
- Spanish word:
- Audio:

- Spanish word:
Conmover, emocionar.
- Audio:

- Spanish word:
- Audio:
Conmover, emocionar.
Now that you remember different social issues and campaigns developed to help different groups of people, it’s your go to use all your imagination to support a good social cause.
This activity will help you to create a fundraising campaign at the end of the resource.
Problem, something that causes trouble.
Dificultad, asunto que hay que resolver.
Example:We are worried about the social issues in town.
Nos preocupan los problemas sociales de la ciudad.
In this activity your team will have to choose a campaign to get involved in. First, have a look at the pictures and listen to the people advertising them. Then, decide on one of the causes to participate in it. Finally, write a short paragraph answering these questions and share it with the class:
“Follow your Heart” is the title of a beautiful novel by the Italian writer Sussana Tamaro. It has come to mind because we start from this famous sentence in order to remember that the main impulse of our actions comes from inside, from our heart.
Choosing a topic to design our solidarity campaign will be inspired by our personal interests, by the things that move us deeply.
Be brave to fight for them!
To cause a tender emotion or feeling.
Provocar emoción.
Example:This music always moves me.
Esta música me conmueve siempre.
You already know what your challenge is and the activity that will bring you closer to the goal. But to succeed, you will need some strategies that will help you in this and other similar tasks. You will discover them in a diary that we call your Learning Diary.
We suggest you open it now and complete STEP 1 of the Learning Diary before you start the activity you have just read about!
Click here to download your Learning Diary.
Cheer up, you'll do great!
Ya conoces qué reto te proponemos alcanzar y te acabamos de plantear una actividad que te acercará a la meta. Pero para tener éxito en tu camino, necesitarás algunas estrategias que te servirán para esta y otras tareas parecidas. Las irás descubriendo en un diario que llamamos “tu Diario de Aprendizaje”.
En esta ocasión te proponemos que lo abras y completes el PASO 1 del Diario de aprendizaje antes de empezar la actividad que acabas de leer.
¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!
You have already finished the activity Pick your cause! Maybe the beginning caused fear and insecurity.
If you complete STEP 2 of the Learning Diary, you will see that those feelings are common when you start a task. Reflecting on this will help you reduce your insecurities in the next activities.
Cheer up, you'll do great!
¡Ya has terminado la actividad, Pick your cause! Los comienzos te han podido crear miedos e inseguridades a la hora de realizarla.
Si completas el PASO 2 del Diario de Aprendizaje podrás ver que tus sentimientos son habituales cuando empezamos una tarea y reflexionar sobre ello te ayudará a que en las próximas actividades esa inseguridad sea cada vez menor.
Recuerda:¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!
Choose something.
Escoger algo entre varias opciones.
Example:Pick a card and don’t show it to me.
Elige una carta y no me la enseñes.
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