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6. Reaching the maximum audience



La imagen muestra tres personas mirando con atención una pizarra con unos gráficos y números.

To evaluate or estimate the quality of something. 

Valorar o determinar la calidad de algo.


The engineer has to assess the earthquake damages. 

La ingeniera tiene que valorar los daños del terremoto.

Spanish word:

Evaluar, valorar



La imagen muestra una pizarra con una barra mostrando la carga al 60% y una carpeta de la que sale una flecha apuntando hacia arriba.

To transfer files from a digital device to a website or online server. 

Transferir archivos de un dispositivo digital a una página web o a un servidor online.


It's risky to upload so many pictures on social media. 

Es arriesgado subir tantas fotos a las redes sociales.

Spanish word:

Subir, colgar


Retor dice.

Congratulations! You have become real sport podcast experts! I have had a lot of fun listening to your podcasts and I think that these podcasts are so good that they have to be available to a larger audience.  

What about asking your teacher to generate a QR code to share your recordings? If you want a larger audience, ask your teacher to upload the recordings to online podcast platforms.

But, reaching success has not been easy.  You have made great efforts to learn the making of podcasts. 

Have a look at this summary and think about all the things you have learned to do.


La imagen muestra una pizarra con una barra mostrando la carga al 60% y una carpeta de la que sale una flecha apuntando hacia arriba. Definition:

To transfer files from a digital device to a website or online server. 

Transferir archivos de un dispositivo digital a una página web o a un servidor online.


It's risky to upload so many pictures on social media. 

Es arriesgado subir tantas fotos a las redes sociales.

Spanish word:

Subir, colgar

1. What I have learned

Retor dice.

Your podcast is so good that it should be recognised by everyone.

Don’t you think it would be a good idea to listen to your classmate’s podcasts and assess them?

You will use this tool to assess your classmates’ podcasts.

You already know that assessment consists of appreciating achievements and marking out the difficulties so that they can be improved.

Listen carefully to the recordings. Download and fill in the rubric (ask your teacher if you will do it online or using the worksheet).

If you fill it in online, don’t forget to save the file when you finish.

La imagen muestra tres personas mirando con atención una pizarra con unos gráficos y números. Definition:

To evaluate or estimate the quality of something. 

Valorar o determinar la calidad de algo.


The engineer has to assess the earthquake damages. 

La ingeniera tiene que valorar los daños del terremoto.

Spanish word:

Evaluar, valorar

2. Spread the word

Group work rubric.
 Excellent GoodNeed improvementLow performance
Performance of the participantsThe students always accomplish the tasks related to their role. (4 points)The students sometimes accomplish the tasks related to their role. (3 points)The students rarely accomplish the tasks related to their role. (2 points)The students never accomplish the tasks related to their role. (1 point)
Parts of the podcastThe podcast is clearly divided into introduction, body and closing. (4 points)The podcast is not clearly divided into introduction, body and closing. (3 points)The parts of the podcast are often confusing and mixed up. (2 points)The podcast is not divided into parts. (1 point)
Speaking skillsThe students can perform their script fluently, clearly, without errors, with some mistakes. (4 points)The students can perform their script sufficiently with limited errors and mistakes. (3 points)The students can perform their script sufficiently with a number or errors and mistakes. (2 points)The students find difficulties to perform their script orally, with a high number of errors and mistakes. (1 point)
Description of sports and healthy habitsThe students can write a correct description on the topic, using a wide variety of vocabulary. (4 points)The students can write a description on the topic, using a reasonable variety of vocabulary. (3 points)The students can write a sufficient description on the topic, using a limited variety of vocabulary. (2 points)The students find difficulties to write a description on the topic, using a limited variety of vocabulary. (1 point)
Recording and editingThe students are able to use efficiently the digital resources to record and edit their podcasts. (4 points)The students are able to use sufficiently the digital resources to record and edit their podcasts. (3 points)The students find difficulties to use the digital resources to record and edit their podcasts. (2 points)The students are unable to use the digital resources to record and edit their podcasts. (1 point)
Planning and preparationThe students completely prepared and rehearsed their recording, applying the planning strategies. (4 points)The students adequately prepared and rehearsed their recording, applying the planning strategies. (3 points)The students sufficiently prepared and rehearsed their recording, using limited planning strategies. (2 points)The students had not prepared or rehearsed their recording, lacking planning strategies . (1 point)
  • Activity
  • Name
  • Date
  • Score
  • Notes
  • Restart
  • Print
  • Apply
  • New window

3. To conclude

To conclude, let's remember the strategy or "trick" that you have learned during this challenge.

We taught you this strategy or "trick" and you worked on it in the section Remembering and Evoking.

Go back to that section and review for a moment what it consisted of and how it helped you to achieve the challenge we proposed to you.

Now open the Learning Diary and complete the last page.

In this section you will keep valuable information about the strategy, in which activities you have applied it, whether it has been useful and what has been the most difficult for you.

Keep up the good work, you're doing great!


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it! 

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para concluir, vamos a recordar la estrategia o el “truco” que has aprendido durante este reto.

Esta estrategia o “truco” te lo enseñamos y lo trabajaste en el apartado Remembering and Evoking.

Vuelve a dicho apartado y repasa un momento en qué consistía y cómo te sirvió para llegar a conseguir el reto que te proponíamos.

Abre, ahora, el Diario de Aprendizaje y completa su última página. En este apartado guardarás información valiosa sobre la estrategia, en qué actividades las has aplicado, si ha sido útil y qué te ha resultado más difícil.

¡Sigue trabajando así! ¡Lo estás haciendo genial!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!