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6. We all are inclusive

1. Final summary

Let’s see all the things we have achieved:

  • You can identify film genres.
  • You can talk about your favourite genres.
  • You created an inclusive poster about a film.
  • You can participate in a real cinema situation.
  • You know and respect the basic cinema rules.

Infografía resumen con todos los aspectos vistos durante el REA 4:  You can identify genres of films, You can talk about your favourite genres, You created an inclusive poster about a film, You can participate in a real cinema situation. and You know and respect the basic cinema rules.

2. Checking myself

RetorNow it’s time to check yourself. Do you know all these objectives?

Lectura facilitada


Picto lista. Now it’s time to check yourself.

Ahora es el momento de comprobar lo aprendido.

Do you know all these objectives?

¿Conoces todos los objetivos?

Accede a ficha.

You can print the worksheet and fill it out on paper.

3. New goals

RetorYou are able to create an inclusive poster. Now… can you create an inclusive poster for a party, a play for a theater or a concert?

Lectura facilitada


Cartel con información de una película. Aparece tres jóvenes en un restaurante o cafetería, el chico del fondo esta en la máquina del café realizando un café en silla de ruedas, en un primer plano aparecen otros dos chicos uno en silla de ruedas realizando el pedido y otro adolescente con Sindrome Down anotando el pedido. You are able to create an inclusive poster.

Tú eres capaz de crear un cartel inclusivo.

Can you create an inclusive poster for these events?
- A party.
- A play in a theater.
- A concert.

¿Puedes tú crear un cartel inclusivo para estos eventos?
- Una fiesta.
- Un teatro.
- Un concierto