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English - Spanish Vocabulary

Signify: Significar

Announce: Anunciar

Surrender: Rendirse

Crowd: Multitud (de gente)

Street party: Fiesta callejera

Relief: Alivio

Hardship: Dificultad

Commemorate: Conmemorar

Bank Holiday: Puente

Fight: Luchar

Hope: Esperanza 

VE Day Celebrations


True or False?

Read the statements and decide whether they are true or false.

Pregunta 1

VE Day is celebrated on the 10th of March.

Pregunta 2

The surrender of Germany was announced by the British Prime Minister.

Pregunta 3

VE Day was celebrated and met with relief by citizens in the UK

Pregunta 4

VE Day was only a happy day to celebrate. No-one felt sad.

Pregunta 5

The end of the war meant that things went back to normal straight away, with an end to rationing.

Pregunta 6

A national two minute silence is one way in which people in the UK remember the sacrifice of WW2 and show their respect.