
- Spanish word:
Fecha límite.
- Audio:

- Spanish word:
- Audio:
Fecha límite.
Are you ready to create your own campaign to help others?
All that you’ve learnt will be helpful to succeed with your final task.
Once you’ve made a team and decided a cause to support, you need to spread your message by creating a poster to show at school, outside the school and also in your school social media. Pay attention to these instructions:
Something that stands out.
Algo que destaca.
Example:You have to highlight the main ideas of your composition.
Debes resaltar las ideas principales de tu redacción.
Limit of time to end a project.
Fecha límite para un proyecto.
Example:The deadline for the school project is soon.
La fecha límite para el trabajo escolar es pronto.
When we want to learn something, it is normal to make a mistake at first. Failing is part of learning. Do you remember your first try at riding a bike? Or when you were learning to swim? I’m sure it wasn't easy at first, but every time you failed, you would try again. We learn from every failure and we get better for the next time.
Follow these tips to learn from your mistakes:
In this last step, I am going to ask you to think about what has been the most important thing you have learnt in order to achieve the challenge.
What you discover by thinking, will help you when you have to meet similar challenges in the future.
Stop for a moment and complete STEP 4 of your Learning Diary (What have I learned?)!
Cheer up, you'll do great!
En este último paso te voy a proponer que pienses en qué ha sido lo más importante de todo lo que has aprendido para conseguir el reto que te proponíamos.
Lo que descubras pensando en ello te servirá para cuando tengas que alcanzar retos parecidos en un futuro.
¡Para un momento y completa el PASO 4 de tu Diario de aprendizaje (¿Qué he aprendido?)!
¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!
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