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4.1. School-related experiences



La imagen muestra a dos personas dentro del agua y una le está echando agua a la otra.

A liquid that flies in scattered particles.

Un líquido que vuela en partículas dispersas.


Some water splashed in my face when he was swimming.

Un poco de agua me salpicó en la cara cuando él nadaba.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra a tres personas con trajes de karate, una de ellas mira como dos están luchando.

To defeat a conflict.

Derrotar un conflicto.


She overcomed her fears eventually.

Ella superó sus miedos por fin.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra a una niña observando un árbol pequeño y tomando apuntes en una carpeta.

To treat as valuable.

Tratar como valioso.


I cherish my childhood memories at home.

Valoro mis recuerdos infantiles en casa.

Spanish word:



Rétor dice...A description of a school-related experience can involve a learning experience or any other educational experience such as going on a school trip, attending a school event, visiting a museum, going to the cinema, attending a sporting event, participating in an exchange project, etc.

In this section, you will learn how to describe these happy and memorable moments.

1. What you need to know


The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader’s mind.  When writing a description of an experience, we usually give first some basic information (the time, place and people who participate). Next, we pay close attention to the details about the experience and our feelings. We often describe details by using all of our 5 senses. Eventually we give a summary of the experience.

Structure and content

Good descriptive writing should follow a structure and should be organized in terms of time.                                  INTRODUCTION Introduce your experience in an interesting and engaging way: “What is it?” Give your readers basic information about: time: “When did it take place?” place: “Where did it take place?” people: “Who took part in the experience?”                                BODY Here, you have to provide details and sensory details of the experience. Use vivid language with specific adjectives.           Description details:   1: phrases: noun phrase and prepositional phrases and adjective phrases 2: adjectives describing places, people and objects: feelings; characteristics, physical features, personality 3: specific adjectives            Description sensory details:  4: describe senses to grab the reader’s attention.                                CONCLUSION Summary of the experience.  Why is this experience important? Why did you like the experience?

Description (sensory) details

Lectura facilitada


La imagen muestra una flecha pintada en la carretera hacia la izquierda. The purpose is:

El propósito es este:

La imagen muestra un reloj que marca las seis y diez. You learn to describe important moments.

Aprendes a describir momentos importantes.

La imagen muestra una montaña seguida de una línea, debajo una flor seguida de una línea y, por último, un sol seguido de una línea. You describe an experience.

Describes la experiencia.

La imagen muestra el perfil de una persona en negro y el cerebro de blanco. Dentro del cerebro se ve un cohete, una bombilla, una paleta con colores, una caja sorpresa y una flor de colores. You recall the experience. 

Recuerdas la experiencia.

La imagen muestra a tres personas que van en bicicleta en fila india en el campo. You give information about time, place and people. 

Das datos sobre la hora, el lugar y las personas.

La imagen muestra un mapa y encima podemos obsevar tres fotografías, una lupa, una cámara de fotos, dos libretas cerradas y una abierta con un lápiz encima y unas gafas. You give details and describe feelings.

Das detalles y describes sentimientos.

La imagen muestra un folio con la silueta de una persona a la izquierda, debajo está la palabra resumen y debajo aparecen diferentes ítems en blanco. You write a summary of the experience. 

Haces un resumen de la experiencia.

La imagen muestra una mano dibujando un diagrama. The structure is:

La estructura es esta:

La imagen muestra una pizarra pequeña con las siguientes preguntas: Who?; How?; What?; Why?; Where?; When?. The description is divided into introduction, body and conclusion.

La descripción se divide en introducción, cuerpo y conclusión.

La imagen muestra un libro abierto rodeando la línea de arriba.  The introduction has got information to understand the text. 
Introduce the experience.
Answer the question: What is it?
Answer the question: When was it?
Give information about the place.
Answer the question: Where was it?
Give information about the people who participate. 
Answer the question: Who participates? 

La introducción tiene información para entender el texto.

Presentas tu experiencia.

Respondes a la pregunta ¿Qué es?

Das información del tiempo.

