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5.1. I am reporter: from beginner to pro



La imagen muestra un diagrama con una flecha hacia arriba.

To make a thing of a superior quality.

Hacer que una cosa tenga una mayor calidad.


I want to improve my English.

Quiero mejorar mi inglés.

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra tres personas alegres con ropa deportiva y medallas con gesto de celebración.

Feeling happy about one's own achievements, situations or qualities or those of someone close.

Sentirse feliz por los logros, situaciones o cualidades o aquellos de una persona cercana.


I'm proud of your results. 

Estoy orgullosa de tus resultados.

Spanish word:

Orgulloso u orgullosa


Rétor dice.

Now, you will record your podcast.

Remember all you have to do to keep the audience with you.

I am sure you will do great!

1. I record my podcast

Read carefully the following instructions, they will be very helpful! Are you ready to go?

Lectura facilitada


Here, you will find some help.

Tú encontrarás una ayuda aquí.

You follow these tips.

Tú sigues estos consejos.

You are ready.

Tú estás preparado.

Before recording

Antes de la grabación.

1. You choose your role.

1. Tú eliges tu función.

Each team has different roles:

En cada grupo hay diferentes funciones:

- 2 participants in the interview. The presenter and the guest.

- 2 participantes en la entrevista. El presentador o presentadora y el invitado o invitada.

- A recording expert

- Un experto o experta en grabación.

- A moderator.

- Un moderador o moderadora.

The moderator controls time.

El moderador o moderadora controla el tiempo.

The team will decide the roles for the recording.

El equipo decidirá las funciones para la grabación.

You read the cards.

Leéis las tarjetas.

You make recording.

Hacéis la elección.

2. You prepare the recording equipment.

2. Preparación del material de grabación.

You need earphones and a phone.

Necesitáis unos auriculares y un teléfono móvil.

3. You go to a quiet place.

3. Buscáis un lugar en silencio.

4. You will practice your script a lot.

4. Practicaréis mucho el guión.

Confidence in the recording is important.

La seguridad en la grabación es importante.

Podcast recording

Grabación del podcast.

You record the podcast.

Grabáis el podcast.

The podcast can last 6 minutes.

El podcast puede durar 6 minutos.

You follow these tips.

Seguís estos consejos:

1. You show respect to the participants.

Sois respetuosos con los participantes.

It is important to:

Es importante:

- listen

- escuchar

- look

- mirar

- show interest

- mostrar interés

2. You speak natural.

2. Habláis con naturalidad.

It is important to:

Es importante:

- avoid repetitions

- evitar repeticiones

- respect talking turns

- respetar los turnos de palabra

3. Very important:

3. Muy importante:

- pauses

- hacer pausas

- good pronunciation

- buena pronunciación

- correct intonation

- entonación adecuada

You follow these tips.

Seguís estos consejos.

Your podcast will be amazing.

Vuestro podcast será increíble.

After recording.

Después de la grabación.

1. You listen to the recording.

1. Escucháis la grabación.

2. You revise mistakes.

2. Revisáis los errores.

You can improve things.

Podéis mejorar cosas.

3. You can repeat the recording.

Podéis repetir la grabación.

Sometimes, this is necessary.

A veces, esto es necesario.

You will be proud of your podcast.

Estaréis orgullosos de vuestro podcast.

Apoyo visual

La imagen muestra el resumen de cómo crear un podcast

Motus dice Did you get excited with the recording?

A classroom activity can make you feel many different ways: confused, relieved, insecure, tense, happy, proud, angry, etc.

The way you respond to an activity can tell a lot about yourself.

If you feel confused or insecure, it is because it is a new activity that you don't know how to deal with.

If you feel happy, joyful or proud, it is probably because you know you will be able to do it very well.

If you feel angry or tense, it is because the activity is very difficult or very important.

Knowing the emotions you feel when you are going to do an activity will help you: 

  • Ask for help.
  • Relax before you make the recording. 
  • Think about how you will be able to make it. Listen to your emotions!

Rétor dice.

It is time now to edit your podcast.

Come on! You are almost done!

2. I edit my podcast

In groups, follow the next steps:  

  • Edit the recordings you have recorded with your mobile phone in the activity “I Record my Podcast”. 
  • Record again the parts you haven’t pronounced properly.
  • Add some music at the beginning and at the end to your podcast.
  • Omit the noise from your podcast.

When you finish editing, save your recording. Then, export it as an MP3 file.

Apoyo visual

La imagen muestra cómo utilizar correctamente la aplicación Audacity

Lumen dice Do you need help with your podcast edition?

If you need it, have a look at the guide: 

Lumen dice ...

Si tienes problemas, mira la guía.

La imagen muestra una guía del programa Audacity en inglés

Rétor dice.

It is time now to store and save your podcast.

Come on! You are almost done!

3. I store and share my podcast

Once you finish, it is the time to share with your teacher.

There are different ways to send your podcast to your teacher. 

If your teacher has created an assignment in Moodle, you only have to add your file in this section.

If you have any online storage collaborative tool, go to this link to know how to do it.