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4.1.2. The body: searching for information

Rétor dice.

To feel calm and confident during your program broadcasting, you need to know what you are going to say.

Research on information will help you find the ideas that you want to transmit in your podcast.

This will make you feel confident, so pay attention to the contents in this second section: searching for information.

Lectura facilitada


You want to be calm.

Tú quieres estar tranquilo y tranquila.

You want to be confident in your podcast.

Tú quieres estar seguro y segura en tu grabación.

You will find the information.

Tú seleccionarás la información.

Doing some research will help you.

La búsqueda de información es una ayuda.

You can find the ideas for your podcast.

Tú podrás encontrar las ideas.

Then, you will feel confident.

Entonces, tú estarás seguro.

Pay attention to the contents.

Presta atención a los contenidos.

This is the second section.

Esta es la segunda sección.

This is the body of the podcast.

Este es el cuerpo del podcast.

1. How do you develop the podcast?

The contents of your podcast are in this section. The contents will depend on the topic of your podcast and the format you choose. 

If you have so much content, divide the body into sections: interviews, personal experiences, fun facts, advice, real stories, narration, … You can introduce some music between sections. This will let your audience know that the following topic is coming. The audience should not get lost in your podcast!

Pay attention to the example:

Apoyo visual

La imagen muestra las partes del body del pódcast

Audio transcription

Presenter: What can you tell us about grass hockey?
Guest: Grass hockey is a team sport of the hockey family. Each team has ten players and a goalkeeper. You have to push the ball with a stick and get the ball into the goal. It’s really fun and it is an Olympic Sport!

Presenter: Such a beautiful sport! How many modalities are there?
Guest: Well. There are many. You can play indoor hockey, grass hockey, ice hockey and also roller hockey with roller skates!

Presenter: What are hockey rules?
Guest: The main rule to win is to score more goals than the other team. You usually play during three periods of twenty minutes. Oh, and very important. In hockey you must not hit the ball, only push it, unless you are near the goal.

Presenter: Oh, wow! That’s interesting! What’s the equipment?
Guest: The hockey stick and the ball are the most important equipment. Also, you can use equipment like helmet, gloves, shoes, shin guards and goggles to protect your eyes.

Presenter: How important! What are your healthy habits?
Guest: Hockey needs speed and good reflexes. I usually eat very healthy, train and read a lot.

Lectura facilitada

Read Hockey:

Presenter: Today we speak about grass hockey.

Presentador: Hoy nosotros hablamos de hockey hierba.

Hockey is a really fun team sport.

El hockey es un deporte de equipo muy divertido.

Guest: Yes. Grass hockey is a type of hockey.

Invitada: Sí. El hockey hierba es un tipo de hockey.

Each team has 10 players and a goalkeeper.

Cada equipo tiene 10 jugadores y un portero.

You push the ball with a stick.

Tú empujas la pelota con un palo plano.

You get the ball into the goal.

Tú metes la bola en la portería.

It is really fun!

¡El hockey es muy divertido!

Hockey is an Olympic sport.

Además, el hockey es un deporte olímpico.

Presenter: Hockey is a beautiful sport.

Presentador: El hockey es un deporte bonito.

How many modalities are there?

¿Cuántos tipos de hockey hay?

Guest: There are many types of hockey.

Invitada: Hay muchos tipos de hockey.

You can play:

Tú puedes jugar a:

- grass hockey

- hockey hierba

- indoor hockey

- en pista cubierta

- ice hockey

- hockey sobre hielo

- roller hockey

- hockey con patines

Presenter: What are the rules of hockey?

Presentador: ¿Qué reglas tiene el hockey?

Guest: The team with more goals wins.

Invitada: El equipo con más goles gana.

There are 3 periods of 20 minutes.

Hay 3 tiempos de 20 minutos.

Very important!

¡Muy importante!

You never hit the ball.

Tú nunca golpeas la bola.

Tú push the ball with the stick.

Tú empujas la bola con el stick.

Presenter: This is interesting.

Presentador: Eso es interesante

What is the equipment?

¿Qué material utiliza un jugador de hockey?

Guest: The equipment are:

Invitada: El material es:

- hockey stick

- palo de hockey

- ball or disk

- bola o disco

- helmet

- casco

- shoes

- calzado

- shin guards

- espinilleras

- goggles

- gafas protectoras

Presenter: What are your healthy habits?