Respondes a la pregunta ¿Cuándo ocurre?

Das información sobre el lugar.

Respondes a la pregunta ¿Dónde ocurre?

Das información sobre las personas que participan.

Respondes a la pregunta ¿Quiénes participan?

La imagen muestra un libro abierto rodeando la parte central.  The body gives details about the experience.
You use for the details of the description:
   1. Noun, prepositional and adjective phrases.
   2. Description of people, places and objects.
   3. Specific adjectives.
You use for the sensory details of the description: 
   4. Adjectives that describe senses. 
The conclusion gives a summary of the experience.
Explain why the experience is important.
Explain why you liked the experience. 

El cuerpo da detalles de la experiencia.

Usas para los detalles de la descripción:

   1. Frases nominales, preposicionales y adjetivas.

   2. Descripción de personas, lugares y objetos.

   3. Adjetivos específicos.

Usas para los detalles sensoriales:

   4. Adjetivos que describen sentimientos y sentidos.
La conclusión resume la experiencia.

Explicas por qué es importante la experiencia.

Explicas por qué te gustó la experiencia.

 La imagen muestra una ventana sobre otra la de debajo se ve un cuadrado a la izquierda y un óvalo debajo, en la ventana de arriba se ven una líneas a la izquierda y un cuadro a la derecha con cuatro cuadrados en cada vértice y en el centro un círculo. Aparece un lápiz encima de esta ventana. The content is:

El contenidos es este:

La imagen muestra una carpeta con un folio con líneas y debajo a la izquierda un tick. You learn to add details.

Aprendes a añadir detalles.

La imagen muestra el tablero de scrabble con las palabras formadas de connections, people, ideas, issues. The adjectives in a noun phrase depend on a noun or pronoun.

Los adjetivos en un sintagma nominal dependen de un sustantivo o pronombre.

La imagen muestra tres cubos ordenados de menor a mayor y el mayor lo coge una mano. The adjectives follow this order:
1. General opinion.
2. Specific opinion
3. Size.
4. Shape.
5. Age.
6. Colour.
7. Nationality.
8. Material.

Los adjetivos tienen este orden:

1. Opinión general.

2. Opinión específica.

3. Talla.

4. Forma.

5. Años.

6. Color.

7. Nacionalidad.

8. Material.

La imagen muestra las preposiciones. A preposition phrase is a group of words:
- A preposition.
- A noun or pronoun.
- A modifier.
The prepositional phrase functions as an adjective.

Una frase preposicional es un grupo de palabras:

- Una preposición.

- Un sustantivo o pronombre.

- Un modificador.

La frase preposicional funciona como un adjetivo .

La imagen muestra el perfil de una persona en negro y el cerebro de blanco. Dentro del cerebro se ve un cohete, una bombilla, una paleta con colores, una caja sorpresa y una flor de colores. You give details to make a picture in the reader’s mind.
You give details about the people, place and objects.

Das detalles para formar una imagen en la mente.

Das detalles de personas, lugar y objetos.

La imagen muestra tres caras: una sonriente otra triste y una cara sorprendida. The adjectives that describe feelings end in -ed.

Los adjetivos que describen sentimientos terminan en -ed.

La imagen muestra a tres personas que van en bicicleta en fila india en el campo. The adjectives that describe facts or people end in -ing.

Los adjetivos que describen hechos o personas terminan en -ing.

La imagen muestra tres imágenes que representan adjetivos: enfadado, feo, roto. You use specific adjectives.

Usas adjetivos específicos.

La imagen muestra los cinco sentidos: una boca, una oreja, un ojo, una mano y una nariz. You use adjectives related to sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Usas adjetivos relacionados con la vista, el oído, el tacto, el olfato y el gusto.

2. A picture in the reader’s mind

Let’s practise describing memorable moments.

Option A. The outline

Give each picture its correct place in the outline.

Option B. North Sea swim under the full moon

Give an example of each in the same order as they appear in the text.

Last summer, the North Sea lifeguard club organized a night sea swim in Ostend. My friend Sara and I participated. It was an unforgettable experience.

