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4.2. Reaching our destination



Un grupo de personas reunidas en una mesa de trabajo parecen satisfechas por el trabajo que han realizado.

To make a great effort to succeed in making something happen.

Hacer un gran esfuerzo para lograr que algo suceda.


The workers have achieved the yearly goals.

Los trabajadores han logrado los objetivos anuales.

Spanish word:



1. How can I get to my workplace?

Retor dice...Watch the video and read the cards below.

You have to give directions to your classmates for each professional to reach their workplace from the given starting point.


Lectura facilitada


Follow the steps.

Sigue los pasos.

Watch the video.

Mira el vídeo.

Read the cards.

Lee las tarjetas.

Help your partner.

Ayuda a tu compañero.

Una persona andando, a continuación una flecha negra en el sentido de su marcha, después un aspa roja con una flecha encima y por último y más a la derecha una persona sentada en una silla delante de una mesaEach person has to arrive to his or her place of work.

Cada persona tiene que llegar a su lugar de trabajo.

Una persona saliendo por una puerta Descripción imagen 3: Un círculo blanco y un círculo rojo más cerca con una flecha encima señalándoloHe or she will leave from a specific point.

Él o ella saldrá desde un punto concreto.

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Asking for and giving directions

In this video, we will learn how to ask for and give directions in English.
How to ask for directions. When we start a conversation, we always say 'excuse me' .

  • Excuse me, how do I get to...?
  • Excuse me, can you tell how to get to...?
  • Excuse me, could you tell me the way to...?
  • Yes, of course!
  • Sure!
  • Excuse me, is there a … near here?
  • Yes, there is.
  • Excuse me, do you know the way to the...?
  • Yes, I do.

How to give directions. 

  • Go straight on.
  • Turn left.
  • Turn right.
  • Go past.
  • Take the first turning on the left.
  • Take the first turning on the right.
  • Take the second turning on the left.
  • Take the second turning on the right
  • Take the third turning on the left.
  • Take the third turning on the right.
  • Go round the roundabout and take the first exit.
  • Go round the roundabout and take the second exit.

Prepositions of place” (preposiciones de lugar):

  • Between.
  • Opposite.
  • Next to 

When we end a conversation, we always say 'Thank you' or 'Thanks'”

“Thanks!”, “Thanks very much!”

“Thanks for your help!”

“Let's see an example”

"Excuse me, could you tell me the way to a hotel?"

"Yes, of course!"

  • "Go round the roundabout and take the second exit”
  • “Turn right and then turn left”
  • "The hotel is on your right. It's opposite the bank"


City map 1

A city map with ten buildings and four starting points as well as four cards including a professional and a starting point

City map 2

A city map with eight buildings and four starting points as well as four cards including a professional and a starting point.

City map 3

 A city map with ten buildings and four starting points as well as four cards including a professional and a starting point

Do you remember?

Do you remember the buildings and professions from page 3?

Now it's time to keep practicing with them.


bus stations, police station, hospital, hotel, stadium and school

2. I check what I have learnt

Everything you learn helps you achieve your goals.

Reflect for a moment on all you have learnt so far.

Complete STEP 3 of your Learning Diary (I review what I have learnt).

Click here to download

Learning diary


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

Go for it, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Reflexiona un momento sobre todo lo que has aprendido hasta llegar aquí.

Y completa el PASO 3 de tu Diario de Aprendizaje (Reviso lo aprendido)


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!