Pregunta Verdadero-Falso
Answer the statement with True or False.
That's right! The rib cage protects the heart and the lungs.
That is false! The scapula is also called the shoulder blade.
That's also false! The foot consists of 2 groups of bones.
That's also false! The mandible is the strongest bone in your face, but not in your body! The longest, strongest and heaviest bone in your body is the femur (your thigh bone!).
This is true! The rib cage is a very delicate bone, and can be broken by accident, sport, or even by sneezing!
English to Spanish translations
Cranium - cráneo
Mandible - mandíbula
Scapula - escápula
Ribcage - caja torácica
Humerus - húmero
Radius - radio
Ulna - cúbito
Carpal - carpiano
Metacarpal - metacarpo
Phalange - falange
Femur - fémur
Patella - rótula
Fibular - peroneo
Tibia - tibia
Tarsal - tarso
Metatarsal - metatarso
Actividad desplegable
Read and complete
Actividad desplegable
Read and complete
- It protects the brain from bumps and knocks.
- Q3Jhbml1bQ==
- A triangular-shaped bone that is also called the shoulder blade.
- U2NhcHVsYQ==
- The longest, heaviest and strongest bone of the body.
- RmVtdXI=
- Another name for the shin bone.
- VGliaWE=
- This bone protects the heart and lungs: rib ____.
- Q2FnZQ==
- The name of the bone system in our body.
- U2tlbGV0YWw=
- The part of the hand where there are three groups of bones.
- UGFsbQ==
- The longest and strongest bone of your face, in the lower part of your skull.
- TWFuZGlibGU=
- Where the humerus, radius and ulna bones are found.
- QXJt
- Also called the kneecap, a thick, circular-triangular shaped bone.
- UGF0ZWxsYQ==
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