My friend Sara, who is very energetic and fearless, challenged me to live a marvelous experience that would help me overcome my fear: swimming in the sea. I agreed on participating with her in the North Sea swim under the full moon.

The event took place in a lively village called Ostend. started just after sunset. The participants were wearing close-fitting wetsuits. We were sitting together under the moonlight when we heard loud music and saw coloured lights that moved and changed. When the amazing light show finished, the organizers gave us the burning torches. We started walking towards the sea. As we were approaching the sea, the fine sand changed into wet heavy clay. I smelt the sea. I heard the waves breaking on the shore. The sea was dark. I was frightened. Small waves splashed into my face. The taste of salty water made me nervous but then I looked backwards: the light of the many torches was so beautiful and for the first time I enjoyed swimming in the sea.

Swimming in the sea at night with torches was an unforgettable experience. I was scared of swimming in the sea but this experience has helped me overcome my fear. The beautiful image of torches in the sea is painted in my mind forever.

Option C. Open mic night

Jack’s school has offered its students many experiences. Open Mic Night was one of these. Add the following details and sensory details to make Jack’s description more vivid and record it while reading aloud: 

Noun phrases, a prepositional phrase and an adjective phrase.
Adjectives describing places, people and objects.
Specific adjectives.
Adjectives describing senses.

My experience: participating in Open Mic Night 2022 

By Jack

“Open Mic Night” is shortened from “Open Microphone Night”. This live show is organized in April at the assembly hall of our school. This year my band and I participated. We played a song written by our guitarist. I was the singer. 

Open Mic Night began after the students had taken their seats. The principal introduced the show. First drama started with the Haunted House story, written by Bryan. This story was scary. Then the presenters Kate and David announced that the song performance would begin. I was standing in the stage wing because now it was my turn to go on the stage. 

I went and sang the song “Good Memories”. It was good. When I came back my teacher patted my back and said that she loved our performance. The Open Mic Night concluded with a dance performance. After the dance performance, a photograph was clicked of all the participants on stage. In the end our principal congratulated all the participants and teachers in charge. After that, we were offered a drink in the school canteen. 

All in all, participating in the Open Mic Night was good. It was important for me because it was my first time on stage. I liked the atmosphere most. I will cherish it forever!

La imagen muestra un periódico con las palabras escritas “Book Review”. Definition:

To treat as valuable.

Tratar como valioso.


I cherish my childhood memories at home.

Valoro mis recuerdos infantiles en casa.

Option D. Trapped in school

Give a description based on the information below. Add enough details and sensory details to form a picture in the reader’s mind. You can write your description on a piece of paper or digitally. Maybe you can add a picture. 

“Imagine your best friend was trapped in school alone. Sense how he felt.”


  • Note down three adjectives for each of your five senses to describe this experience. 
  • Write down your story of how you think he felt in that situation.
  • Your description should include three paragraphs. 

Eg. How did it smell? Nasty, woody, and smoky. → The caretaker closed all the doors by mistake. I was trapped in a classroom that smelled nasty, woody, and smoky.

Chico preocupado atrapado en la clase

Lumen dice... Do you need help?

This summary will help you.

La imagen muestra un resumen de lo que debe tener recogido la introducción el cuerpo y la conclusión: La introducción debe responder a las preguntas qué, cuándo, dónde y quién. El cuerpo recoge la información cronologicamente, se usan los adjetivos adecuados para describir lugares y personas y los acabados en -ed y en -ing, recoge los nombres y preposiciones y, por último, recoge información sobre emociones y sentimientos usando los adjetivos adecuados. Acabamos con una conclusión resumiendo todo y explicando lo más importante.

Motus dice... Did you talk to yourself to solve the activity?

It is very common that when we are working, we talk quietly to ourselves. 

It is a way to understand what we are doing and to find solutions to tasks or activities. 

Do it often because it will help you: 

- Remember the steps to do the activity. 

- Ask yourself questions to understand the information.

- Encourage you to finish the activity and stay focused. 

- Know how you feel about the activity. 

Talk to yourself. You will learn better!