Presentador: ¿Cuáles son tus hábitos saludables?

Guest: Hockey needs: speed good reflexes

Invitada: El hockey necesita: velocidad buenos reflejos

My healthy habits are:

Mis hábitos saludables son:

- eat healthy

- comer saludable

- training

- entrenamiento

- reading

- leer mucho

2. What's in a podcast

You are going to work in groups of four.

You have to read the body of the podcast about hockey.

Then you have to answer if the statements are true or false. 

 In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

In the body of this podcast…

Once you have done the question set, in groups you will think about the sections of the body of this podcast. 

Write those sections in your notebook.  

Good job! You are ready to go to the next step.

Lumen dice Any problem finding the different sections?

I can help you.

To identify the sections of the body of the podcast, look for the keyword in every question. 

For example: What’s the equipment? “Equipment” is the keyword in this question. It will give you the clue for the topic of this section. 

Lumen dice ...

¿Tienes dificultades para identificar las secciones? 

Yo puedo ayudarte. El truco para encontrar qué temas se tratan en el cuerpo del podcast es fijarte en las palabras clave de cada pregunta de la entrevista. 

Por ejemplo: What’s the equipment? Equipment es la palabra clave que nos dará información de qué se va a hablar. 

Rétor dice

What’s next?

Once you have learnt about the sections in a podcast’s body, you must plan your script. 

First, you will do some research on the sport. 

After that, you will write the information you  have found.

Besides, podcasts have different formats: interviews and informative programs.

You need to learn about Wh-questions to ask questions in your podcast.

Lectura facilitada


You know the body sections of a podcast.

Tú sabes las secciones del cuerpo de un podcast.

A podcast can include interviews. 

Un podcast puede incluir entrevistas.

You will learn WH-questions.

Tú aprenderás las WH-questions.

Interviews need WH-questions.

Las entrevistas necesitan WH-questions.

Now, you plan your script:

Ahora, tú planificas tu guión:

1. You do some research on the sport.

1. Tú investigas sobre un deporte.

2. You write the found information.

2. Tú escribes la información encontrada.

You will do an interview. You make questions. You give answers.

3. Tú harás una entrevista. Tú formulas preguntas y respuestas.

3. Where and how to research online

In order to find the information you need to know:

Where can you do your research?

  • Use a search engine 
  • Online encyclopedia like
  • Online dictionaries like

How can you do your research?

  • Be specific, avoid general terms
  • Check several sites in order to confirm the information
  • Don´t copy all the information you find, select the relevant information.

This link will help you do some research on the Internet. Good luck!

4. Some sports research

In pairs, you will have to research a sport on the Internet. 

You will choose a QR code and discover the sport to do your research. 

You must find information to be able to talk about: 

  • a description of a sport
  • the equipment of a sport

Write  that infomation in your notebook

Qr Code 1

Qr Code 2

Qr Code 3

Qr Code 4

Qr Code 5

5. Remembering and evoking

To reach a goal, you need to be strategic. That is to say, to have methods, techniques, "tricks" to get where you want to be sooner or more easily.

Now I'm going to teach you a strategy, take advantage of it to reach your goal!

You will need to remember some clues, similar to the Question activity so you can create interviews in your podcast.

In the Learning guide to learn you will find all the steps to remember.

I am sure you'll do great!

Recuerdo y evocación

Para llegar a una meta, es conveniente que seas un buen o buena estratega.

Es decir, tener métodos, técnicas y “trucos” para llegar antes o de forma más fácil donde tú quieres.

Ahora te voy a enseñar una estrategia, ¡Aprovéchala para alcanzar tu reto!

Necesitarás recordar algunas claves como las que encontrarás en la tarea sobre Questions para que puedas realizar las entrevistas de tu podcast.

En este enlace encontrarás todos los pasos para recordar. 

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

6. Some practise on Wh-Questions

Choose the option that suits you the best.

La imagen muestra la descripción de las Wh-words

Option A: Find me!

Option B: Guess what!

Choose the correct answer:

Su navegador no es compatible con esta herramienta.

Option C: I'll tell you something

In your sheet, write the answers to the wh-questions using the information in the sentences.

Apply WH questions

Download the Apply Wh-questions