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4.1. Be the guide!



Imagen de una persona en la recepción de un hotel

To reserve a room.

Reservar una habitación.


The tourists booked three rooms for their holidays.

Las turistas reservaron tres habitaciones para sus vacaciones.

Spanish word:




Imagen de una persona llevando cajas

To hold something in order to move it.

Sostener algo para cambiarlo de sitio.


I carried the shopping bags home.

Llevé las bolsas de la compra a casa.

Spanish word:




Un senderista está sentado en el suelo, su compañero le está animando a continuar la marcha

To give confidence to someone.

Dar confianza a alguien.


To encourage students to learn English.

Animar a los estudiantes a aprender inglés.

Spanish word:




Un diagrama de barras en sentido ascendenteDefinition:

To become better.

Llegar a ser mejor.


This course helps you to improve your English.

Este curso te ayuda a mejorar tu inglés.

Spanish word:




Imagen de una mujer supervisando documentación.

To control and process something.

Controlar y tramitar algo algo.


The head teacher manages all the information at school.

La directora gestiona toda la información del colegio.

Spanish word:




Imagen de una persona firmando una carta certificada

To officially let somebody know something.

Informar oficialmente a alguien de algo.


The bank notified her that she had a debt.

El banco le notificó que tenía una deuda.

Spanish word:




Un doctor atiende a su paciente.

Caring for someone in a certain way.

Cuidar a alguien de una forma específica.


The doctor treats his illness.

El doctor trata su enfermedad.

Spanish word:



2. Be the guide!

Retor dice...Your city is great and you have added new ideas to it.

You will need to know how to find your way to all these new places.

You can also help others to find their way.

Will you be the best guide this city needs?


Lectura facilitada


Muchos edificios altos juntosUn puzle con la última pieza por colocar al lado del hueco.Your city is very complete.

Tu ciudad es muy completa.

Una persona sentada en una silla delante de una mesa con el brazo levantadoUna persona andando hacia una casa que hay a su  derechaYou have to know how to get everywhere.

Tienes que saber llegar a todos los lugares.

 Dos cabezas, una de ellas con la boca abierta de la que sale un bocadillo de conversación con palabras dentro. Debajo una persona andando hacia una casaYou have to know how to guide another person to get to a place.

Tienes que saber guiar a otra persona a llegar a un lugar.

Una persona señalando el reloj de enmedio entre otros dos.Una cabeza y encima a la derecha una suma de números y a la izquierda unas letras en un papelNow you are going to learn it.

Ahora lo vas a aprender.

Una persona señalando con el dedo índice hacia delanteUna cabeza de persona con un aro detrás de su cabezaTres personas. Dos de ellas andando hacia donde la tercera persona señala con el brazoYou will be a good guide.

Serás un buen guía.

Option A: Find the missing word

Option B: Listen and answer

Listen to the speakers and choose the place they want to reach.

Callejero donde aparecen diferentes edificios. Aparece un punto rojo que indica el lugar en el que nos encontramos

Speaker A gives direction to the .

Speaker B gives direction to the .

Speaker C gives direction to the  .

Speaker D gives direction to the  .

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Option C: Read and choose

Read and  choose the correct words.

Callejero donde aparecen diferentes edificios. Aparece un punto rojo que indica el lugar en el que nos encontramos

Text 1

  • Excuse me, where is the hospital?
  • Go the traffic lights , then turn on to Queen’s Avenue. Go on and take the on the left

Text 2

  • Can you tell me the to the Tourist Office?
  • Go on King’s road, the park is on your , the street, and the Tourist Office is in front of the Post Office .

Text 3

  • Excuse me, is the Police Station?
  • the traffic lights, then turn right on to Queen’s Avenue. Go straight on and the second , at the roundabout. The Police Station is next to the Town Hall.

Text 4

  • Can you tell me to the Theatre?
  • on, go past the Petrol Station, you are in Queen Avenue, the road, and the theatre is , in front of the shoe shop.

Text 5

  • , where is the Pet Shop?
  • Go straight on, go past the park, street on your left, you are in Castle Street. The pet Shop is the Post Office.

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Option D: Record your conversation

Now it is time to create your own monologue, record it!.

Look at the map and create your route!

Keep it up!

Did you realize how many things you had to do to complete the activity?

In doing this activity you had to put into play everything you know. Sometimes in order to learn we have to work constantly.

When we work hard, our work is appreciated by our teachers and family members.

But the most important thing is that we feel very happy for the work we have done.

I encourage you to keep working so that you can learn and keep improving.

Un senderista está sentado en el suelo, su compañero le está animando a continuar la marcha


To give confidence to someone.

Dar confianza a alguien.


To encourage students to learn English.

Animar a los estudiantes a aprender inglés.


To become better.

Llegar a ser mejor.


This course helps you to improve your English.

Este curso te ayuda a mejorar tu inglés.

3. Present simple

Retor dice...Now it’s time to review some grammar.

In particular, we are going to review the present simple 3rd person singular.

Let’s go for it!


Lectura facilitada


Now, you are going to review grammar.

Ahora vas a repasar gramática.

Grammar is the set of rules for using a language well.

La gramática es el conjunto de reglas para usar bien una lengua.

At this point you are going to study the present simple tense.

En este momento vas a estudiar el presente simple.

Present simple in the third person singular.

El presente simple en la tercera persona del singular.

The third person singular can be: he, she or it.

La tercera persona del singular puede ser: él, ella o ello.

Use and form

Present simple


You use the present simple tense to express routines or general truths.


3rd person singular (personal pronouns he, she it or singular form of nouns).

For most verbs you simply add “s” at the end of the verb. For example, play - plays; love - loves.

However, there are some exceptions to the rule.

First, for verbs ending in “s, z, ch, sh, x, o” you add “es”. For example, do - does.

Second, in verbs ending in consonant plus “y”, “y” becomes “i”, then you add “es”. For example, carry - carries.

3rd person singular

Infografía sobre la tercera persona del singular del presente simple

Imagen de una persona llevando cajas


To hold something in order to move it.

Sostener algo para cambiarlo de sitio.


I carried the shopping bags home.

Llevé las bolsas de la compra a casa.

Option A: Mark the verbs

Option B: Choose the correct options

Choose the suitable form of the verbs. Notice that there are spelling mistakes.

A professional footballer in a stadium.

A postman me when I have a letter in the post office.

A teacher different subjects at school.

A banker a bank.

A doctor sick or injured people in a hospital.

A librarian you find books in a library.

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Option C: Dictation

Option D: Read and classify the verbs

Read the sentences and classify the verbs according to the rules they follow.

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Opción D: Read and classify