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2. All about genres



La Imagen Muestra El Emparejamiento De Formas Geométricas Que Son Iguales.


When you connect things that are related in some way.

Cuando conectas cosas que están de alguna manera relacionadas.


I have some socks I have to match.

Tengo algunos calcetines que tengo que emparejar.

Spanish word:



1. How much do you know about genres?

Retor Speak with your friends about the following pictures. Try to answer the questions.

Lectura facilitada


Picto hablar. Speak with your friends about the following pictures.

Habla con tus amigos sobre las siguientes imágenes.

Picto responder. Answer the questions.

Responde las preguntas.

RetorHi children! Do you like pictures about cinema? Now, can you pair these emotions with the different film genres? Let’s try!

Lectura facilitada


Picto conocer. Hi children!

¡Hola chicos!

Match these emotions with their film genres.

Empareja estas emociones con los géneros cinematográficos.

MOTUS dice Don’t worry if you didn’t remember some genres, you will know all of them at the end of this resource!


Lectura facilitada


Variedad de dibujos que representan la diferente tipología de géneros que hay. Don't worry if you don't remember the genres.

Tú no te preocupes si no recuerdas los géneros.

You will learn it all by the end of this resource.

Los aprenderás todos al final de este recurso.

LUMEN dice Do you need help with the vocabulary?

2. Let’s refresh some genres

RetorI am sure you know some film genres. Let’s refresh some of them with these activities. Good luck!

Lectura facilitada


Variedad de dibujos que representan la diferente tipología de géneros que hay. You know some film genres.

Tú conoces algunos géneros cinematográficos.

Remember some with these activities.

Recuerda algunos con estas actividades.

Good luck.

Buena suerte.

Option A: Find the intruder

In these genres there is an intruder. Can you find it? First, circle the intruder. Then, write the genre.Accede a ficha.

You can print the worksheet and fill it out on paper.

Option B: My favourite genres

Look at these genres and write what you think of them.

You can use these expressions: I love, I like, I don't like or I hate. Ex: I love romantic films.

Use a sticker and paste it next to the genre.

Accede a ficha.

You can print the worksheet and fill it out on paper.

Option C: Word search

Option D: Guess the genre


1. There is a dark castle on the top of the mountain. Sometimes, you can hear horrible sounds.







2. A new girl arrives at the high school. She is really shy but she makes a friend in the library. Both of them love reading and the library is their special place.







3. All the detectives in the city are worried. A dark and strange shadow is terrifying all the city. Sometimes it moves under the floor, others it walks around the city destroying everything.


Science fiction





4. Ellie is a witch but nobody knows. One day, her main enemy at school discovers her powers. She is going to use some magic to resolve her problem.






3. Identify what I have to do

You already know what challenge we want you to achieve and the activity that will bring you closer to the goal. But to complete this you will need some strategies to help you with this and similar tasks. You can find them in a diary that we call Learning Diary.

We now suggest you open it and complete STEP 1 of the Learning Diary before starting the activity you just read about.

Diario de aprendizaje

Click here to download your Learning Diary.


  1. Ask your teacher if you have to complete the activity on paper or on the computer.
  2. If using the computer, don't forget to save your work when you're done!

Good luck, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Ya conoces qué reto te proponemos alcanzar y te acabamos de plantear una actividad que te acercará a la meta. Pero para tener éxito en tu camino, necesitarás algunas estrategias que te servirán para esta y otras tareas parecidas. Las irás descubriendo en un diario que llamamos Diario de aprendizaje.

En esta ocasión te proponemos que lo abras y completes el PASO 1 del Diario de aprendizaje antes de empezar la actividad que acabas de leer.

Haz clic aquí para descargar tu Diario de aprendizaje.


  1. Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si rellenarás la ficha en papel o en el ordenador.
  2. Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!