about animals to create it.

Este desafío es de animales.

For example, you can remember names of animals.

En el desafío usarás la imaginación.

And you can remember features of animals.

Tú crearás el animal perfecto.

Names of animals and their features are important for the final task.

Tu animal vive con otros animales.

How much do your classmates know?

In this group activity you tried to find out what your team knows about this topic.

When we work in a group, we learn together. There are colleagues who remember a lot of things, others speak very well, others are very skilled with their hands or feet and others are great at drawing.

We all have superpowers to solve activities, but when we combine them, we learn together and can solve any challenge.

That's why it's important that your team follows these tips:

  • We share everything we know.
  • We collaborate on tasks to make the team work.
  • We value each person's superpowers.
  • We respect what each person brings to the team.

Remember! Some words are similar to the Spanish ones!

4. Working with animals

Now it’s time to work on your own! Let’s see what you can remember from the previous activity. Choose one of the options.

Option A: Remember the animal names

Option B: Choose the correct animal


1. The _________ lives in the savannah.








2. The _________ is very dangerous.








3. The _______ has got over sixty teeth.








4. The ________ is an endangered species.








5. The _______ is an herbivore.







Option C: Classify the animals according to the place where they live

Option D: Make your favourite animal

Let’s make our animals with clay. You can also use recycled and waste materials such as newspapers, egg cartons, toilet paper rolls, buttons, and plastic bottles to make this task more eco-friendly.

5. Mime and guess

Let’s work together! How many animals can you remember?

With the previous activity you’ve realised all you already knew about animal names. But what about animal features? 

Remember the video presentation: Are we animals?

Do you think sometimes people seem like animals? Or maybe do animals have “personality” features as people do?

Lectura facilitada


You know about animals.

Tú sabes mucho de animales.

You know names of animals.

Tú sabes el nombre de animales en inglés.

Learn about features of animals now.

Aprenderás las características de los animales ahora.

People seem like animals sometimes.

Las personas se parecen a los animales

Animals seem like people sometimes.

Los animales parece que tienen cualidades de personas.

Now try this challenge with your same group of classmates.

  1. You are going to work in groups of three to five people.
  2. Your teacher will assign one of the pictures of animals you can see below.
  3. Take a look at the picture and imagine the “personality” of this animal.
  4. Then, recreate the situation without words only with mimics.
  5. Act in front of your classmates.

When your role-play is finished, your classmates will say which feature you were performing while you were acting. They also have to say what physical elements and “personality” characteristics they have.

Lectura facilitada


Work in groups

Trabaja en grupos.

Your teacher gives you an animal’s photo.

Tu profesor o profesora te da la foto de un animal.

Think about the animal features.

Piensa en las características del animal.

Discuss about the animal features.

Discute las características del animal.

Act in front of the class.

Actúa delante de la clase

You only mime, you do not speak.

Solo puedes hacer mímica, no hables.

Apoyo visual

Follow the steps

Do you need extra help?

Click here to consult our Guide for Cooperative Work to find out how to prepare for a performance.

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Haz clic aquí para consultar nuestra guía para el trabajo en equipo. Aprenderás a realizar una dramatización.

Retor dice

Do you feel like working with more animal names? I am sure you remember many of them. Show me how many you know. 

Go ahead!

6. Animals

Discuss with your classmates and drag the words to the correct picture.

Apoyo visual

7. More animals

Are you lost?

What you already know helps you to do an activity.

There are many times, when we afford a task, we feel that it is incomplete or maybe it lacks information that can be done.

However, as you can see, you are able to solve and complete it only using the knowledge that you already have or the learning that you are activating now.

For example, you could describe those animals because you have shared with your classmates what you already know about animals because of your experience or because of your previous learning.