
- Spanish word:
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For a better result, you have to work with a good organization, putting together the material and human resources you have, and taking care of what you need to gather.
To collect something.
Reunir algo.
Example:We need to gather our resources for a better distribution.
Necesitamos reunir nuestros recursos para distribuirlos mejor.
Organizing a campaign requires coordination, cooperation and motivation. Will you be the one who makes a difference?
Match the pictures to the corresponding phase of the organization process, then put each phase in the correct order.
The following tasks are in the wrong phase, could you fix this?
Listen to these statements and classify them into the right step of the organizing process. Will you be able to add a new one? Don’t forget to write it down!
Do you remember how many things you have done to complete the task?
You had to put into practice everything you know. Constant work helps you learn. When we make a great effort, our work is valued by family and teachers. But the most important thing is that we feel glad for the work that we did.
I encourage you to continue working. Keep learning and improving.
In order to design your own solidarity campaign, you must know and implement new knowledge and abilities in similar situations but, in turn, in diverse contexts.
From now on, you will learn some of these knowledge and strategies needed when it comes to developing your great solidarity action. Also, you will be able to convince many other people to help you.
Think about big solidarity campaigns that have succeeded in mobilizing millions of people around the world. Together, we can! Come on, face this new challenge!
How much you have learned to get here! Everything you learn helps you to achieve the goals you set for yourself.
Reflect for a moment on all you have learned so far. And complete STEP 3 of your Learning Diary (I review what I have learned).
Cheer up, you'll do great!
Reflexiona un momento sobre todo lo que has aprendido hasta llegar aquí. Y completa el PASO 3 de tu Diario de Aprendizaje (Reviso lo aprendido)
¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!
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