To gain or to obtain due to one’s personal effort.
Obtener gracias al esfuerzo personal.
He acquired a basic knowledge of Chinese.
Adquirió un conocimiento básico de chino.
Spanish word:
Congratulations! What an original yearbook!
I am looking forward to reading every single story of it.
1. What you have done
It is a book created by students, which includes photos, autographs and experiences at school.
1) Main cover: Title, picture, motivational sentence, name of the school/grade. 2) Index: sections of the yearbook. 3) Describing experiences: A) TEXT STRUCTURE: 1. Introduction: - Introduce the experience.
- Mention when and where.
- Say why it is special.
2. Body: - Give details.
- Include sensory details.
3. Conclusion: - Summarize the experience.
- Say why it is important for you.
B) PHRASE STRUCTURE: 1. Noun phrases: A little Chinese restaurant. A lovely new velvet dress.
Order of adjectives in noun phrases:
Opinion: beautiful, ugly
Size: big, small
Shape: round, square
Age: young, old
Colour: green, red
Nationality: Spanish, Dutch
Material: leather, plastic
2. Prepositional phrases: The boy with the new car. A picture of her new puppy. 3. Adjective phrases: He looked stunning. She felt very sick.
C) ADJECTIVES: 1. Places: A picturesque and lively town.
2. People and objects:
- Personality: Mike looks outgoing and reliable.
- Physical features: A new Italian sport car.
- Emotional adjectives: I felt heartbroken and worn out.
- Characteristics (-ing adjectives): We watched a disappointing film.
- Feelings (-ed adjectives): We were disappointed with the film.
3. Senses: The bomb made a deafening sound.
4. Specific adjectives: That book is good/superb.
4) School album: Class photographs and other pictures.
5) Students in the spotlight: Write about yourselves:
1. Motto: "Keep on chasing your dreams and never give up."
2. Hobbies: Fencing, chess, video games.
3. Awards and rankings:
The award to the best teacher goes to...
She is most likely to get good grades.
4. Preference and advice:
I'd rather join the science club than maths.
If I were you, I would study harder.
6) Autograph page: Write thank you notes to your classmates. Use:
1. Informal expressions: Thanks a ton! Give a shoutout to Peter!
2. Formal expressions: You have my deepest thanks. I'll never forget your support.
3. Giving reasons: Thanks for being there.
7) Credits: Who has participated in the yearbook?
Reporters, photographers, etc.
2. Other situations
By creating your yearbook you have acquired different skills to use in different situations. Now you can:
- Collaborate in a newspaper or magazine.
- Take part in debates.
- Promote events and celebrations.
- Design a photo album.
- Write thank you notes.
To gain or to obtain due to one’s personal effort.
Obtener gracias al esfuerzo personal.
He acquired a basic knowledge of Chinese.
Adquirió un conocimiento básico de chino.
3. To sum up
To conclude, let's remember the strategy or "trick" that you have learned during this challenge.
We taught you this strategy or "trick" and you worked on it in the section “Senior”. Go back to that section and review for a moment what it consisted of and how it helped you achieve the challenge we proposed. Now open the Learning Diary and complete the last page.
In this section, you will keep valuable information about the strategy, in which activities you have applied it, whether it has been useful and what has been the most difficult for you.
Keep up the good work, you're doing great! For your effort, you have earned your first badge here, which you will be credited with as Mega Strategist. Congratulations!
- Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
- If you fill it in on your pc, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!
¿Necesitas más ayuda?
Para concluir, vamos a recordar la estrategia o el “truco” que has aprendido durante este reto.
Esta estrategia o “truco” te lo enseñamos y lo trabajaste en el apartado “Senior”. Vuelve a dicho apartado y repasa un momento en qué consistía y cómo te sirvió para llegar a conseguir el reto que te proponíamos. Abre, ahora, el Diario de Aprendizaje y completa su última página.
En este apartado guardarás información valiosa sobre la estrategia, en qué actividades las has aplicado, si ha sido útil y qué te ha resultado más difícil.
¡Sigue trabajando así! ¡Lo estás haciendo genial! Por tu esfuerzo has conseguido aquí la primera insignia que te acreditará como Mega-Estratega. ¡Enhorabuena!
• Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
• Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!
4. Rubric
The Yearbook
Needs improvement
Low performance
1. You can compose average extension texts about past personal experiences.
Your composition includes past personal experiences. (10)
Your composition includes past personal experiences but some descriptions are not clear. (7,5)
Your composition includes past personal experiences but descriptions are not clear. (5)
Your composition includes past personal experiences, but no descriptions. (2,5)
2. You can enrich the description of your experience with noun phrases and a great variety of adjectives.
Experiences are clear and you use a great variety of adjectives. (10)
Experiences are clear, but you do not use many adjectives. (7,5)
Experiences are somewhat clear, but you do not use adjectives. (5)
Experiences are not clear and you do not use adjectives. (2,5)
3. You can include adjectives in the correct order and suitable position in a communicative situation.
You include adjectives in the correct order and suitable position. (10)
You include adjectives in a suitable position but not in the correct order. (7,5)
The use of adjectives is sometimes confusing. (5)
The use of adjectives is confusing. (2,5)
4. You can use prepositional phrases.
You use prepositional phrases correctly. (10)
You use prepositional phrases, but some of them are not correct. (7,5)
You use prepositional phrases, but many are not correct. (5)
You do not use prepositional phrases correctly. (2,5)
5. You can organize the paragraphs of your experiences with coherence and cohesion.
The paragraphs are coherent and cohesive. (10)
Some paragraphs are not coherent or cohesive. (7,5)
Many paragraphs are not coherent or cohesive. (5)
Your paragraphs lack coherence and cohesion. (2,5)
6. You can choose the different stories and additional sections to include in your yearbook showing empathy and respect for your classmates' ideas.
You choose different stories and sections showing empathy and respect for others. (10)
You choose different stories and sections showing empathy but no respect for others. (7,5)
You choose different stories and sections lacking some empathy and respect for others. (5)
You show no empathy or respect for others’ opinions. (2,5)
7. You can develop compulsory sections (cover, index, school experiences, album, students in the spotlight, autograph page and credits) with coherence.
You develop compulsory sections with coherence. (10)
You develop compulsory sections with some coherence. (7,5)
You develop most of the compulsory sections, but lacking sometimes coherence. (5)
You do not develop compulsory sections or they have no coherence. (2,5)
8. You can use your own pictures for your album or other sections with the agreement of all people in the picture.
You use your own pictures for your album or other sections with the agreement of all people in the picture. (10)
You use your own pictures for your album or other sections with the agreement of all people in the picture, but sometimes you use pictures of unknown origin. (7,5)
You do not use your own pictures most of the time. (5)
You do not use your own pictures, or people in the pictures do not agree to use them. (2,5)
9. You can make clear in the credits section who the authors of this yearbook are respecting intellectual property and avoiding plagiarism.
You make a clear credit section. (10)
You make a credit section, but it is sometimes confusing. (7,5)
Your credit section is confusing. (5)
You do not develop your credit section. (2,5)
10. You can use critical thinking skills to adapt to cultural and artistic diversity when writing your experiences.
You use critical thinking skills to adapt to cultural and artistic diversity when writing your experiences. (10)
You use critical thinking skills, but sometimes you do not adapt to cultural or artistic diversity when writing your experiences. (7,5)
You use critical thinking skills, but you hardly adapt to cultural or artistic diversity when writing your experiences. (5)
You do not adapt to cultural or artistic diversity when writing your experiences. (2,5)