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I knew you would organize the best campaign! Now everybody will be able to know and help your cause for a better world.
Take a look at all the steps you’ve taken to reach this far. Also, remember the rubric to assess the final task.
No doubt now you’ll be able to develop other projects such as a fun event, a night of games or even a promotion party. I’m sure you’ll also be able to spread other campaigns in your social networks. Let’s keep it up helping others!
In this resource you’ve learnt...
... to take awareness of social problems and make others aware,
... some school fundraising ideas,
... to develop a fundraising campaign with many interesting possibilities,
... to use gerunds and infinitives properly to motivate for action,
... to become useful for a change in society.
Once you have designed your solidarity campaign to help others, it is important to spread it as much as possible in order to raise funds for your cause. There are many ways to do it, depending on the format you have designed your campaign.
Creating contents means producing texts, articles, images, videos, audio recordings (or any format combination). You may not have realized, but you consume information and you produce it as well. You are a “prosumer” and your content must have enough quality.
Are you a “prosumer”? We’ll show you how. If you want more information about it, you can click on this link: Creating contents | Digital competence guide (juntadeandalucia.es)
Una vez que ya tienes diseñada tu campaña solidaria para ayudar a otros, es importante darle la mayor difusión posible para recaudar fondos para tu causa. Hay muchos modos en los que puedes dar difusión según el formato en el que quieras diseñar o hayas diseñado tu campaña.
La creación de contenidos significa producir textos, artículos, imágenes, videos, audios (o cualquier cualquier combinación de formato). Quizás no te hayas dado cuenta pero consumes información y también la produces, eres “prosumidor” y tu contenido debe ser de calidad.
¿Eres prosumidor? Te enseñamos cómo. Si quieres más información sobre ello puedes visitar el siguiente enlace: Creación de contenido | Guía de competencia digital (juntadeandalucia.es)
Consumer that participates in the creation of a product.
Consumidor implicado en la creación de un producto.
Example:I participate in a questionnaire service as a prosumer.
Participo en un servicio de encuestas como prosumidor.
To conclude, let's remember the strategy that you have learned during this challenge.
We taught you this strategy and you worked on it in section 4.1 Helping to make a change. Go back to that section and review for a moment what it consisted of and how it helped you achieve the challenge we proposed.
Now open the Learning Diary and complete the last page.
In this section you will keep valuable information about the strategy, in which activities you have applied it, whether it has been useful and what has been the most difficult for you.
Keep up the good work, you're doing great!
For your effort, you have earned your first badge here, which you will be credited with as Mega Strategist. Congratulations!
1. You have been able to work cooperatively with other members of the team to achieve the final task. | You were able to communicate your ideas in an efficient way as well as accept your classmates’ suggestions to reach the team's final task successfully. (12,5) | You had good communication with your group to share ideas and reach agreements for the production of your final task. (9,4) | You should improve your communication skills in order to be more efficient in the expression of your ideas in the context of teamwork. (6,25) | You need to work on your communication abilities to be able to expose and debate ideas with the rest of the team to achieve a common product. (3,1) |
2. You have made clear in the poster the cause and the type of event to raise funds. | Your poster shows clearly the cause and the type of event. When people read your poster, they will understand perfectly what the fundraising is for. (12,5) | The cause and the type of event are understandable in your poster. (9,4) | Either the cause or the type of event in your poster are not clear enough. You can improve your message. (6,25) | Neither the cause nor the type of event in your poster are clear enough. You should revise the material in this resource again. (3,1) |
3. You have included in the poster the goal and how to participate in your fundraising campaign. | Everybody can see what you want to achieve and how to take part in the campaign in a very easy way. (12,4) | The poster contains the information about how to participate and reach the goal in a correct way. (9,4) | Some of the information about the goal or how to participate should be completed in your poster. (6,25) | The content about the goal and how to participate are missing in your poster. You could go over the suitable section and check it out. (3,1) |
4. Your fundraising poster shows who the organizer is. | People that see your poster can identify who is organizing the event in a clear way. (12,5) | The organizer of the event is correctly included in your poster. (9,4) | It is not easy to identify who organizes the campaign, people could not get in touch easily (6,25) | There’s no way that someone could reach the organizer of your campaign, because the name is not included in the poster. (3,1) |
5. The deadlines of the campaign are clearly set. | The dates of the beginning and the end of the campaign are perfectly shown in your poster. (12,5) | People can see in your poster when the campaign takes place and until when. (9,4) | The information about the dates of the campaign is not expressed well enough, you should revise it. (6,25) | The dates of your campaign are missing, people will not know when it begins and ends. Make sure you include the right information. (3,1) |
6. When writing your poster, you have used infinitives and gerunds to express your purpose. | You have mastered infinitives and gerunds to make your message more appealing in a creative way. (12,5) | The message in your poster includes the infinitives and gerunds properly. (9,4) | You should go over infinitives or gerunds to improve your expression skills and make your message more attractive. (6,25) | You need to revise your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives to get the attention of readers over your message. (3,1) |
7. You have engaged people to make a team and you have assigned different tasks to them. | You’ve created a highly motivated team and assigned them tasks in an efficient way. (12,5) | Your message has been appealing to many people, and the distribution of tasks has got good results. (9,4) | Not many people have joined your cause, so the assignment of tasks is not well distributed. (6,25) | The lack of motivation has made the progress of the team difficult, and they didn’t have a clear task to do. (3,1) |
8. You have promoted your fundraising poster outside school or in your school social media. | You made your message very visible by spreading it in different formats and channels. (12,5) | Your poster has reached people efficiently in most channels. (9,4) | Only some people will get to see your advertising poster. It could be better widespread. (6,25) | Just a small part of the community target can see your message, you could still explore other ways. (3,1) |
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